HELPP!! Deficiency Identification Problems!!!


Are those bags the plants are in? Will they drain? Flush the soil with ph adjusted water (6.3-6.8 for soil). Typically its 2gal of ph adjusted water per gal of medium. Check ph then feed with a balanced nutrient formula (also ph adjusted). B vitamins and silica will help with the stress..

be ez

Well-Known Member
Are those bags the plants are in? Will they drain? Flush the soil with ph adjusted water (6.3-6.8 for soil). Typically its 2gal of ph adjusted water per gal of medium. Check ph then feed with a balanced nutrient formula (also ph adjusted). B vitamins and silica will help with the stress..
No, theyre in 7gallon grow bags right now... they came with a few drainage holes but I added more just in case.

I also got a pH test kit and Ill post up the results tomorrow
Apparently I can test NPK levels too which should be interesting


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in soil garden lime the soil every time and you wont have to worry about PH problems. Use azomite in the soil and you will never have to worry about mineral problems of any kind.With those two elements gone from the problem if any other problems ever happen they are allot easier to figure out what it is and how to fix it allot lime cost around 5 bucks for a 40 lb bag.The azomite cost around 50 bucks for a 50 lb bag.A bag of azomite will last you years and years.a small hand full of azomite in the dirt like a couple of teaspoons and a couple of coffee cups in 4 large bags of dirt mixed in and you will be golden from now on as far as minerals and PH are concerned.I recommend sub cools super soil.Most plants run perfect in it.You will find this info in organics of this site.good luck

be ez

Well-Known Member
fuck well it looks like my pH is around 7 - 7.5

The few of my plants that were hit bad look like shit and I think they might be dying out. Lots of hairs on the top cola are going brown compared with all white hairs on the other plants....

this has been a shitty year looks like Ill have to take the hit and do better next year


If you flush like I mentioned above, then you should be able to salvage a few. Unfortunately the damage thats done is done; part of the learning process. BTW, dont believe everything you read on this thread. Azomite is good and so is lime, but moderation is key. I use 2 cups of azomite and one cup of lime in 140 liters of medium.. food for thought


I use the lime because Im adding a lot of ingredients that lower the ph of my medium (also for a cal/mag supplement). The lime helps bring ph levels back up to the "slightly acidic" ph range of 6.3-6.8 (stored in tubs with lids for atleast a 4-6wk period). BTW I am using an improvised version of subcools super soil recipe..


Member might try changing over to felt pots your next go 'round too. Based on the pics it seems like a very humid/rainy environment. the fact that those bags dont drain well, paired with the moist environment, you may have moisture related problems adding to the other issues

be ez

Well-Known Member
Just some updates... some of the plant improved

This last one used to be totally green but I think I may have burned her a bit, what do you guys think?

be ez

Well-Known Member
A lot of praying and a little 20-20-20 formula, I think they just had crazy deficientcys for some reason... maybe I flopped of my nutrients mix calculations at the start of the season. However I think the ones in the back had sufficient nutrients and the mix may have burnt them