HELPP!! Deficiency Identification Problems!!!

be ez

Well-Known Member
I need help identifying some issues with my plants. I brought my camera and meant to take pics of the plants but the batteries died so I brought some leaves home that made up the most common issues. Here they are, please if you know your stuff gimmie some advice!!!


I figure I have a Nitrogen def, Zinc def and probably a Phosphorus def as well. I'm pretty crappy with the camera so I took a bunch... PLEASE give me input!


Well-Known Member
Follow this and you can discover everything for yourself in the future.

From what I can tell is: Nitrogen Def. Late stage, Zinc Def late stage, Phosphorus Def late stage, and pottasium late stage. probably want to go ahead and throw in all the others as well as it is kind of hard to tell since there is so much damage from the rest. How does the rest of the plant look?

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Well-Known Member
I'm thinking your soil ph is to low and you have lockout problems, could be wrong. Have you checked it ?
Some of this at this time of year is common and not a big deal.

be ez

Well-Known Member
Follow this and you can discover everything for yourself in the future.

From what I can tell is: Nitrogen Def. Late stage, Zinc Def late stage, Phosphorus Def late stage, and pottasium late stage. probably want to go ahead and throw in all the others as well as it is kind of hard to tell since there is so much damage from the rest. How does the rest of the plant look?

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yea thats what I thought too, I've referenced that chart in the past but just wanted to be sure before I fed them more.

how old is the plant and are you using a balanced fertilizer?
Well all of these suckers were clones but they've been out since mid-early june

I assume the leaves are all from diff plants? wht part of the plant (bottom)?
Yes and no, some of the plants had only 2 or 3 leaves like these while other were almost completely stricken. I can't remember now but they varied whereabouts off the plant they came from. I've got more pics I just took.

I'm thinking your soil ph is to low and you have lockout problems, could be wrong. Have you checked it ?
Some of this at this time of year is common and not a big deal.
When potting I mixed a fair amount of lime into each pot and again later on gave a fairly light top dressing. And lockout is something I thought about as well because I'm certain I didn't under fertilize.

Checkout these new pics just taken


Sorry again about the pictures, it was dusk and I still haven't figured out the settings. The first few pics are overall shots; you can see the shitty plants to the left, the decent ones to the right and the big guys at the back in the middle. The rest are closer up shots of different plants.


When potting I mixed a fair amount of lime into each pot and again later on gave a fairly light top dressing. And lockout is something I thought about as well because I'm certain I didn't under fertilize.
gardening lime takes time to work its magic (3-4wks). Wht are you using for soil? why did u feel the need to add lime?

be ez

Well-Known Member
I'm using premier promix and i dunno really
I knew this soil was primarily peat based so I figured that a little more for good measure wouldn't hurt
I'm not a soil person but with all that going on my guess would be a ph issue that is locking out the nutes. I'm sur they have soil ph testers. I would check into that first.


Im not familiar with that soil but most types will only feed up to 3 weeks in veg. Unless you've added other ingredients like blood meal, bat guano, etc. then lime was not necessary (unless u wanted to add a little cal/mag but only in small amounts). If thats all you've given them then they are surely deficient and require a balanced feeding. ph needs to be tested with a soil ph meter (not the most accurate but it should give you an idea) before hand so you know how to make your adjustments. good luck i hope this helps


enzymes and beneficial bacteria can help break down the food to an ''edible'' form for the plants; adding humic acids and fulvic acids really help the plants too