

Well-Known Member
Hey G. I've had nothing to say on this until now, but you are in a tough spot. You need to make the call on this based on the feelings in your heart. It sucks on one level that your guy is making you choose, but it might not be the worst thing either. One way or another, you gotta choose.

So make the call with all the love in your heart that you can muster - and then be at peace with it. You did not cause this. Do not tear yourself up about it. Either way you go, it is a powerful message that I hope gets across. And it need not be permanent.

Good luck with it. We are here for you.


Well-Known Member
My parents have always told me (and still do): "we will be as helpful and supportive of you as we possibly can on any endeavor that MOVES YOU FORWARD IN LIFE". If I was involved in activities that HINDERED my life or caused me to take steps backwards I'd be out on the streets like THAT.

This is my parenting style