Help with preflowere


Well-Known Member
I know you guys get this question a lot. Are these male pre-flowers? The females are easy to tell with the two white hairs and all. I am hoping it is still just to early to tell. The biggest thing is that i want this to be a female so bad.



Well-Known Member
Do not do anything rash, wait a few more days to be sure. But in my limited experience it looks like a male.


Well-Known Member
both males sorry bro. my males seem to be soooooooo much better looking than the girls. i hate it. you have this awsome plant and then BAM you realize you wasted time and money growing nuts..........i am only buying femenized from now on. i bought regular because i didnt want to spend more loot. now i regret it hard core because i wasted way more money on lights growing fucking males.


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are right. three of five are defiantly females, hermie is very possible. i had fungus gnats early on and the burnt the hell out of them with the lights.

Thanks for the replies. I am going to give them a couple more days to be sure.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 fem white widows goin right now and they are both herms. lucky i got g13 haze and hilamyan gold that are female