Help with making seeds


Active Member
Hey guys. So over the summer i had 2 outdoor plants, one of them was at some train tracks near my house, it went through the roughest time, it literally looked dead and was completely eaten so i just left it there over summer to see if it would turn out to anything. My other plant turned out to be a male, and it has a lot of pollen seeds. So just now i was walking outside at night, and i decided to go check the dead/eaten plant. It turned out to be a foot tall female plant with a little little tiny bud at the top. I was wondering, since i wont get anything from that small female plant, can i make seeds with the male and female? if so how?


Active Member
The only thing you should have to do is get the pollen from the male on the female the plant will do the rest.


Well-Known Member
Collect the pollen from the male by gently shaking the pollen sacks above a bag of your choice then take the bag that has the pollen and empty it over your female plant


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So over the summer i had 2 outdoor plants, one of them was at some train tracks near my house, it went through the roughest time, it literally looked dead and was completely eaten so i just left it there over summer to see if it would turn out to anything. My other plant turned out to be a male, and it has a lot of pollen seeds. So just now i was walking outside at night, and i decided to go check the dead/eaten plant. It turned out to be a foot tall female plant with a little little tiny bud at the top. I was wondering, since i wont get anything from that small female plant, can i make seeds with the male and female? if so how?
Let them date a bit. Nature will run its course. Take some balls from the male over to her and pop them open over her. More scientifically open them over parchment paper and use a small artists paint brush dabbed in it to then dab on her flower. Erotic, isn't it?


Active Member
Let them date a bit. Nature will run its course. Take some balls from the male over to her and pop them open over her. More scientifically open them over parchment paper and use a small artists paint brush dabbed in it to then dab on her flower. Erotic, isn't it?

Lol date first. I remember my first day of plant biology my teacher said plants have sex and I sat there like no they don't you're nuts. It all makes sense now lol


Active Member
So its as simple as getting the pollen, opening the pollen sacks, and dabbing the pollen with a little paint brush onto the female plant?


Well-Known Member
Yup..that way you can say pollenate 2 buds and the rest of the buds stay virgin. Unless you want 100s thdn do the whole plant.


Active Member
Why is it that in this video the guy removes to pollen so easily, but from mine literally nothing comes out? do i need to put it into water or do some certain process?


Well-Known Member
Must not be ready..water kills pollen if sprayed on it. Are the males balls open?


Active Member
no their not open yet, and their quite small. How long does it take for a plant to produce seeds after it has gotten some pollen?