Help needed !!!!!asap


Active Member
Hi all,

Week 5 into 12/12 lighting and I've just checked my babies (I did'nt check yesterday) but all was ok the day before (all the same) I've just gone to my grow and found what I think is a MALE!!! check pic and tell me if it as I need to move it fast if it is!!

Thanks for your help:confused:



Well-Known Member
is that your only plant, i hope there were no females in that room iv never seen a male so big in my life how did you let it get that big?


Well-Known Member
Shit I'd have killed it when the ball's were the size of seeds........Don't want pollen all over your growroom...Just walking by will put that shit into the air.


Well-Known Member
gently put a plastic bag over it and seal it then move it out of your grow room, you don't want any of the pollen sacks to burst!


Active Member
You're a little late for stopping the pollin I'm afraid. Most strains start releasing about 3 weeks into bloom. By the time they look like yours there's plenty of pollin around. Get it out of there now to keep seed production to whatever it is at now. I don't know if you've ever seen a well pollinated female but there is virtually no bud left at all - it's almost all seeds. Anyway, hopefully that hasn't happened here and you'll end up with a decent amount of bud and seeds. Good luck.


Active Member
is that your only plant, i hope there were no females in that room iv never seen a male so big in my life how did you let it get that big?
I Had four in grow room (now only 3 as the one in pic is no more!) and as stated all 4 plants showed female two days ago when I changed my neut tank. This is my second grow and last time one went male on me around same time in grow but it showed diffrently to this time (the balls was hanging down like small bananas). Same strain HK/skunk1 from seed in bubblers under 400w dual spec

Moral of this story is to check your grow every day

Thanks for all your comments and speedy responces:joint:



Active Member
all 4 plants showed female two days ago ...
Don't want to rain on your parade but it doesn't work like that. I guarantee you it was male 2 days ago, and has been since sex was determined, oh, say, about 3 weeks into veg roughly. That plant is a well developed male ... If you actually believe that it could be female 2 days ago then turn male and look like that in 2 days I kindly suggest you take some time and learn a little more about recognizing males and females, how and when sex is determined genetically and how a hermaphrodite develops. Just trying to help, really - I'd hate to see you continue with this misconception.


Active Member
I've took the bad lad out using precautions and give the lad a good check and could'nt see any of the sacks /balls open......So fingers crossed, Having gone through this in my last grow I'm still optimistic for the three remaining girls

My last grow I took 5.5oz off each plant (dry and curered weight)


Active Member
My last grow I took 5.5oz off each plant (dry and curered weight)
I'm curious how you managed to pull this off on your first grow? Please fill me in on the technique you used to get such an outstanding amount of bud off of each plant. I think the community would love to hear it. :-)


Active Member
Still waiting to hear ... you don't want to hurt your reputation now do you? I'm not doubting you, oh no, I would never do that, not me, I'm just curious. Obviously you have an exceptional technique that I, and others, could learn from. 5.5 ounces on your first grow ... wow man, that's amazing, I believe you may be one of a kind. Please help us all at RIU to understand how you did this? Maybe I should just let it go because it seems you want to keep it a secret, but, you know, that's just not in the community spirit - so, c'mon, share it with us. I'm waaaaiting ...


Well-Known Member
Still waiting to hear ... you don't want to hurt your reputation now do you? I'm not doubting you, oh no, I would never do that, not me, I'm just curious. Obviously you have an exceptional technique that I, and others, could learn from. 5.5 ounces on your first grow ... wow man, that's amazing, I believe you may be one of a kind. Please help us all at RIU to understand how you did this? Maybe I should just let it go because it seems you want to keep it a secret, but, you know, that's just not in the community spirit - so, c'mon, share it with us. I'm waaaaiting ...
u fucking faggot leave the man alone you faggot your all so tough behind a keyboard i bet you walk around the streets with your head down


Active Member
]community spirit when your bullying other members:roll: what a jocky u r
Bullying? Give me a fucking break! He said he got 5.5 ounces from each plant on his first grow. I want to know how he did it. You can't just lay something like that out there and expect no one to respond to it. As for you, take a hike. You're not needed or wanted - anywhere by anyone at any time.

Psych 101
Calling someone a faggot implies that you're not sure about your own sexual orientation.
Talking about toughness implies that you are one, terrified little weasel.

Thanks for the comments. Now we all know what an ass you are.