Help First Time with CFL

Update of plant...



Add Chrome reflective sheet to side light to get most of light


Helped side lighting by 40% more brighter

They got their color back! I think that the curling of the leafs is pH related, you can always flush her and see where it takes you. Other than that good f' job dude.
They got their color back! I think that the curling of the leafs is pH related, you can always flush her and see where it takes you. Other than that good f' job dude.

Yes the color is back but still alot of young leaves are yellowing am gong to flush it tonight and then feed it a low dose of Epson Salt it looks like pH problem and Magnesium too...waht is pH of my solution be at 6-7 right or 6.5
you could have grew her a lot bigger which will produce you more with the space you have.. Next time u should grow as big as ur space can get, bend each branch or tie them down, that will make room for light to get down to the bottom branches an use up all that unused space .. also you should proubly leave the door open while lights are on an leave a window open will cool down ur room a lot u want to grow no higher than 80 F personally i never go above 78 that way ull get the full color from your plant. your plants leaves look droppy, a sign of over watering. keep her on 12/12
4-5 node minimum before topping IMO (but wait for someone to second that)...but yea, bulbs horizontal, and 1-2 inches away, also...what's your light schedule, If they have lights out time, that is if you are not running 24-0 lights, then you need to be sure that it is completly dark (no light leaks) at night! I prefer an 18-6 light cycle fore veg....that's 18 on and 6 off, and for the 6 off, it needs to be 100% DARK! good luck man, and peace!
okey i have been reading on Sativa strained and it stays they have 13 hrs light and 11 Darkness in Vege. and Flowering 11Hrs Lights on and 13Hrs off.... anyone know if i should do this or just leave it 12/12????

I think they are trying to quantify this by taking into account that: the General rule of thumb is that most sativas take a while to finish and can average 10+ weeks and so growing later in the year naturally, it will get lower light later in the year.

Go north of the Equator 25 degrees and some may take 100 days and finish in late Oct/ early Nov and you are finishing with around 10 hours in some cases.

But this is all for "pure" Sativa's and rarely do I find hybrized Sativa's that take that long to finish. Most "strains" I have seen of Ak are hybridized, it isn't a pure sativa to begin with.
My experience with Ak47 is that it actually can finish fairly early sometimes Before 9 weeks. But it is an old school classic and is heavy yielder when done right and to me is the original "one hit quit" from back in the day.

Have you been vegging at 13 on/ 11 off? I like to fuck around with flowering cycles and most strains [all over the board] seem to start switching between 14-15 on /10-9 off. Stick with what works for flowrering @[12/12] then fuck around later.

The only way you will know if one way is better is to do multiple grows with multiples of the same cut under different hours, and even then what will it be worth? a few g's more per cycle?

I actually go 13/11 for the 1st 4 weeks, then 2-3 weeks at 12/12 and then however long to finish at 11 on / 13 off. Just what I found to work for me.

Love me some Ak that's for sure, Ak and cheese, Top 2 in my book. HTH the grow.
you could have grew her a lot bigger which will produce you more with the space you have.. Next time u should grow as big as ur space can get, bend each branch or tie them down, that will make room for light to get down to the bottom branches an use up all that unused space .. also you should proubly leave the door open while lights are on an leave a window open will cool down ur room a lot u want to grow no higher than 80 F personally i never go above 78 that way ull get the full color from your plant. your plants leaves look droppy, a sign of over watering. keep her on 12/12

i dont have temp problem do i ? ... i know that the temp was high but my Temp Sensor(which was pointing right at the lights) now its against the wall and reads 78-80F with now i just added 6 more lights so its at 368watts... now... but i cant leave door for the growroom (my bed room would be super bright my bed is 10 feet away) but i do have it cracked to about 1.5", its u can feel the heat blowing out hard soo am good i know i have pH problem for sure..i have to get a pH meter. I ill asked again what does the pH have to be of mixed solution before the plant gets it ... i hear 6.3-6.5 and runoff should be 6-7?

your temp is not a problem u could keep at that if u like but if u were to drop it a little it would give ur plants the color they deserve. an ur pH sounds about right. u could put some ice in ur little grow spot n it would drop the temp a little. n dont have the temp sensor on the lights have it near the top cola otherwise ur just gettin the temp of the light not the room
I added another fan in there and now the temp with 12x26watts=312watts and temps is now 80F-81F i hear that u can grow weed up to 90F and no more then that... think about it outside in the summers its 90+ so all this 75-80F is PERFECT CONDITIONS. leaves are curling down and yound leaves are yellowing.... still can figure out if thats nute def or pH imbalance.
im not sayin u cant grow in that temperature. ive done a 216 plants in the backyard(not the smartest. Do not try this at home), last year n it was gettin way over 90's mostly around the 100's. What i am saying is u can get the true color of ur plants under atleast 79 F, if u have a purple strain it wont get any color cuz of your temp. how many plants u running again?
im not sayin u cant grow in that temperature. ive done a 216 plants in the backyard(not the smartest. Do not try this at home), last year n it was gettin way over 90's mostly around the 100's. What i am saying is u can get the true color of ur plants under atleast 79 F, if u have a purple strain it wont get any color cuz of your temp. how many plants u running again?

one plant at the moment
Plant is doing great just have a question its been 7-8 years since my last grow and cant remember ... i have shit loads of hair when does it start to sugar i dont see any???
I think am having Mg and Sulfur from all my young leaves only are yellowing. My older leaves are mixture of light green and dark green (they are not yellowing)

Okey i went and bought 10 Liters(2.10Gallons) of Evian Water (Calcium 80mg/L, Mag. 26, Potassium 1mg/L, Silica 15mg/L, Bicarbonates 360mg/L, Sulfates 12.6mg/L, Chlorides 6.8mg/L, and pH 7.2/ 309PPM mg/L) ..... and Brer Rabbit Unsulfared Molasses...... My tap water is to high in pH at 8 and its also hardwater. I read all over that feed molasses 1 TBS/Gallon everyfeeding and some say everyother feeding, so hope u guys can answer my question. I made me a gallon and see if it helps my plant ill feed it only that with no nutes and see how it does within a week to week and a half.

And also does anyone flush their soil using Epson Salt? .. i heard it dissolves salt build up.

Please let me know if anyone has any better ideas.