Help First Time with CFL

Yea there are. They're usually plastic, and come on a keyring. I think walmart carries them, or a dollar store.

But hey, its your grow. Do what you feel is right. don't just take my word for it lol.
u fuckers jk lol are making me insane i think am going to go back to hydro it more headache but i know that shit lol .... soil grows to slow for me and this is me first and last soil grow. ill just feed as the plants needs it.
XD thats all soil growing is....Maintaining constant light schedules, and watering the plant when needed. ( once the top inch of dirt is dry, then water )

It's really easy, and i think your making it more complicated than it needs to be lol.

CFL's just dont produce enough buds lol. They work best for micro grows, PC grows, or 1 single solitary plant.

( I didnt know that fun fact when i planted 7 plants, and kinda just winged it into CFL growing. )

When you're using confined space with CFL's, from what i've read and seen here it works out really well. i've seen 1 guy pull a dried ounce from 1 plant in a PC grow with CFL's.
I think personally, im going to invest in 2 of those LED UFO's. They grow plants like wild fire burns mountains lol. Because CFL growing seems to me like more of the " high school kid hiding his grow from mom and dad " type of deal,
yuh dig?

Just use nutes sparingly like i said, and you're grow should turn out just fine!, I know mine will, and im hardly using anything at all. Except Light, Water, Coffee, Egg shells, and Urine. ( Yes...Urine.. It's loadeddddddd with nutrients plants love, and especially high in nitrogen. Which as we all now, promotes total plant growth :D )
fixed all issue ,,, i got a 25 year soil grower vet.(he is 40years old) to come do see my plants and advice me.... yes Chronikleofthedankside... my plants are small thats cause not enough lights it was only getting 104 watt together 4x26w CFL... my biggest mistake...well i have now 15x26watts CFL so about 390watts (9x6500k and 6x2100K) he told me to leave it as is cause the 6500k will cause less stretch in flowering. And now they are growing super fast no stretch either.... now as for my schdule.... it not on my time but the plants.... it always needs water every 3 days .... so Weds was the day that it was completey dry so that became my water day... then 3-4days after it would be dry again (Sat-Sun). So he told me ill burn my plants with them beening small and said if add the lights in the begining i would have twice the plant... so he told me to feed nutes every 2 weeks and just water .... and flush my plant every 30 days so 2 flushes in flowering. He grows 50 plants at a time so i know he knows his shit and sells his shit to medical its high grade shit... Well i guess ill keep u guys updated now but only every week. thanks for all your help.
I think plant 1 is a male looked like balls on them ... pissed so far lol i realy hope the others female.... it still has not shown sex 9 days
alright i killed my male plant i hope it was male its was stinky and sticky which i thought was odd. my Sativa plant hopefully is a female i redid my lights so am only running $170 watts for 1 plants 3x26 watts and 4x23 watts.. out that only 1x26w is 6500k and the 6 are 2100K, and 11200 lumens .
Day 39: 11 days flowering... still no sex ... u guys think this is Sativa or indica man i hope this starts flowering soon and is a female.


I dropped my iphone on my branch in mistake and it snapped it no damage on outside layer (epidermis) but like supercropping it.... i really hope this does not stress it out .... it also snapped a leaf
okey my Sativa showed female but only 1 Calyx with one tiny white hope i see for soon .... i just feed my plant 1/8 strength Super Bloom 10-54-10 and 1/4 strength MG cuctus fert. 2-7-7.
don't worry about the damage with the phone, if you can support it for a couple of days/weeks she will recover just fine! In the latest update I think that you plants look a little over watered (by the claw shape) or maybe just thirsty? looking good bro!
yes i feed them yesterday ... i keep thinking its heat stress its 83F in my grow room and a fan blowing on it at high speed and the bulbs 1 icnh away or closer.
i have alot of young leaves turning yellow fast but the bigger fan leaves take time to yellow....nitrogen problem??? some help pls
how is the feeding on her? what soil are you using? went back to your first post and don't remember seeing it. In the meantime try and flush her and see how she respond to that. You might have some nute lock/block or just need to raise the nutrients concentration. Can you measure your pH?
i dont ph my stuff and ppl say that bad .... but ya am feeding very low nutes still 1/4 strenght of 2-7-7 flowering fert..... i gave it yesterday so 20-20-20 with micro nutes 1/4th strength hope it helps it and am going to flush it this week....and ill take pix u can see... any thoughts on Mag/Cal deff. doing this...if so i found water that has a good amount Mag and Cal in it and is pH'ed at 7 ill add tap water to bring it down to 6 or Epson Salt??