Yeah u need to provide more info or u will get a general schedule like on chart. There's a huge range to play with. Every strain can be unique but 1st off its an auto so cut in half suggested feeds on chart. Start there then adjust according to the plants liking. Your watering schedule is important. U can feed weekly, every other day or daily. I've seen it all work. Whats on the bottles is a weekly schedule so if u wanna feed more often u need to divide by number of times a week u feed. I like to feed water water feed to give it a chance to wash down salts so it don't build up. But thats when I watered daily. If u only water couple times a week then maybe feed water feed water off and on. But u really need to watch your plants and learn to read what they're telling u. It will let u know if its hungry thirsty sick too hot or not liking medium(drainage). I dont do run off unless testing ph or ppm's every so often during a watering not feeding. Also a gd way to know when to feed. When ppm's are lower then they should be. U can ppm according to stage of plant. 200-400seedling 400-600veg 600-800bloom. Some never ppm over light strength (in that case they feed less but more often). But once again this is all general cuz yo plant strain, health, and grow conditions all play a vital part. Hope that helps a bit.