Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i have been on a buprenorphine program for about 8 monthes now, it has saved my life and im very grateful alive for it, lol. (get it grateful dead?
) now, although it is great for me and i do love suboxone, i have found that not only does subutex help me better and much easier to manage and maintain on the white subutex pills, but they are also less than half of the price suboxone brand name is (tex is 2 dollar per pill, sub-oxone is 11 dollar per strip) the question im asking is can someone tell me what i can say to my dr other than the usal bs that the naloxone gives me headaches or i cant affordthe brand name?... i think mr duck might have an answer to this maybe and i know its diff. for every state but im just trying to get some feedback and figure out how i can start getting them, i just dont like the strips to begin with and then o ntop of it they have naloxone in it which is another chemical/drug i do not want to put into my body, buprenorphine saved my life and i love it, but i cant say the same for narcan, i have never OD'd so it hasnt had to saved my life yet, jk i would never do enough like i usedto to risk . thanks for any help, pls dont give opinion, i need facts, i have been on the program a long time so im not totally lost or anything, im just looking for feedback, later