hello everyone, buprenorphine program questions for EXPERIENCED only, I NEED FACTS.

Dont know about the US but here in Aus I am on 8mg of suboxone atm. I been on it for about 5 years back n forth berween methadone and suboxone. Its pretty hard to get on the bupe these days as too many people shoot it. I know you can shoot suboxone too but bupe is much more widespread. My Doc told me they are trying to phase it out so basically unless you are already on bupe, good luck getting a script...
yes i heard the same. luckilyive been on bupe for awhile now so i wont let them take my script, i just want subutex or aka pure bupe, no naloxone, that shit doesnt treat my body right
I don't see why anyone is worried about their bupe dr thinking they're a junky because you asked for something. They're a bupe dr, they know you're a junky.