Heirloom sativa, whats wrong with my plant?


Well-Known Member
14h dark should be more than enough... what about light leaks or breaks? sometimes the timers malfunction or have been accidentally set wrong...
No light leaks to my knowledge. Sat inside the grow space just before moving the plant in to make sure. :eyesmoke:
Timer is doing alright too, but come to think of it, all these problems started only after flipping
I'm glad you asked lol. It's barely beginning to flower. Still facing issues here and there but honestly at this point I'm just trying to keep it alive. Currently being feeding 1-1-1.5 at 400ppm (0.8 E.C). I think i might have magnesium deficiency or potassium. Other than that it's doing it's sativa magic and is gonna be a while before it starts to fill up.
September 21

Dabbie McDoob

Well-Known Member
I would chop it. plant looks sickly and is wasting space, time and power.
Sad but sometimes these indigenous and landrace specimens suck.