Health care is not a human right

Not gonna happen...
I'd get all Hugh Glass on Yogi. Bear steaks for dinner.

In the not likely event I was taken off guard, I'd probably make the bear leave by humiliating him, using genital comparative shaming. They're very sensitive to being humiliated.

Hey! Why are you imagining me being raped by a bear?
You know damn well you would seek medical attention after being raped by a bear.
Me fantasizing about being raped by a bear ??? Dear poor idiot my concern is for you prancing around in your Sasquatch outfit alone in the woods. It is like you are wanting a #metoo moment with a bear. The question is will you seek medical attention when it happens ?
I bought my solar panels about 15 years ago and grow my own damn potatoes !

The fat guy behind me has a right to consume whatever he likes, he has no right to force me or you to pay for it or any subsequent problems his bloated body develops from his choices.

Fuck tariffs, they're a form of an unfree market which protect the local plantation masters and their cronies....just like licensure and regulation

Your potatoes have blight from your neighbors failed methods.

Frito-Lay has an answer for you, you really need to feed your kids so you buy/plant their sets.
With time and competition (deaths/medical costs) Kraft comes up with an alternative.

Monsanto holds the patent on bacteria that controls the blight but takes it off the market.

Who's forcing whom? Meanwhile your children are sick and malnourished.

Your panels are down to 45% output.
My kids are hungry. You have food. What will you be cooking my kids for supper ?

Or maybe you'll be taking the gang out for pizza ? Either way, it's their right to have you pay for their food, so gas up your car and get your ass over here, and bring some beer for me too, not that cheap shit either.
I've already paid for your kids to eat. It's called welfare. Food stamps. For the time when your potatoes rot and your sick and can't provide.

I have a responsibility not to run others lives for them, against their will. That axiom allows me to help people if the interaction is mutual and consensual. If the interaction isn't mutual and consensual on an individual basis, I'm violating the axiom and ignoring equality...which is sad.

So you believe you have the right to force people to serve others against their wishes ?

Abe Lincoln is crying in heaven right now and it's all your fault!
No but believe that providing the choice is a right meant for all.

I wish you'd spring for Pizza.

I live in the woods, just follow the trail of trash, some Bozo brought a truck load out here a few months back and it's still blowing all over the place.
You can choose what you'd like to buy with food stamps. The trash pickup is another benefit to tariffs or taxes.

You grow many very nice plants, a plethora of cannabis richness. Give away half your crop.

How can you not help the poor unstoned citizens? A medicated America is a healthy America.
We give a percentage of our crop to the needy in forms of welfare taxes.

I bought my solar panels about 15 years ago and grow my own damn potatoes !

The fat guy behind me has a right to consume whatever he likes, he has no right to force me or you to pay for it or any subsequent problems his bloated body develops from his choices.

Fuck tariffs, they're a form of an unfree market which protect the local plantation masters and their cronies....just like licensure and regulation.
Many disabilities can be minimized to "choices," but some don't have the ability to think logically. Look into mental disorders.

Again, tariffs are what provided you a road to get to your place, provides for your trash removal, any infrastructure you live around and benefit from. And they most certainly are regulating the free market, we have a socialistic capitalism style of economy, without regulation you get 08'.
"affordable" health care should be a human right, whether it is by definition or not.
out capitalistic society has made that pretty much impossible without government intervention.
doctors have to pay student loans, buy expensive equipment, carry outrageous malpractice insurance, pay nurses, secretaries, rent on facilities, lab the hell can they afford to give people "affordable" care? if they worked for the cost of all those things, and made no profit at all, it would still be unaffordable for at least half the country....
without even looking at the pharmaceutical industry....
how about the government covering the cost of medical school for some doctors, who agree to work off their student loans in clinics in low income areas? same thing for nurses. how about requiring hospitals to take at least one charity case for every ten patients they're charging full price to? how about some regulation for the prices they charge? the last time i was in the hospital they had me on a morphine machine that i could trigger every 90 minutes or so....i used it the first day, then didn't touch it...they charged me 17K for that machine....i should have gotten to take it home with me for 17K....with more morphine.
things need to change before they can even start to get better, laws have to change, attitudes have to change....
You have the capacity, so it must be a choice.

I'd rather not lie to myself, I'd rather embrace reality instead of twist and manipulate ideologies to enable my stubbornness. Rights supercede monetary concerns. Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed, but not if rights are impeded upon previously. They are different things. The right to vote isn't privatized.

"Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed"
No, first gov invents a "civil right" based on some class of people's claim of inequity from being discriminated against within commercial codes and statues. Then as exampled in gov health care, first you disclose every aspect of your income etc, then gov decides what your individual "civil right" actually adds up to.
Gov has jurisdiction to regulate anything commerce related and civil rights are commerce related, literally born from commerce, therefore gov decides what are civil rights and to what extent such "civil rights" are regulated.
A naturally endowed human right like the right to self defense for example, comes hand in hand into existence with human beings and is held by the people in precedent over anything to the contrary that might be enumerated or interpreted to be enumerated in the constitution.
"The right to vote isn't privatized"
Yeah it kinda is privatized to the individual in the class of "civil rights" and therefore gov is constantly moving the lines and rules this way or that depending on your party affiliate in effort to redefine the capacity of your "civil right" to vote, all of which is monetarily motivated.
"Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed"
No, first gov invents a "civil right" based on some class of people's claim of inequity from being discriminated against within commercial codes and statues. Then as exampled in gov health care, first you disclose every aspect of your income etc, then gov decides what your individual "civil right" actually adds up to.
Gov has jurisdiction to regulate anything commerce related and civil rights are commerce related, literally born from commerce, therefore gov decides what are civil rights and to what extent such "civil rights" are regulated.
A naturally endowed human right like the right to self defense for example, comes hand in hand into existence with human beings and is held by the people in precedent over anything to the contrary that might be enumerated or interpreted to be enumerated in the constitution.
"The right to vote isn't privatized"
Yeah it kinda is privatized to the individual in the class of "civil rights" and therefore gov is constantly moving the lines and rules this way or that depending on your party affiliate in effort to redefine the capacity of your "civil right" to vote, all of which is monetarily motivated.
Lol nice try. Especially enjoyed trying to follow your voting privatization logic bongsmilie
I've done volunteer work with different organizations, the Catholic Hospitals provide a lot of free care for the homeless. Free treatment and prescriptions in many cases. They also do the same for people who are struggling financially. They don't like handing out stuff people can get high on but antibiotics and other stuff they do. Many cities have a program where they care for homeless people's feet, giving out socks and shoes and cleaning the feet.
Lol nice try. Especially enjoyed trying to follow your voting privatization logic bongsmilie

Glad you liked it, although such does not reflect in the "liked by" section?
Here maybe lets try again.
Take water for example, access to water can be considered a self evident human right.
I live by a lake, and by my human right I should be able to freely access the lake water unless and until it my doing so disparaged someone else's "human right".
The people here have chosen to set up commercial water systems and pay for the goods and services of water filtering and delivery.
Now the people are very unhappy with very high water rates, some of the highest in the state of Cali.
At the same time there have been ordinances etc put in place that deny access to taking lake water with the exception of "riparian rights" to access water if your property line is the shore line edge of the lake.
The result is that folks who didn't understand or fight to protect their "rights" to begin with, start calling the water delivered as goods and services a "human right", when in reality their human right was disparaged by the state on behalf of privatizing water to the point where now, though folks don't realize it, they are sniveling about our perfectly intact civil right to equal access the goods and services in the form of water (however manipulated by the corrupt PUC), and such has supplanted any reasonable choice to exercise the disparaged human right folks didn't understand so didn't understand to fight to protect.
Same goes for health care, gov assumes authority to schedule plants thereby disparaging into obscurity your self evident human right to care for yourself. Then the "health care system" and all it's fixin's supplant any supposed need for plants and self care.
The result is that folks then confuse the civil right to access commercial goods and services in the form of health care, with the human right they already let slip into obscurity.
Know what you are crying over and cry out in accurate tears.
Glad you liked it, although such does not reflect in the "liked by" section?
Here maybe lets try again.
Take water for example, access to water can be considered a self evident human right.
I live by a lake, and by my human right I should be able to freely access the lake water unless and until it my doing so disparaged someone else's "human right".
The people here have chosen to set up commercial water systems and pay for the goods and services of water filtering and delivery.
Now the people are very unhappy with very high water rates, some of the highest in the state of Cali.
At the same time there have been ordinances etc put in place that deny access to taking lake water with the exception of "riparian rights" to access water if your property line is the shore line edge of the lake.
The result is that folks who didn't understand or fight to protect their "rights" to begin with, start calling the water delivered as goods and services a "human right", when in reality their human right was disparaged by the state on behalf of privatizing water to the point where now, though folks don't realize it, they are sniveling about our perfectly intact civil right to equal access the goods and services in the form of water (however manipulated by the corrupt PUC), and such has supplanted any reasonable choice to exercise the disparaged human right folks didn't understand so didn't understand to fight to protect.
Same goes for health care, gov assumes authority to schedule plants thereby disparaging into obscurity your self evident human right to care for yourself. Then the "health care system" and all it's fixin's supplant any supposed need for plants and self care.
The result is that folks then confuse the civil right to access commercial goods and services in the form of health care, with the human right they already let slip into obscurity.
Know what you are crying over and cry out in accurate tears.
Ya, CA sold their water to AZ. And how does that deal with civil or human rights with respect to access to healthcare? The gov is a non profit. The money that goes in goes out. They aren't making money off of the populous' water rates to take other countries out on dates, lol.

Laws can change to reflect our evolving power consolidation (what group governs) and view of human rights. We change the laws. The people are the government. Because they haven't changed yet (assuming you're correct for the sake of argument) is not a valid argument against changing them, or a valid defense in the face of an overwhelming majority. It's simply reciting an outdated interpretation of what used to be. The power is in the people, the majority, they decide what is what. Even human rights.
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Then as exampled in gov health care, first you disclose every aspect of your income etc, then gov decides what your individual "civil right" actually adds up to.

Seriously? So, the government gets to decide how much healthcare your "right" affords you based on your income?

That's what you have now without the fancy algorithm to decide how much you're worth based on your contribution. A right is not fluid based on how much money you make.

Look, ya fucking toolbag, unlike there being a price for being rich, (regardless of whether or not you feel you should pay it), human life is not assigned a dollar value.
I bought my solar panels years ago and I grow my own potatoes....

You know damn well you would seek medical attention after being raped by a bear.
Me fantasizing about being raped by a bear ??? Dear poor idiot my concern is for you prancing around in your Sasquatch outfit alone in the woods. It is like you are wanting a #metoo moment with a bear. The question is will you seek medical attention when it happens ?

But, I've never been raped by a bear. There was this little dog that seemed fascinated by my leg though...
not taking care of our sick citizens is inexcusable and a disgrace. Vote republicans out
i'm not quite enthusiastic about caring for some of our sick citizens...i don't see the point in throwing money at people who don't take care of themselves. some people deserve help, they have a problem they didn't cause themselves, they were injured doing their jobs, or by someone else's irresponsibility. i have no problem helping people like that.
i don't want one tax dollar to ever buy a rascal for a fat motherfucker...if you smoked cigarettes for 20+ years and have cancer or emphysema now, deal with it yourself, dumbass....
some people deserve it, and some people deserve what they've done to themselves....
i'm not quite enthusiastic about caring for some of our sick citizens...i don't see the point in throwing money at people who don't take care of themselves. some people deserve help, they have a problem they didn't cause themselves, they were injured doing their jobs, or by someone else's irresponsibility. i have no problem helping people like that.
i don't want one tax dollar to ever buy a rascal for a fat motherfucker...if you smoked cigarettes for 20+ years and have cancer or emphysema now, deal with it yourself, dumbass....
some people deserve it, and some people deserve what they've done to themselves....
walk a mile in their shoes......many of the homeless you see on the streets are war veterans self medicating. Take a closer look brother
walk a mile in their shoes......many of the homeless you see on the streets are war veterans self medicating. Take a closer look brother
i'm not judging by appearance...unless it's a fat fucker at the mall riding a scooter....
no matter what anyone looks like, they either deserve help or they don' long as you didn't do something to yourself, no problems....slow suicide by ringding or marlboro shouldn't be a "pre-existing condition"
I believe it should be and could be easily achieved if the services were not jacked up.. The hospital staff deserve their pay but charging $100 for salt water not to mention the price for everything else is ridiculous. It's the corporations that have paid off politicians to make laws holding down any competitors from competing to force a price drop.