Health care is not a human right

i'm not judging by appearance...unless it's a fat fucker at the mall riding a scooter....
no matter what anyone looks like, they either deserve help or they don' long as you didn't do something to yourself, no problems....slow suicide by ringding or marlboro shouldn't be a "pre-existing condition"
so we have plenty of money to field standing armies to meddle around the world, but not enough to provide minimal health care for our own?......what's wrong with this picture?
so we have plenty of money to field standing armies to meddle around the world, but not enough to provide minimal health care for our own?......what's wrong with this picture?
i'd rather use that money for something else...better healthcare, better child care, fixing the crumbling infrastructure....why do you want to pay lazy irresponsible people for damaging themselves? do emo teenage girls that cut themselves deserve plastic surgery to cover up the scars? do fat fuckers who buy garbage food deserve to get free health care when they have the inevitable heart attack?
i got no problems with someone who gets sick from something not their fault getting help. i have no problems with veterans getting help, i have no problems with anyone getting help, as long as they didn't cause their own problems.
i'd rather use that money for something else...better healthcare, better child care, fixing the crumbling infrastructure....why do you want to pay lazy irresponsible people for damaging themselves? do emo teenage girls that cut themselves deserve plastic surgery to cover up the scars? do fat fuckers who buy garbage food deserve to get free health care when they have the inevitable heart attack?
i got no problems with someone who gets sick from something not their fault getting help. i have no problems with veterans getting help, i have no problems with anyone getting help, as long as they didn't cause their own problems.
Mental health is health care too......these people have 'unseen' health your heart brother....walk a mile
i'd rather use that money for something else...better healthcare, better child care, fixing the crumbling infrastructure....why do you want to pay lazy irresponsible people for damaging themselves? do emo teenage girls that cut themselves deserve plastic surgery to cover up the scars? do fat fuckers who buy garbage food deserve to get free health care when they have the inevitable heart attack?
i got no problems with someone who gets sick from something not their fault getting help. i have no problems with veterans getting help, i have no problems with anyone getting help, as long as they didn't cause their own problems.

Cipro, FDA approved.
FDA (Bayer) should be paying damages.

Veterans of the first war, shortly after they returned from duty. The symptoms reported by veterans include but are not limited to:

  • Fatigue
  • Persistent Headaches
  • Muscle Aches/Pains
  • Neurological Symptoms – e.g. tingling and numbness in limbs
  • Cognitive Dysfunction – short-term memory loss, poor concentration, inability to retain information
  • Mood and Sleep Disturbances – Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia.
  • Dermatological Symptoms – Skin Rashes, Unusual Hair loss.
  • Respiratory Symptoms – Persistent Coughing, Bronchitis, Asthma
  • Chemical Sensitivities
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms – Diarrhea, Constipation, Nausea,
  • Bloating.
  • Cardiovascular Symptoms
  • Menstrual Symptoms
Note: This list does not reflect all symptoms, they vary widely.

I was set to brake $500k in 2015 healthy other then a back issue.

I haven't slept for more then 4 hours in a row since, and thats with drugs.

The good news, Ive been supporting big pharma with 4 scrips to try and offset the symptoms.

Ive been liquidating assets for 4 years now, 2010 HD CVO Streetglide on the block right now to cover property taxes, interested in a motorcycle?
so all those times a bear fucked you were consensual?

Not tonight honey, I have a headache.

i'd rather use that money for something else...better healthcare, better child care, fixing the crumbling infrastructure....why do you want to pay lazy irresponsible people for damaging themselves? do emo teenage girls that cut themselves deserve plastic surgery to cover up the scars? do fat fuckers who buy garbage food deserve to get free health care when they have the inevitable heart attack?
i got no problems with someone who gets sick from something not their fault getting help. i have no problems with veterans getting help, i have no problems with anyone getting help, as long as they didn't cause their own problems.
You have no concept of how socialised medicine works, yes to the emo girl and yes to the morbidly obese, it is not for us to judge but to give medical care unconditionally. We do in the uk and no one noticeably complains, money isn’t as important as healthcare and compassion.
Cipro, FDA approved.
FDA (Bayer) should be paying damages.

Veterans of the first war, shortly after they returned from duty. The symptoms reported by veterans include but are not limited to:

  • Fatigue
  • Persistent Headaches
  • Muscle Aches/Pains
  • Neurological Symptoms – e.g. tingling and numbness in limbs
  • Cognitive Dysfunction – short-term memory loss, poor concentration, inability to retain information
  • Mood and Sleep Disturbances – Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia.
  • Dermatological Symptoms – Skin Rashes, Unusual Hair loss.
  • Respiratory Symptoms – Persistent Coughing, Bronchitis, Asthma
  • Chemical Sensitivities
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms – Diarrhea, Constipation, Nausea,
  • Bloating.
  • Cardiovascular Symptoms
  • Menstrual Symptoms
Note: This list does not reflect all symptoms, they vary widely.

I was set to brake $500k in 2015 healthy other then a back issue.

I haven't slept for more then 4 hours in a row since, and thats with drugs.

The good news, Ive been supporting big pharma with 4 scrips to try and offset the symptoms.

Ive been liquidating assets for 4 years now, 2010 HD CVO Streetglide on the block right now to cover property taxes, interested in a motorcycle?
why are you all acting like i'm trying to do away with healthcare? or the ACA? i'm saying some people do harm to themselves, by choice...and those people do not deserve to have "affordable care" at others cost....if you were in the military, you deserve to have health care, if you got sick doing your job, or through no fault of your own, then yes, you deserve some help....if you got "sick" from making poor choices, then you're on your own...they started putting warnings on cigarette packages in 1965....if you smoke and have any kind of smoking related health issues, fuck you, pay for it yourself, or die....stupidity isn't a "pre-existing condition".....
why are you all acting like i'm trying to do away with healthcare? or the ACA? i'm saying some people do harm to themselves, by choice...and those people do not deserve to have "affordable care" at others cost....if you were in the military, you deserve to have health care, if you got sick doing your job, or through no fault of your own, then yes, you deserve some help....if you got "sick" from making poor choices, then you're on your own...they started putting warnings on cigarette packages in 1965....if you smoke and have any kind of smoking related health issues, fuck you, pay for it yourself, or die....stupidity isn't a "pre-existing condition".....
a healthy america is a stronger america.....I want a stronger america
why are you all acting like i'm trying to do away with healthcare? or the ACA? i'm saying some people do harm to themselves, by choice...and those people do not deserve to have "affordable care" at others cost....if you were in the military, you deserve to have health care, if you got sick doing your job, or through no fault of your own, then yes, you deserve some help....if you got "sick" from making poor choices, then you're on your own...they started putting warnings on cigarette packages in 1965....if you smoke and have any kind of smoking related health issues, fuck you, pay for it yourself, or die....stupidity isn't a "pre-existing condition".....

It is.
why are you all acting like i'm trying to do away with healthcare? or the ACA? i'm saying some people do harm to themselves, by choice...and those people do not deserve to have "affordable care" at others cost....if you were in the military, you deserve to have health care, if you got sick doing your job, or through no fault of your own, then yes, you deserve some help....if you got "sick" from making poor choices, then you're on your own...they started putting warnings on cigarette packages in 1965....if you smoke and have any kind of smoking related health issues, fuck you, pay for it yourself, or die....stupidity isn't a "pre-existing condition".....

I'm simply pointing out FDA Regulations protect Corps. not people.

"The FDA received 210,705 adverse event reports for marketed FQs between 1997 and 2011, including 2,991 reports of fatalities. While the FDA says its database can't be used to estimate the total number of adverse events, it's well-established that what's reported to the FDA represents only a small fraction of all adverse events that occur.

"if we only had a product that generated more sales"

Of the approximately 700,000 soldiers deployed during Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991, nearly 30% developed Gulf War Syndrome.

In 2016 it was the 102nd most prescribed medication in the United States with more than 7 million prescriptions.

(that's 2,100,000 disabilities to the common non military American) Each year.

If you weren't sick before.....
I'm simply pointing out FDA Regulations protect Corps. not people.

"The FDA received 210,705 adverse event reports for marketed FQs between 1997 and 2011, including 2,991 reports of fatalities. While the FDA says its database can't be used to estimate the total number of adverse events, it's well-established that what's reported to the FDA represents only a small fraction of all adverse events that occur.

"if we only had a product that generated more sales"

Of the approximately 700,000 soldiers deployed during Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991, nearly 30% developed Gulf War Syndrome.

In 2016 it was the 102nd most prescribed medication in the United States with more than 7 million prescriptions.

(that's 2,100,000 disabilities to the common non military American) Each year.

If you weren't sick before.....
in 2016 what was the 102nd most prescribed.....?
what does this have to do with me not wanting to cover people who damaged themselves through stupidity? i was born in 1965...the same year they started putting warning labels on cigarette packages....i tried smoking for a little while, and quickly discovered that it was a stupid thing to do, it made me stink, made me short of breath, and was expensive....AND it could not only give you cancer, but emphysema, nerve damage, a weakened immune i as far as i'm concerned, choosing to smoke is about as stupid as drinking a pint of pesticide a day...should insurance companies be forced to cover people who drink pesticide?
affordable healthcare is one thing....forcing the rest of us to cover the cost of stupidity is something else...because we're the ones paying for that affordable healthcare...don't ever kid yourself that this is costing insurance companies one companies are businesses, when they can't make a profit, they'll withdraw from the program. if they can't make enough money, they'll close, and there won't be ANY insurance...
in 2016 what was the 102nd most prescribed.....?
what does this have to do with me not wanting to cover people who damaged themselves through stupidity? i was born in 1965...the same year they started putting warning labels on cigarette packages....i tried smoking for a little while, and quickly discovered that it was a stupid thing to do, it made me stink, made me short of breath, and was expensive....AND it could not only give you cancer, but emphysema, nerve damage, a weakened immune i as far as i'm concerned, choosing to smoke is about as stupid as drinking a pint of pesticide a day...should insurance companies be forced to cover people who drink pesticide?
affordable healthcare is one thing....forcing the rest of us to cover the cost of stupidity is something else...because we're the ones paying for that affordable healthcare...don't ever kid yourself that this is costing insurance companies one companies are businesses, when they can't make a profit, they'll withdraw from the program. if they can't make enough money, they'll close, and there won't be ANY insurance...

So, it's necessary to disable a portion of our society in order maintain our current standard.

Jumping over Benjamin's trying to pick up a dime.

Should Insurance companies be rewarded for allowing Manufactures to expand their customer base
While rewarding the Manufacturers as well, all on your (uncle Sam's) dime?

Looks good on Wall Street, looks like homelessness on Main.
is it really? is it a stronger America if we not only condone bad behavior, we also pay the bill for that bad behavior?
We continue to do it in Congress. What about the fat, lazy people in there who get immediate healthcare coverage including preexisting conditions the moment they are elected and then they block the people who elected them from receiving the same thing they have. Morally and spiritually sick and corrupted is what it is.
So, it's necessary to disable a portion of our society in order maintain our current standard.

Jumping over Benjamin's trying to pick up a dime.

Should Insurance companies be rewarded for allowing Manufactures to expand their customer base
While rewarding the Manufacturers as well, all on your (uncle Sam's) dime?

Looks good on Wall Street, looks like homelessness on Main.
why do insurance companies have anything to do with the decisions of manufacturers? do you suppose marlboro calls up etna and cygna and discusses their sales strategies with them? why are insurance companies to blame for decisions they didn't make, and weren't consulted about? why not hold the companies that made the decisions accountable for those decisions? why not make phillip morris, altria, imperial tobacco cover the costs of all the people they poisoned? and why are all those people innocent? can you look me in the eye and tell me that they were misled? the fucking packages say right on them " HEY!, this shit ain't good for you...."