Health care is not a human right

I don't support Monsanto/Bayer, and I don't have a problem with anything you want to do with "health care", just don't call it a human right when its a civil right, and also don't disparage my human right to choose self care.
How is that

How so?
Are you saying you could constitutionally outlaw self defense?
You would need to burn the Declaration first.
The cost of something doesn't determine its existence as a right. At the very basis of capitalism lies an imbalance of power, or an unfairness. When someone is sick the power that one holds over another is unbalanced. To negotiate monetary concerns at a time when one of the parties is at such an imbalance of power is unjust especially when it happens to impede on their ability to live. Because something costs something doesn't make it a right or not, it only shows that one person is willing to pay another person. Economics and civil rights are different things.
The cost of something doesn't determine its existence as a right. At the very basis of capitalism lies an imbalance of power, or an unfairness. When someone is sick the power that one holds over another is unbalanced. To negotiate monetary concerns at a time when one of the parties is at such an imbalance of power is unjust especially when it happens to impede on their ability to live. Because something costs something doesn't make it a right or not, it only shows that one person is willing to pay another person. Economics and civil rights are different things.

Economics and civil rights are born from the same egg and only relatives of human rights.
Civil rights were born of the necessity for equal access to commerce related issues.
Even voting had to be settled as a commerce related civil right, not a human right.
Economics and civil rights are born from the same egg and only relatives of human rights.
Civil rights were born of the necessity for equal access to commerce related issues.
Even voting had to be settled as a commerce related civil right, not a human right.
You have the capacity, so it must be a choice.

I'd rather not lie to myself, I'd rather embrace reality instead of twist and manipulate ideologies to enable my stubbornness. Rights supercede monetary concerns. Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed, but not if rights are impeded upon previously. They are different things. The right to vote isn't privatized.
DNAprotection falls off a ladder in his house and breaks his leg. It's a bad break and it seems a lot of blood loss too. But DNAprotection has chosen the "home self care" policy and refuses commercial aid. He tries to wrap his wound with a few leaves and some bark he bought online from eBay. Sadly this doesn't work very well and he's getting very dizzy.
It seems DNAprotection is all alone and can't quite reach his phone to call for that commercial aid he so desperately needs. He COULD of had Life Alert, but sadly he thought nature could tend to all his needs.

His obituary proudly states that he fell, and couldn't get up.
You have the capacity, so it must be a choice.

I'd rather not lie to myself, I'd rather embrace reality instead of twist and manipulate ideologies to enable my stubbornness. Rights supercede monetary concerns. Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed, but not if rights are impeded upon previously. They are different things. The right to vote isn't privatized.
Priorities, there we go again. Ultimately human beings who recognize other human beings as equals regardless of race, ethnicity, social standing or other differences as you described those who are ill and are less powerful, exercise compassion toward those and actions to help take place. I have a responsibility to help others when I can, even if it costs me money or time. Not everyone feels this way in our society today it's sad
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well maybe someone you love very dear in your family will have heath problems with no heath insurance. Then tell me again how you feel .

My kids are hungry. You have food. What will you be cooking my kids for supper ?

Or maybe you'll be taking the gang out for pizza ? Either way, it's their right to have you pay for their food, so gas up your car and get your ass over here, and bring some beer for me too, not that cheap shit either.
Priorities, there we go again. Ultimately human beings who recognize other human beings as equals regardless of race, ethnicity, social standing or other differences as you described those who are ill and are less powerful, exercise compassion toward those and actions to help take place. I have a responsibility to help others when I can, even if it costs me money or time. Not everyone feels this way in our society today it's sad

I have a responsibility not to run others lives for them, against their will. That axiom allows me to help people if the interaction is mutual and consensual. If the interaction isn't mutual and consensual on an individual basis, I'm violating the axiom and ignoring equality...which is sad.
It is evident that you are poorly endowed.

Sorry if your sky daddy told you different, but a human right is whatever the fuck society wants it to be.

You have the right to your justly acquired potato, but not the right to another persons justly acquired potato.

That is why fast food workers always ask politely, "would you like fries with that" ? Because you have the right of individual choice, to accept an offer or decline an offer.

Without individual rights, they might say "hey you silly bastard, you're getting French fries and you're paying for that fat guy in line behind you to consume 7 cheese burgers, 2 milkshakes, 3 orders of fries and two apple pies too ... that'll be $87 !! "
Civil right = rights of citizens. Citizens are human...well, some are.

There's a reason the planet has a crime called "Crimes Against Humanity". It is reserved for the most extreme violations of civil rights.

One day, when the OP graduates from the 5th grade (God willing), he'll understand that.

Why do you use the word "right" when the term you should use is "revocable privilege"

Did you really live in a 1975 Monte Carlo ?
My kids are hungry. You have food. What will you be cooking my kids for supper ?

Or maybe you'll be taking the gang out for pizza ? Either way, it's their right to have you pay for their food, so gas up your car and get your ass over here, and bring some beer for me too, not that cheap shit either.
Yes I have food for your kids. I refused to let a child go hungry and me knowing it. Give me your address so I can drop off some food.
Unfortunately I just racked two five gallons of beer . One's a lemon wheat and the other a orange zest. Won't be ready for at least two weeks. Do you wish me to bring the last of the hard apple cider ?
You have the right to your justly acquired potato, but not the right to another persons justly acquired potato.

That is why fast food workers always ask politely, "would you like fries with that" ? Because you have the right of individual choice, to accept an offer or decline an offer.

Without individual rights, they might say "hey you silly bastard, you're getting French fries and you're paying for that fat guy in line behind you to consume 7 cheese burgers, 2 milkshakes, 3 orders of fries and two apple pies too ... that'll be $87 !! " or death issue
potato...not so much
Yes I have food for your kids. I refused to let a child go hungry and me knowing it. Give me your address so I can drop off some food.
Unfortunately I just racked two five gallons of beer . One's a lemon wheat and the other a orange zest. Won't be ready for at least two weeks. Do you wish me to bring the last of the hard apple cider ?

I wish you'd spring for Pizza.

I live in the woods, just follow the trail of trash, some Bozo brought a truck load out here a few months back and it's still blowing all over the place.
we are the richest country on can we not take care of our citizens/workers that make america great?:roll:
a healthy america is a productive america.....republicans refuse to see that

You grow many very nice plants, a plethora of cannabis richness. Give away half your crop.

How can you not help the poor unstoned citizens? A medicated America is a healthy America.
You have the right to your justly acquired potato, but not the right to another persons justly acquired potato.

That is why fast food workers always ask politely, "would you like fries with that" ? Because you have the right of individual choice, to accept an offer or decline an offer.

Without individual rights, they might say "hey you silly bastard, you're getting French fries and you're paying for that fat guy in line behind you to consume 7 cheese burgers, 2 milkshakes, 3 orders of fries and two apple pies too ... that'll be $87 !! "

Your Corp. potato is killing you. It's their right to fool you into thinking otherwise.
But go ahead and blame the fat guy behind you for the inability to control his/her sugar habit.

Pepsi Co. loves you. Just not enough to feed you a long life. It wouldn't be fair to the health industry or the access to the Social Security System money pot.

Put a $250 tariff on each solar panel, you'll sell more oil. So much genius. Fill it with premium?
So you believe you have the right to force people to serve others against their wishes ?

Abe Lincoln is crying in heaven right now and it's all your fault!
If you were sashaying around in your Sasquatch costume feeling sexy and was attack by a bear that violently raped you requiring medical attention, would you not want to receive medical attention even if you did not have any ?
Your Corp. potato is killing you. It's their right to fool you into thinking otherwise.
But go ahead and blame the fat guy behind you for the inability to control his/her sugar habit.

Pepsi Co. loves you. Just not enough to feed you a long life. It wouldn't be fair to the health industry or the access to the Social Security System money pot.

Put a $250 tariff on each solar panel, you'll sell more oil. So much genius. Fill it with premium?

I bought my solar panels about 15 years ago and grow my own damn potatoes !

The fat guy behind me has a right to consume whatever he likes, he has no right to force me or you to pay for it or any subsequent problems his bloated body develops from his choices.

Fuck tariffs, they're a form of an unfree market which protect the local plantation masters and their cronies....just like licensure and regulation.
If you were sashaying around in your Sasquatch costume feeling sexy and was attack by a bear that violently raped you requiring medical attention, would you not want to receive medical attention even if you did not have any ?

Not gonna happen...
I'd get all Hugh Glass on Yogi. Bear steaks for dinner.

In the not likely event I was taken off guard, I'd probably make the bear leave by humiliating him, using genital comparative shaming. They're very sensitive to being humiliated.

Hey! Why are you imagining me being raped by a bear?