Hashberry Grow


Well-Known Member
Well I said screw it & transplanted #s 6 & 7, they were needing water everyday. I put them in the flower room. I'm skipping the 36 hours of dark because I'm not sure of it's effectiveness. I've done it several times & I really think the plants benefit more from light. I killed males 5 & 8. I'm keeping #4 & will attempt to collect pollen with out seeding my whole grow.

Plants 2 & 3 still have gnats. I'll give them a little bigger dose of hydrogen peroxide in a few days & hopefully that will finish them off.

My new clones are still looking good.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted #s 2 & 3 today, also I put them into flower. I put them into 3 gallon pots & watered them with a superthrive water mix. My clones are the only thing in the veg room now. I guess I'll have to figure out what to grow next now.

I'm not sure if #1 is male or female. I'm leaning a little more toward female but the preflowers are to small. I think I can see a couple of tiny hairs growing from one but that could be wishful thinking. She's been stunted because I've tried to kill her a couple of times. She's starting to look better & started growing again.

#3 is doing pretty good. Here she is all tied down


#7 man I really hope this one turns out to be a female:hump:

Here's a group pic

#4 closest to the camera in the group pic is the male.

I took some pics of #2 but they were to blurry.

The temp got to 91 in there this evening. I'm using co2 so that helps but I sure will be happier when I get them down a little more. It's not even August yet.:-| I guess I'm going to have to buy a couple of big in line fans, I haven't been able to do anything for cheap in my room why should the fans be any different.

I didn't see any gnats today but I'm not so sure they are gone yet.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I hope that one turns out to be a female. I didnt know you were gonna tie em down... That will be unique to follow- looks good right now.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen any gnats in at least 2 days. I hope it stays that way. I'm still not sure about #1's sex. I think the root ball crumbling during the transplant really stunted her. If you use screws to do lst be sure to pull them all out before you try to get the plant out of the pot.:oops: They are all looking good even the clones.

Does anyone know how long it takes before a male plants pollen sacks pops?

I ordered some new fans this morning, with any luck I'll have then Friday but it'll probably be Monday. They are 424 CFM a piece so maybe that will help. For the price I payed for them I could have got a portable ac. I needed good fans anyway. One day I'll learn to do it right the first time. I need a good carbon filter & a dehumidifier to have pretty much everything I need to grow some killer weed. I know you can grow killer weed without all the bells & whisles but they sure help. My wife really hates my room because of all the money I blow in there. I always tell her I'm saving money.bongsmilie

Temps are holding around 90 with the light on & drop to the high 60s at night. I fliped the light around so the inline fan is blowing across the light instead of hitting the socket first. That seemed to be good for a degree & with temps as high as mine every degree counts. Humidity has been holding at 55% well until today, ti's been raining so its @68% right now.

This is just because I've never seen it used.:finger: That's one funny smiley


Well-Known Member
I hope that one turns out to be a female. I didnt know you were gonna tie em down... That will be unique to follow- looks good right now.
If there is one thing I've learned from my past grow it''s bushes are better. They produce a hell of a lot more bud. My first plant I got maybe a 1/4 ounce of but she did turn purple. First purple pot I ever smoked & I grew it.:hump: The bag it came from wasn't purple but if you expose an indica to temps below 45 degrees it'll turn purple, it has to be for at least a few hours a night & for a couple of weeks. I found out because I had no heater in my room when the temps first dropped off. I may do that to my northern lights this winter. Anyway I was still disappointed with the weight.

My next harvest I ended up with about 1/2 ounce per plant. The last few have been a lot better because I started making bushes. On my last grow my 600 watt light got put on back order so I had to veg some plants about 3 weeks longer than I had planned. I got about to 2 1/2 ounces off the biggest one. The others varied in weight. I wish I would have taken some photos but I didn't.

Here are a few pics of my flower area
Very first grow when it was a veg area

This is about a week after getting my 400 watter

Here's the latest. It's taken a while but it's getting there

pretty much my latest veg area

I tell you another thing & that's keep something growing, if you have the space. Before I had to shut down my room I had a harvest about every 2 weeks. It's crazy I didn't buy any smoke for at least 6 months. It's also amazing at how much you'll go through because you can. It was all bag seed. I haven't done that this grow but I'll be germinating some seeds real soon. The gnats have kind of put me off from starting more. I gave way to much for some of these seeds to have some bug kill the babies.

I tried just about everything I could on bag seed before I started my good seeds. All in all I probably had 6 or 7 harvest with bag seed. This is my first grow with good stuff. Man I bet I was smoking 3/4 of an ounce a week for a while. Now I've dropped back down to about a 1/4 o a week & mine was better pot. Oh well only about 2 months to go.

Man I rambled on tonight.:joint:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
a good ramble tho- I didnt know that advantage about tying them down, especially with such clear numbers in an increase from a quarter to over 2 ounces... very good- I will be excited to watch how u do this and see it for myself- perhaps i will use this tech some time.

Definitely turn your NL purple i wanna see that- and it would smoke good- and it would be purple NL thats a good sound!


stays relevant.
very nice work on this grow. you completely reminded me that I will need to pick up a smaller CO2 setup for my tent... thanks for the link to the setup you got, I will likely purchase a smaller one from them if my local grow shop doesn't satisfy me with a good setup with the tank.

i'll be continuing to watch this one :)


Well-Known Member
LST is the only way to grow indoors man. The biggest problem indoor grows is light. If you have a 4 foot tall plant & the light is 1 foot higher than your plant, that means the bottom of the plant is getting between 1/16 to 1/25 less lumens than the top of the plant gets. My 600 watt puts out 95,000 lumens so at 4 ft that would only be 5937.5 lm, at 5 ft its 3800. By tieing down my plants I can get more lumens to more of the plant. The math behind it is the inverse square law.

I don't know how much I'll get off these hashberrys but if it's at least 1 O per plant I'll be disappointed. Considering I was growing shit weed & was getting that by vegging for a month it shouldn't be a problem with the good stuff. I'm really hoping for 1 1/2 OZ or more. I've put a lot of money & time into a quality environment for them & I'm certain it'll pay off.

I'm just hoping #1 turns out female but if she doesn't start to flower real soon I won't have any good smoke for my trip to UFC 88 which will suck.

Thanks for stopping in Tech. Your tent is awesome man.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I got my new fans installed yesterday. My temps were getting up to 92 but it'll get to 87 when my exhaust fan comes on it'll drop to 84. I'm glad I got the fans. It's a good thing I don't have to worry about noise because these babies are loud.

I saw about 10 gnats on #6 last night. I killed what I could, I guess I'll have to use a little more hydrogen peroxide & neem oil.

#1 is a female. I think I have a few more but it'll be a couple of days before I know for sure.

Thanks for stopping in Jungleman


Well-Known Member
I gave them a mix of 3 tsp of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water. I also sprayed them down with pyrethrin, not #1 because she's starting to flower. One thing is for sure sand doesn't seem to prevent fungus gnats but they are easier to spot.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to transplant #1. I hate to but I better do it before she really starts to flower. She's sucking the water out of that little pot in less than 24 hours. I think #6 is male & the rest are females so that makes it a 50/50 split. I'm not positive yet but in a day or to I'll know for sure.

3 tsp of hydrogen peroxide caused a little leaf curl on my ladies. It wasn't bad but I'll give the dunks a try now. I picked up some mosquito dunks today. I broke on in have & dropped each half into it's own 1 gallon of water. I'm letting them soak until my plants need water in a couple of days. One way or another every last gnat & gnat larvae in my grow room are going to die.:fire:

My temps are great 86 today. My humidity is high 70% but I'll pick up a dehumidifier this week sometime.

I started germinating a few seeds of Matanuska Tundra & Northern Lights #9.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Wow you must live in a hot area...

Grow is looking good, those damn bugs are persistent though, they must really like the heat and humidity- hopefully a de-humidifier helps ruin their habit. It will certainly make the plants happy.

Sorry its been awhile, I had a wild weekend- first in a long time- totally worth it! Hope yours was well. Keep on growin!


Well-Known Member
#1 is looking better since the transplant. I can't wait until she really starts to take off. She may not produce that much since I destroyed her root ball the last transplant. #s 2,3 & 7 are all female, #6 was male & is now dead. They are all starting to bush up.

My clones are doing ok. I'm a noob when it comes to cloning & almost killed them by leaving them in the clone tray to long. I took 2 more on Sunday, one from #2 & #7, they are looking good.
Sickly clones

happy clones

here a group shot of the flower room

I think the leaf curl is from the hydrogen peroxide.

I've still got a gnat problem. I watered my ladies down with water that had mosquito dunks setting in it. I've ordered some diatomaceous earth & don't bug me.

It's hot here OB but the humidity is the killer.

Thanks for stopping in Caddy.
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Well-Known Member
I took everything out of my room today, then I swept & vacuumed. I sprayed all seams with don't bug me. I put down a small line of diatomaceous earth along the base of the walls. I also put a thin layer in my pots. I sprayed all my plants with don't bug me. I hate that I've had to spray my plants so many times, I hope it doesn't hinder resin production on my leaves. The gnats didn't seem to like the diatomaceous earth.

I took this opportunity to retie my ladies, well I forgot to do #7 so I get it tomorrow. I also did a little bit of lolly popping to allow for better air flow which I used a few to make clones. 2 on #2 & 3. I have always put clones into jiffy plugs but this time I put them into dirt just to experiment a little.

#1 is the only lady in full bud.




Group pic

Thanks for the words of encouragement fellas.:joint: This battle started before this grow but I'm sure hoping it will end with this one. Don't ever use MG soil. I used some organic MG in a soil mix 2 grows ago & ever since then I've had gnats.:fire:
I ordered a 45 pint dehumidifier today. I hope this one works. Last one I bought off ebay & it was DOA. The return shipping cost more than I payed for it so I've got a new table for my garage.
How funny is this kiss-ass
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