Hashberry Grow

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
consider putting 2 inches of sand on top of the pots- it will give them no where to make habitat...

Also where did you order your mandala seeds... I am going to get white satin and kalichakra if i can...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip man, I'll pick some up today.

I ordered my mandala seeds from the doc back in February. I didn't want to start them until after I had shut my room down. I read over on the icmag forums that one of their main people has been sick or something but they should be selling again in Jan. 09. They were supposedly going to have some new strains as well.


Well-Known Member
Well I got my room fogged & cleaned today. I removed the plants from the room & tied them down while I waited on the fog er. I numbered them as well, no particular order closest to me was # 1.:joint:

They are looking healthy & growing everyday, they are 20 - 21 days old. Temps & humidity have been consistent. They are still on 24 hours of light, when I take clones I'll probably put them on at least a 20/4 schedule.

the tallest one is just over 6"

I went ahead and tied them all down even the short ones.

So far this little lady is the one I'll probably clone.

She's showed no sign of nute burn like a few of them have. So far she's got good node spacing, big leaves & growing like a weed:mrgreen:.

I forgot to pick up sand today but I'll get around to it this weekend. I'm sure my honey do list:| will require @ least one trip to the hardware store.
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Well-Known Member
When I went in my room this morning I say a few gnats flying, I guess they are freshly hatched. I used some nasty ass pesticide on them, it's suppose to be safe for plants. No way am I going through what I did right before I had to shut my room down. Last time I didn't stay on top of it & one morning when I walked in to my room there were thousands of the little bastards flying around, talk about a nightmare. This time I'm going to kill every last one of them before it gets out of hand. I cleaned everything in the room before I started this grow so this wouldn't happen. Oh well I guess I missed something. I'll get them.:twisted:

I had to move the tie down on a few of them already. I love this strain so far, it's so much better than some old bag seed.:blsmoke:

Thanks for stopping in whore. You can defiantly tell it's an indica dominant plant.


Well-Known Member
The pesticide fucked up some of the leaves & I've still got gnats. I guess I'll just stick with neem oil for now.

Other than the spots on the leaves they are doing get. They are all starting to fill in a little. I'll probably top them on Friday & use the tops for clones, that way they can hit the flowering room a little sooner. I dread the thought of having to buy bags until they are ready

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
If you pour two inches of sand on every pot there will be no where for the gnats to make habitat... Works pretty well... Buy sand box sand- its sterile.


Well-Known Member
Thanks OB, I've got that stoner memory working for me & completely forgot about sand. I'll pick it up on the way home.

I gave the ladies their first shot of nutes this morning. I gave them Big Bloom & Grow Big by fox farm @ 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
I picked up some sand today and filled the ladies up.

I only saw one gnat after I used the sand, there is no telling how many I buried.

Shot of pesticide spots

This one is just because I took it.:blsmoke:

I'm pretty sure that #8 is probably a male, it's growing fast with more spacing between nodes than any other. I've got my eye on 3 I think will be male but I'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks again OB

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
there is no telling how many i buried... lol i laughed it reminded me of like a newscaster reporting a tradgedy... lol. But it is certainly a vicotry, glad to know it worked- i have only read about it to be honest- but i have read alot and i read both sides of all those arguments- and usually decifer what would work, good to know thats on the working list.

I was gonna ask- do you have a fan on em? They certainly look healthy and all, but i dont see it in any of your photos and they are critical!!! they blow the plants back and forth gently like wind and make the stems thicker and stronger- it works nearly instantaneously. And plants can reportadley use up all the CO2 in standing air environment within 12 minutes, flowing air is much better for breathing plants, and humans alike. Also lowers temps and humidity.

Vegging at 21 days and counting, how long do you plan?

I recommend a minimum of 30. And if you have the verticle space maybe a bit longer- like 35.

And are you considering putting them into an extended dark period before harvest?

I considered it when I was at your stage and stated a thread as i researched and eventually tested it, check out the photos its an option.


Well-Known Member
I can't say for certain the sand worked but I'll let you know in a couple of days when all the adult gnats have died off. But it looked like they hate the sand so.

I've got a fan on them it's off to the right of them. It's kind of large for the little ladies so I got it setting a few feet away. I had a smaller one but when I started this grow it decided to crap out. I'll pick up another when I move these to the flower room.

I'll probably put a couple in the flower room this weekend, & let the rest go until they preflower. I wouldn't rush any of them but I'm going to UFC 88 in September & would love to have some good somke for the trip down. I'll pick a couple that I know I'm not going to clone & throw them in, hopefully they both won't turn out to be male.

My room's 8 feet tall so I don't have to worry about that but I'll keep them as bushy as possible so more of the plant recieves light. I've had a couple of 5 footers but was rather disappointed in the harvest so I like them tied and bound now.

I'll put the 2 I'm flowering now into 36 hours of darkness before hand to jump start flowering but the others I probably will not.


Well-Known Member
OB I'll do a true test for you when I get a good mother plant so I'll have clone with the same genetics.

I top 6 of them today & I decided to try to clone them. I know the top is the hardest thing to clone but why not all it's really going to cost me is a little time. Topping them will make the lower branches to stretch out even more. I'll post pics tomorrow.

The humidity around here is pretty high right now @ 70%. I may have to buy a dehumidifier sooner than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 99% positive I have at least 2 males #4 & 8. I put them into the flower room along with #1 & 5. I'm going to collect pollen from a male or 2 so I can make my own seeds for a little back up. I've got to build a new grow room but that shouldn't be a problem, I've heard males don't need a lot. The flower room is currently dark & will be until Sat.

#2,3,6 & 7 are going to continue to veg for at least 1 more week, maybe 2 I wouldn't want have to harvest them the weekend I won't even be home. I guess I could throw them in next week & let them go for that couch lock. They are looking healthy & since I topped them the are starting to fill in.:mrgreen: The nodes are growing close together & rather quickly, I bet they explode with growth when they hit the flower room. Well I'm about to find out.:joint:

I've still got gnats. :evil:I haven't seen to many of them since I put the sand in the pots but I noticed today they are going into the drain holes. I guess when I transplant them, I'm going to put some sand in the bottom of the pot as well. I'll probably transplant them on Sunday, the flower room anyway. I'll wait a little long for the veg room.

A few pics


a leaf on 2 or 3


CO2 tank


Well-Known Member
Yea I'll get those gnats or at least stay on top of them so they don't over run my room again.

I rent the co2 tank from a local welding supply shop. It's 60 bucks a year for the tank & $19 for the refill. I actually got the bitch filled today.

My clones are doing great. Everyone of them seems to have a firm hold on their jiffy plug & their leaves are pointing up.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
No way, thats a ridiculously good deal, and a great great great idea, my god- do they think its shaddy- or do you weild? or do you have to know a guy? Can I do this...