Has Trump the Right to Nuke ..without consultation?

Has my president the right to nuke a country without consultation from advosors

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I have answered all of your Arguments, i bring up Hillary and Obama for comparision reasons, Just like you argue for different concentrates,
So much for draining the swamp or for building up US industrial jobs or making the US more secure.

Given that he is not going to drain the swamp, build up US industrial jobs or make the US more secure and you are OK with that, why did you vote for Trump?
@ScoobyDoo90 you didn't answer my question, you just backpedaled. Let me repost what you said:

Trump was not aware of certain Thing until he was briefed into office, so some promises to policy he made are going to change, Also the whole situation with North Korea, Trump is trying to Fix this problem peacefully so he is taking the route of Sanctions, that china hold power over so he has to strike a deal with China to allow these sanctions wich interfere with the policies he promised, so the Mainstream is using that to attack him,

Trump made a big deal about "drain the swamp". His cabinet IS the swamp. His refusal to put his financial interests into a blind trust IS the swamp. The new tax plans that will favor the rich by cutting taxes to their corporations IS the swamp.

Trump made a big deal about building industrial jobs. He's cutting deals with China that will export jobs, not bring them here. There is no groundwork being laid. His deals with China will cut jobs in the US, not increase them. He's cutting sweetheart deals in China that favor his company too.

Trump made a big deal about protecting US citizens. We've just experienced the worst mass killing of US citizens since 9/11 and last week there were three more, including a second worst mass killing in Texas. Given that all these attacks came from massively armed people who were born here, exactly how would the Muslim ban have protected us? Also the Muslim ban hasn't made it through the courts. We haven't had any problems in that area. North Korea has only increased its effort and rhetoric against the US. Our allies in the region are more afraid of what Trump will do and are looking for ways to get away from security treaties with the US.

In all of these cases, Trump is not only failing but failing on his own effort.

Let me ask, do you believe that the JFK killing was a CIA-FBI-Mafia plot? Was 9/11 an inside job and not a terrorist attack? Were the moon landings faked? is the earth flat? I'm just asking because I'm forming a theory about Trump supporters and curious how you fit the pattern.
There is absolutely no legal reason why the President cannot launch a nuclear strike by himself.

There is a procedure to run through that involves other people, but none of them can oppose the order and they must execute their duties faithfully.

The President consults with the Joint Chiefs but ultimately is the only authority.

I don't agree with it, for any President, but it is the way it is...
True but in the military we are taught we can disobey an u lawful order.

The person may have to deal with repercussions.

I once refused the orders of a Lt Col as an E3. I had to.
True but in the military we are taught we can disobey an u lawful order.

The person may have to deal with repercussions.

I once refused the orders of a Lt Col as an E3. I had to.
How is an order "unlawful" if the law states that the President has full command and discretion over our nuclear arsenal?

What would be unlawful would be refusing to launch, the protocol is quite clear.
@ScoobyDoo90 Trump made a big deal about "drain the swamp". His cabinet IS the swamp. His refusal to put his financial interests into a blind trust IS the swamp. The new tax plans that will favor the rich by cutting taxes to their corporations IS the swamp.

Answer: Their are bigger things then the swamp and that will take a long time no matter what, you have to find replacements and consider every aspect, He is a business man so he will benefit himself he would be stupid if he didn't.

Trump made a big deal about building industrial jobs. He's cutting deals with China that will export jobs, not bring them here. There is no groundwork being laid. His deals with China will cut jobs in the US, not increase them. He's cutting sweetheart deals in China that favor his company too.

Answer: Outsourcing some jobs and industries is not a big deal He is mainly talking about COAL and CAR PLANTS, and like i mentioned before he is dealing with the North Korea Problem and issuing Sanctions so he has to cut deals with China since they Can impact N korea a Great deal,

Trump made a big deal about protecting US citizens. We've just experienced the worst mass killing of US citizens since 9/11 and last week there were three more, including a second worst mass killing in Texas. Given that all these attacks came from massively armed people who were born here, exactly how would the Muslim ban have protected us?

Answer:Their are tons of mass killings everyday by Blacks, Latinos, Asian's, and Muslim's, It is up to the Media on wich ones get publicized and reported on the muslim ban would not of protected us in these cases that you mentioned, but you have to think what is the narrative overall and how do the publicity of these killings help the narrative ?

Also the Muslim ban hasn't made it through the courts. We haven't had any problems in that area. North Korea has only increased its effort and rhetoric against the US. Our allies in the region are more afraid of what Trump will do and are looking for ways to get away from security treaties with the US.

Answer: This may not be a Question but ill put input to it, I Agree that Trump is badmouthing Kim and this is sacred in Their area that the leader is like a god, so yes Trump should not be calling him Rocketman, Logically this is a crisis or its a made up False flag like the Cold War, so trump is taking the steps to diffuse the situation or it's a Gigantic movie being played out,

Let me ask, do you believe that the JFK killing was a CIA-FBI-Mafia plot?
Answer: yes i believe that it was planned by the Mafia and CIA,

Was 9/11 an inside job and not a terrorist attack?
Answer: To a degree Certain things were planned and Passed through, I do not believe that their were bombs in the towers or any of that bullshit, but i do beleive that The Govt. was fully capable of stopping the attack,

Were the moon landings faked?
Answer: To a degree yes, i belive that the footage is real footage and we did land on the moon, Now what was found on the moon and disclosed is not true,

is the earth flat? Answer, No the earth is not flat
How is an order "unlawful" if the law states that the President has full command and discretion over our nuclear arsenal?

What would be unlawful would be refusing to launch, the protocol is quite clear.
What if you thought the president was mentally ill and not in the right mind at the time of the command?

There are grounds to disobey an order. People win medals for disobeying orders. People also go to Leavenworth for disobeying orders.

If one guy decided not to I'm sure that someone else would. Not saying it would stop it. I was just saying if a general or whoever felt strong enough about it they could refuse.
trump called himself a sexual predator, described how he rapes women on tape, and 20+ women have told us they were raped, groped, or sexually assaulted by him, including underage minors and children.

you are a fucking kiddy diddler.

You are using Clever Wording to prove your point wich is not true, I am not Pro Pedophilia, You are a yellow journalist
What if you thought the president was mentally ill and not in the right mind at the time of the command?

There are grounds to disobey an order. People win medals for disobeying orders. People also go to Leavenworth for disobeying orders.

If one guy decided not to I'm sure that someone else would. Not saying it would stop it. I was just saying if a general or whoever felt strong enough about it they could refuse.
If the President is not in his right mind there a Constitutional amendment to remove him from power.

Look it up, there are EXTREME penalties for failing to carry out a nuclear launch order.