Has Trump the Right to Nuke ..without consultation?

Has my president the right to nuke a country without consultation from advosors

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Trump was not aware of certain Thing until he was briefed into office, so some promises to policy he made are going to change, Also the whole situation with North Korea, Trump is trying to Fix this problem peacefully so he is taking the route of Sanctions, that china hold power over so he has to strike a deal with China to allow these sanctions wich interfere with the policies he promised, so the Mainstream is using that to attack him,

Admitting he is Hoodwinked is the first step I suppose.
Trump was not aware of certain Thing until he was briefed into office, so some promises to policy he made are going to change, Also the whole situation with North Korea, Trump is trying to Fix this problem peacefully so he is taking the route of Sanctions, that china hold power over so he has to strike a deal with China to allow these sanctions wich interfere with the policies he promised, so the Mainstream is using that to attack him,
Like every president in the pass that has gone back on their word, wich is just about everyone
So much for draining the swamp or for building up US industrial jobs or making the US more secure.

Given that he is not going to drain the swamp, build up US industrial jobs or make the US more secure and you are OK with that, why did you vote for Trump?
This is his first year, he is building his ground to stand on before he starts going full force, He hasn't made the US more safe? what about thos travel bans he got criticized for? I didn't Vote because i can't and if i could I WOULDN'T i believe that its all a Curtain, But i Choose to Argue for whose best anyways because it brings me Joy getting intellectual conversations out of you die hard Clintion Supporters,
Trump was not aware of certain Thing until he was briefed into office, so some promises to policy he made are going to change,

did they have to brief him that mexico wouldn't pay for the wall and freedom of religion means you can't ban all muslims, racist boi?
trump is literally on tape on howard stern calling himself a sexual predator in front of his own daughter you fucking putz

trump also admitted to walking in on underage little girls in their dressing rooms you fucking pedo defender.

That doesn't seem like a Clear Playful Decline? Trump has an Ego, He Praises himself and feeds his ego that's just who he is, so in some twisted way he could of taken it as a compliment coming from Howard Stern a CLEAR Womanizer, but he still shook his head and declined the accusation,
we just had the largest gun massacre in US history and north korea can now launch nukes at every city in america.

Wich was a staged event By the Deep State, And North Koreas capability to do that is because of Clinton and Obama and Bush not doing a Damn thing to stop it,
he still shook his head and declined the accusation,

"donald, you know about sexual predators"

"you are one!"

"true", nods trump.

do you really want to argue over the reality in front of our own eyes you idiot?

Wich was a staged event By the Deep State, And North Koreas capability to do that is because of Clinton and Obama and Bush not doing a Damn thing to stop it,
north korea could never launch nukes at us while obama was president and now ISIS is ramming down americans in the streets of NYC with rented home depot trucks.

trump has made america much less safe.
That was his Rallying Point just like Obama had the whole CHANGE campaign
only difference is that obama actually took us out of the great depression and brought us back to prosperity while trump just lied to racist idiots like you about mexico paying for a wall which will never be built.
north korea could never launch nukes at us while obama was president and now ISIS is ramming down americans in the streets of NYC with rented home depot trucks.

trump has made america much less safe.

Until Clinton And Soros did more back door deals to fuel North Korea once Trump was Elected, It's not about the Wall, Trump supporters Dont care about an actual wall being built, it's the point behind it that means something
Until Clinton And Soros did more back door deals to fuel North Korea once Trump was Elected, It's not about the Wall, Trump supporters Dont care about an actual wall being built, it's the point behind it that means something
we were much safer under obama when north korea could not nuke us.

tell us more about your thhhhuper thhheeecret conthpiracy theories involving the clinton deep state and evil jews, wordz.
we were much safer under obama when north korea could not nuke us.

tell us more about your thhhhuper thhheeecret conthpiracy theories involving the clinton deep state and evil jews, wordz.

Clinton and the deep states main goal was to initate another Cold war with Russia, that was the point behind the whole Urainium One Program, That would boost Millitary Spending it would Increase Food and Supply Spending it would increase Oil Production and Spending, it would basically Cause a boom and make a handful of insiders more rich and powerful that started the whole thing in the first place, But instead we have Trump and North Korea, Wich verry well could be a Different Cold War that is being created by a handful of insiders, The point is and what i argue, is that it's all a game and a Curtain being portrayed and you wont ever know the truth and just be arguing over nothing in reality unless you become one of the insiders,