Has the American Government become Tyrannical?

Tribes operate as collectives. They may fight other tribes, but thats still fighting other collectives. In a tribe members work for the good of the group and have specific roles. Look I'm really fuckin done wasting my time talking to you three. I've already proven my point multiple times, but it doesn't matter what I say, you don't read the explanations anyways, you're just looking for a fight. And frankly you're just morons, because you could answer your own questions easily, you don't care whats right and whats wrong, you just enjoy being pricks for the sake of being pricks. And "Dr. Keynes", you need mental help, you have so many fuckin issues going on its not even funny. Ever heard of narcissism?

I think a lot of this argument is over the direct definition of terms. As in the case of Anarcho-Capitalism that you referenced before; it's not "Anarchy" per the Webster's definition. It's more of an homage, in reference to the rejection of the established hierarchy that you don't agree with. It's not "Anarchy", despite the reference to it. The term is meant to establish where some of the political philosophy's ideas emerged from, rather than a totally defining element of the philosophy. Am I close to hitting the nail on the head here?
And you know, HERE-boy never did proved anything. He didn't try to, he nattered and claimed and squirmed.

And he pissed and moaned and took it personal.

One example?

Just reading it again and I see high ego. We were not after his answers. He could not reach us, so he simple started called names and never stopped, the puppy.

you dont even know what feudalism is.

feudalism is characteized by an interlocking web of interdependent oaths of fealty and a complex system of patronage, but in the end, every scrap of land and every peasant within the country belongs to the King/Emperor/Dear Leader and possession of the land titles and rights can be stripped away by the emperor/king/dear leader at his discretion.

but by all means carry on with your fantasy that feudalism = many tiny city-states run by a monarch or plutocracy

Psst... real fuedalism has more in common with Socialism than it does with capitalism or democracy.
And it is a strict, not volunteer, hierarchical, struggle at every level. Court games and sudden death, down to the pig barn and sudden rape.

If the local dumb ass, a spear point wedding, if a Royal and she was killed and cast like garbage, oh well.

No rule of law. A rule of God, a non-secular, totally arbitrary divine Rights system.

We climbed up from that.