Is Obama a king?

NSA spying on US citizens goes back 40 years. Back in the day when they didnt do it directly they would ask our allies to do it and pass the info on to us. I remember about 30 years ago them asking the big telecoms to route long distance calls out to Canada and then back into the USA so they could intercept the calls while in Canada.

I feel like McCarthy-ism really set the tone for what goes on these days.
Did you know a cop can shoot someone who poses a threat?

Sure and you can be posed, pre-post-mortem, so you did pose a threat, seemingly. And due process did occur. Police rarely shoot for no reason and if they do the perp suddenly has a gun. All pros carry a spare for planting.

Due process was served.
I feel like McCarthy-ism really set the tone for what goes on these days.

Well, MaCarthy was right, his methods were wrong, he got nailed and the Communist Party does control the Hollywood Elites. But, they don't control Hollywood's message, thanks to old Joe.

It is hardly a superstitious, made up, witch hunt when there are, actual, Commie Bitches, out to get us, even still.
Right. Good point, you got that spare from the last perp you gunned down. And your partner presented you with your first plant piece, when you finished your rookie year.