harvesting a pound using cfls

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
will never
happen im out
I vegged two months and lst trained a single plant grow under 340 watts of CFL down from 420 orginally stuffed into my grow cab.
I got 33 grams dry. i have room for at most four plants in the cab so we are still talking only a little over a QP possibly. my guess is you would need a 6x6 space with 8 65 watt 2700 k lamps with some 42 watters mixed in and some good ventilation.

Part of the problem is not making any mistakes through the grow much less hearing everybody groan about your aspirations here. One screw up with your timers or fans and you can put the girls into a stress situation that will fuck up your yield. Ask me how I know?:roll:

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
I love this forum man lol! There's always going to be someone lurking telling people everything that they CANT do. We all know...HID is better, but the only reason I say it is possible is because in my rubbermaid...when I was pulling 3-4 ozs, I had NO VEG TIME. It was str8 12/12 from seed to finish due to space. But if I did have some 65 watters or bigger, all I can say is "AHHH MAN!!!" I could make some stuff happen with that for real. Sky's the limit people....and sky high is what I aim to be :)


Active Member
I love this forum man lol! There's always going to be someone lurking telling people everything that they CANT do. We all know...HID is better, but the only reason I say it is possible is because in my rubbermaid...when I was pulling 3-4 ozs, I had NO VEG TIME. It was str8 12/12 from seed to finish due to space. But if I did have some 65 watters or bigger, all I can say is "AHHH MAN!!!" I could make some stuff happen with that for real. Sky's the limit people....and sky high is what I aim to be :)
this guy knows wat hes on about ppl


Well-Known Member
can i ask a question to you CFL'ers..Why do you guys like to use way more in electricity powering 10 bulbs to get the same if not worse results from one HPS? Is it cause people say they suck and your just trying to prove a point of something? im not bashing either im completely serious. i just dont get it.

Dont get me wrong Ive used CFLS before cause they sounded like a good idea at the time (noob). But it was never worth the time/electricity that i wasting.

Probably because you can walk into a Kmart...buy a bunch of bulbs...and not get all nervous about "questions".


Active Member
If a 100 watt fluoro (rated) light 'vs' a 100 watt hps light, were installed on a street light fixture and it was pitch black outside, which one would illuminate better all around?

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Here is one honest answer. If you stuff a 400HPS into a small space you may have to much light/ heat and possibly not be able to get rid of it with ventilation unless you have a hurricane style fans. To much wind in your box means watering more often and can cause stress also. If you have 400CFL...you pull a bulb or two until you get the heat right. If your plants are heat stressed, you might as well be using a little less light, keep temps in check, and reduce the risk of hermi plants. Thus I now run 340 watts in my cab instead of 400 + and my plants are happy as hell. Heat stress hermied my last two grows and while I have killer weed.....I got tons of seed. This is surely more economical than building a new cab for most of us.


Well-Known Member
since when did ppl get parannoid about buyin cfl's someone needs too pput the pipe down for a bit
lol i love makin fun of paranoid tweekers(not sayin any1 is, just reminicsing)..but i dont think hes paranoid about buyin cfls, i think he was sayin that no1 thinks twice about some1 buying cfls vs buyin hid..i dont see a problem with buyin either..i dont give a rats ass about what others speculate...bongsmilie

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
And the debate goes on lol But I see we all havent realized there's these *things* called opinions and we all have em! This forum is supposed to be a place for all growers and those who just wanna gain information. Not for people who think their "thumb" is a lil more green and to discourage others. We all have to be right though dont we lol

As far as a guy that said he pulled 3-4 oz in a box...yea, I said it and I DID it! But aye, it doesnt really matter cause there's "certain individuals" that have their opinions and are going to say "nah he didnt, I used CFLs and didnt get that much." Which there in lies the problem...it seems the ones that are saying "I was only able to pull xxx amt off of CFLs" keyword in there...."I" So most of that seems to be kinda personal...but since we are speaking in 1st person...."I pulled 3-4 oz in a rubbermaid set up" :)

Me, Im def not here to step on toes...it's just i've seen so many threads were people come into a CFL subforum and talk about the glories of HID. And not see the bigger picture, we're here to grow and learn and for those that arent trying to do that and help the next man...dont say anything. We all know the saying...if u dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all.

Just my .02

But if we need any proof, i might be able to provide a lil. I dont have any of the harvest pics due to my camera being broken in a move. So take it how you wanna.

My CFL Grow w/Pics

Those pics are from i believe my 4-5 grow i think. Again...not here to tick any1 off, I just like to see others shine too

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
this was the guy i was talking 'bout
so 4 of these setups should give you a lb right

me and my buddy built this box starting off with 2 rubbermaid tubs

1. fasten the light fixture on the top tub, either by screwing fixture to top or by cutting out 4 holes in the tub so your lights can poke through and leaving the entire fixture outside on top of the box.
2.cut an intake hole and install a duct facing downward. then cut an exhaust hole, install a computer type fan in duct then we stuffed the rest of the duct with carbon air filter so it filtered the exiting air.
3. line entire inside of the top and bottom with mylar, we used a combo of mylar we had and emrgency blankets bought at wally world for 1.99. there also mylar.
4.then we bought 6 pots, well actually small trash cans and cut holes in the bottom for airation and water exit.
5. we put telephone books and boxes underneath the pots to raise them up to lights. when you have no more option for growth you have to build a spacer, i did this by buying another rubbermaid tub and cutting the bottom off it making it a nice spacer. then we tapped that to thetop of the bottom tub raising the height about bouble. worked great

any questions get back...
we pulled about 5 ounces of c-99 out of this little box

light fixture used in box( i also used it in a closet grow i did as seen in this picture)
yea man just cfl... six 150 watt equiv. 2700 lumen cfl's.
wow thats crazy the blankets look and feel like mylar. but they worked great, and for a cheapo set-up like this there perfect.
we actually harvested these main colas first.

then we harvested the rest this 2 friday's ago.

it was dried weight. not wet. and i did an aerogarden grow, but this is soil. we started both grows in october. i just happened to have my camera with me a couple times i went over there and shit the pics and just put them in my grow journal instead of startin a new thread.
peace FF


Well-Known Member
OK, so can you pull 1/2 lb with three plants with 8 42's? Thats what I want to know! Like the fucking book!!!!!!Is it for real? You can ask the dude who wrote it, and you will get one answer, I am asking all of you other dudes out there, has anyone replicated the same fucking yield?????Excuse my French....I just want to know from someone other than SeeMoreBuds. Fuck the pound, how bout a half pound with 8 god damn lights.


Well-Known Member
Say you try it and find out for yourself? Document it with a grow journal the rest of us follow and we'll chime in where it's helpful.

What do you go to lose? 3 or 4 months?