harvesting a pound using cfls


Elite Rolling Society
For my grow this year, that will yield a pound of manicured dried buds, I have $60 in nutes, and two new 105 watt bulbs that cost $65. I am using old clamp reflectors. Counting a little peroxide I will have about $125 in this years crop.


Well-Known Member
Nevermind, I would have just broken down and bought a different set up. Then you could use a portion of those lights on a veg room and have a perpetual harvest.

Plus then in the long run you get to save money by spending like 60-100 on a bulb.


Well-Known Member
I have invested 60 dollars in nutes this season, 1000 in my lighting over two seasons (2 600w 120k lumens), and I will harvest 3.5 lbs every 2.5 months or less.

3.5 lbs including hash oil really... not just bud


Elite Rolling Society
Nevermind, I would have just broken down and bought a different set up.

I could not toss hundreds of dollars of bulbs I had invested in, then turn around and spend more on new lights, and VENTING the HEAT.
Then you could use a portion of those lights on a veg room and have a perpetual harvest.

Plus then in the long run you get to save money by spending like 60-100 on a bulb.

I pay $16 to $30 a bulb. I do one grow in my home a year, gives me twice what I need to smoke, plus for my grown kids and x-wife and a few friends. I also do 2 to 4 grows a year at friend's houses, and loan my tanks and lights in exchange for an ounce or two of harvest.

Every year I toss a few old used bulbs, put them in yard sales or in the trash and buy two to 4 new ones.

With me, it is not the money or cost, it is convenience and the simple, fast and easy way without venting.

I keep saying, it just evolved for me.

I posted HIDs are better, and yield more. Next year, I am only going to grow half as much. I am getting old and those three reservoirs are wearing me out.

Follow my this year grow and see what I get:

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - Marijuana Growing


Active Member
I don't know why ppl have to criticize....... nobody's saying your HID sux, or that CFLs are taking over!! Simply put, it is possible to yield a pound, and more with CFLs. It may not be the fastest way, the most efficient way, or anything else for that matter. It's possible. (if you know how to grow)
I've done it in a closet, last year and I am half way to doing it again. Many members here followed that grow too. An I am talking DRIED, VERY Closely manicured buds, AFTER they wre cured 30 days in a jar.
I had 4 65 wat bulbs, 4 85 watt bulbs, 2 105s, and 8 42 watt bulbs, 1146 watts, running off of two circuit breakers.

I had two reservoirs, started 12 seeds, not feminized. I had Northern Lights, that were 80% Indica and 20% Sativa. I got 6 females, that produced one runt, that only gave me a half oz. The largest gave me exactly 6.9 ounces of dried manicured buds. The average was 3 to 4 ounces per plant. I had one cola that weighed 24 grams, that I had to cut into three pieces to jar it.

This is the 6.9 ounce plant, harvested at 46 inches tall, had 13 major upward branches:

This is why Roseman is a legend!!!! For all you naysayers find another post to argue aimlessly!!!! Here is my CFL grow! Biggest tank has three Indica variety plants(4 1/2 weeks) and smaller tank has five plants(3 weeks).Third tank with all four "The Church" plants(10 days). Once all is said and done I'll have close if not the full pound!! All CFL"S!!!!!!!



Elite Rolling Society
I don't know why ppl have to criticize....... nobody's saying your HID sux, or that CFLs are taking over!! Simply put, it is possible to yield a pound, and more with CFLs. It may not be the fastest way, the most efficient way, or anything else for that matter. It's possible. (if you know how to grow)

Amen, thats the point of the posts.

Thanks, Brother BubbleHead!

I doubt I get that $1,000 that member bet it couldn't be done. I haven't heard from him about payment. LOL

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i cant understand why people think it cant be done, thats what kills me
then when they finally come around to saying it can be done, then the argue that you might as well use an hps-
the whole point of useing cfl is because i want to
beleave it or not some people dont have acces to hps's
or dont yet trust the internet, buy and mail system
before i found this site - about 90% of the grow bust that i herd about came from house fire's either bad wireing of an hps or it got to close to something, so i can understand why a person would not want to jump into the hps thing
i use cfls , and i love them, but if i ever need to grow 2 + lb i'll prolly go hps


Active Member
this makes me very happy to see! i have 274 actual watts of cfls in my box 1.5x2.5x4.5 but its one plant! so i should be all set with my yield... i have done lots of research and have a similar setup as far as bulb size and basic reflectors and shit that you have roseman... just not so many watts haha! its always good to find someone that you can look up to while growing, so far i have learned alot from fellow cflers and i cant wait til my plant flowers. just started 12/12 yesterday and if i can get an ounce or two i would be pretty happy. i feel this shouldnt be a problem with my setup. sure as shit wont be anywhere near what you guys got goin on though!


Active Member
400wtt hps has a lumen rating of 55.000 lumens depending on the cost of the bulb, and will cover a 4' x 4' foot area at 4' high with between 1552 to 2000 lumens per sq and goes up the closer it is at less than 24", and is in the red yellow spectrum, or use a 1000 HPS 107,000 lumens the more expensive the bulb it self is the higher the lumens, use cfl's on side as suppllements for under growth, Top the the plant a few time's for more branch splits the more the yeld per plant. Crowding can be a problem though.

Use a hyrdoponics system and cfl's and go sea of green, no matter how you want to play the grow game it will cost you something usually your money mostly! there is no way around that. Adding up all the CFL's you would need to for a 2 lb grow would cost just as much as ranning a 1000wtt or 2 400's do the math, speeding up the grow process is the fastest way I can see, either way it's going to show on a electrical bill.

Remember be safe outdoor rules apply to indoor! don't tell or show anyone.

Best of wishs in your growing adventures Bro. :bigjoint: