Just thought I'd give a shout of thanks to you for all the info. Here's a pic of what you can do with this system, and how it's so adaptable.
This is a closet that's 28 inches deep and 43 inches wide. I've got 6 channels in it each with 4 spots at 7 inch intervals ( 24 spots total in that little closet ). And the whole thing is only 12 inches tall. You can't see it in this picture but the closet is divided in two. This flowering section is only 4 feet tall and I've got the cloner going 24/7 in the top half of the closet
I made special drain attachments out of brass to attach tubing to. They are perfectly flat on the inside so that the water doesn't collect in the channels.
The ones on the right are just starting to bud. It's so empty in there because it was just my luck that most of my clones were male. Oh well, luckily it's easy as hell to clone with the cloner.
By the way, those Eco 396 pumps are little miracles. My last pumps from Home Dirtpile were noisy as hell. These new pumps are so quiet that I can hear the water draining with the closet door closed, but I can't hear the pump. Freaked me out the first time, I thought it was leaking. Heh.
Anyways, thanks again for the great info. You've inspired me to experiment with all sorts of stuff. Gonna try to figure out how to make LED lighting work next
