Well-Known Member
All statements, truth included, will be twisted as necessary to fit his political agenda.Of course they do. Just doesn’t have anything to do with their decisions in this case as the article would like you to believe.
All statements, truth included, will be twisted as necessary to fit his political agenda.Of course they do. Just doesn’t have anything to do with their decisions in this case as the article would like you to believe.
All statements, truth included, will be twisted as necessary to fit his political agenda.
Winning is guaranteed in an oligarchy.Of course. That was my point. It’s just falling in to the same behavior as the competitor. Not an effective way to win.
Winning is guaranteed in an oligarchy.
That may not be a valid assumption. Some here around far more likely to do the necessary work of informing themselves than others.Sorry you went so far. We are capitalist and the money is power but winning is far from guaranteed in our system.
One thing for sure about the people I am disagreeing with here is they are well read and interested in all aspects of the process and people involved.
Much more so than I am to be honest.
That may not be a valid assumption. Some here around far more likely to do the necessary work of informing themselves than others.
The whole point of oligarchy is to eliminate competition. Our two party system is a classic example.
On this point you and I disagree.We are not an oligarchy.
ol·i·gar·chyIt’s a stretch tty.
Declaring bankruptcy in America is profitable. Much debt can be shed. Only the honest lose.Harley Davidson and Gibson Guitars are two peas in a pod: they charge two times what their product is worth and wonder why their sales are not up to everybody else's. Then they have the mitigated gall to give themselves outrageous salaries, spend millions on parties and junkets for their higher ups and wonder why they're broke.
For those who don't know, Gibson filed for bankruptcy last week. Harley Davidson has done it twice and will in all likelihood be doing it again soon.
Declaring bankruptcy in America is profitable. Much debt can be shed. Only the honest lose.
Toys R Us is an excellent case in point.
He'll just be replaced with another corporate approved neoliberalist drone unless we solve underlying problem of campaign financed control of politics.
If the donor class can fire a politician anytime they want by pulling their campaign funding and giving it to someone more pliant, nothing substantive will change in America.
Therefore, a movement to repeal the Citizens United decision and outlaw money in politics is the only logical starting point. It's a simple and powerful enough idea that liberals and conservatives alike see the value it.
Harley sales are down because they've innovated too much and lost their way.cough they already have plants in other countries cough way to jump on the fake news bandwagon. That plants products are not going to come from Thailand. Well i guess maybe no one drives or would buy Harley's in Thailand or Malaysia
Harley sales are down because they do not innovate. That is why that plant is closing. Only old guys buy them these days .And they are not like a car that you trade in every few years. Most bike riders keep theirs for 10+ years.
That may not be a valid assumption. Some here around far more likely to do the necessary work of informing themselves than others.
The whole point of oligarchy is to eliminate competition. Our two party system is a classic example.
- a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.
"the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president"
- a country governed by an oligarchy.
"the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century"- government by oligarchy.
I have my reasons. The above is a BBC piece covering a study done by two Princeton professors on the subject.
As Buckwit has been getting ever more extremist and intolerant of the views of others, you seem to have been moving in the opposite direction. I'm interested in your thoughts on the matter.
Translation: they're the ones colluding, not trump.We have a system of checks and balances and regular elections.
And I said of course it all leans towards the money. I think corporate greed and political greed are tied together but still independent of each other. In fact using each other rather than colluding as commonly thought.
Translation: they're the ones colluding, not trump.
Translation: wahh! Be nice to trump!How the hell do you derive that from those words?
I said they are all in it for themselves ultimately. No mention of specific “they” or “trump”. Just the system in general.
You keep proving my misdirection point.
Of course they do. Just doesn’t have anything to do with their decisions in this case as the article would like you to believe.