Harley Davidson moving to Thailand....thanks trump MAGA

No, my brain dead friend, it's not. That's a seperate issue. Go ahead and discuss that amongst the rest of the brain dead idiots. I clearly responded to the topic that tubby was wrong about.
Trump said he was going to bring back manufacturing jobs. Everything he's done thus far pushes good paying jobs offshore. About the only companies doing well right now are energy companies because oil prices are up. Good for Exxon and parts of Montana but this isn't going to help Michigan, Ohio or the manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania.

Why are you defending Trump?
why are american companies in decline? trump said he'd make america great again and bring back all the jobs. american companies like carrier and harley davidson are shipping jobs to mexico and thailand instead
Do you have a problem with America creating jobs in countries that need an economic boost?
that's not what trump said he'd do. he said the jobs would come back here from over there. instead american jobs are going to other countries

how do you feel about trump lying to you like that?
You'll have to ask someone who gives 2 chits about Trump or any other politician. Why are you mad that Trump is creating jobs world wide?