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Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans

According to worrying new research, scientists have discovered a strong new strain of fact-resistant humans that are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life.

The study, conducted by the University of Minnesota, identifies a virulent strain of humans that are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge, leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them.

“These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary to receive and process information,” Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the study, said. “And yet, somehow, they have developed defenses that, for all intents and purposes, have rendered those faculties totally inactive.

”More worryingly, Logsdon said, “As facts have multiplied, their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.”

While scientists do not have a deep understanding of the mechanisms that prevent fact-resistant humans from absorbing facts, they theorize that the strain may have gained the ability to intercept and reject information en route from the auditory nerve to the brain. “The normal functions of human consciousness have been completely nullified,” Logsdon said.

While reaffirming the gloomy assessments of the study, Logsdon held out hope that the threat of fact-resistant humans could be mitigated in the future. “Our research is very preliminary, but it’s possible that they will become more receptive to facts once they are in an environment without food, water, or oxygen,” he said.


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I hate to say I'm a good looker, but. . . . . . . .

Last night I lost my headlamp while out walking. This morning I retraced my steps, and . . . . . . there it was, in one of the most open parts of the trail.



Well-Known Member
Never forget your friends.
A newlywed young man was sitting on the porch on a humid day, sipping ice tea with his father. As he talked about adult life, marriage, responsibilities, and obligations, the father thoughtfully stirred the ice cubes in his glass and cast a clear, sober look on his Son.
"Never forget your friends" he advised. "They will become more important as you get older. Regardless of how much you love your family and the children you will have, you will always need friends. Remember to go out with them occasionally (if possible), but keep in contact with them somehow."
'What strange advice,' thought the young man. 'I just entered the married world, I am an adult and surely my wife and the family that we will start will be everything I need to make sense of my life.'
Yet, he obeyed his father; kept in touch with his friends, and annually increased their number. Over the years, he became aware that his father knew what he was talking about. Inasmuch as time and nature carry out their designs and mysteries on a person, friends are the bulwarks of our life.
After 64 years of life, here is what I have learned:
- Time passes.
- Life goes on.
- Children grow up.
- Children cease to be children and become independent.
- And to the parents, it breaks their heart but the children are separated from their parents because they begin their own families.
- Jobs/Careers come and go.
- Illusions, desires, attraction, sex weaken.
- People can't do what they did physically when they were young.
- Parents die, but you move on.
- Colleagues forget the favours you did.
- The race to achieve slows.
But, true friends are always there, no matter how long or how many miles away they are. A friend is never more distant than the reach of a need, intervening in your favour, waiting for you with open arms or in some way blessing your life.
When we started this adventure called LIFE, we did not know of the incredible joys or sorrows that were ahead. We did not know how much we would need from each other.
Love your parents, take care of your children, but keep a group of good friends. Stay in touch with them but do not impose your criteria. Friends help make sense of your life.

Joe Becigneul
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