Happy thread :)

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Well on a positive note, new evidence has come to light that hank the tank was not acting alone. There's a bear gang just roaming around, doing bear thing, stealing picnic baskets. They are just going to study the issue and not shoot the bears, happy with that.

The stuff was banned in Ireland up until around 50 years ago
My father used to sneak it in from Ireland & got poped once with a bottle & he told them it was holy water & they let him go. :)
Interesting flavor due to the barley, sorta similar to vodka but with an earthier flavor.
I really don't care for vodka that much, it's too medicinal for my taste.
I like amber beers & booze, they have a flavor that suits my dark soul.

Get a bottle & do shots, I wouldn't fuck with it.
It's nice.
The stuff was banned in Ireland up until around 50 years ago
My father used to sneak it in from Ireland & got poped once with a bottle & he told them it was holy water & they let him go. :)
Interesting flavor due to the barley, sorta similar to vodka but with an earthier flavor.
I really don't care for vodka that much, it's too medicinal for my taste.
I like amber beers & booze, they have a flavor that suits my dark soul.

Get a bottle & do shots, I wouldn't fuck with it.
It's nice.
yeah, that's what the ad on FB said: banned by the British but made in secrecy or something like that. i'd never heard of it.
Last I heard, one of the Bundy gang was threatening to stop it.
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