Happy Election Day

I'll let Bidens black running mate handle this.

"You can look at Charlottesville, when there were peaceful protesters, And on the other side, neo-Nazis and he talks about fine people on either side," Harris added, referring to the 2017 violence between white nationalists and left-leaning counterprotesters. "Calling Mexicans rapists and criminals. His first order of business was to institute a Muslim ban. It all speaks for itself." Kemala

And the list goes on.
Actually he did say that however was not speaking in regards to the neo nazis. His son in law is Jewish. He actually said that some Mexican coming over were rapist and criminals. That sounds pretty true to me.

Let’s talk about Harris. Putting people away for smoking marijuana while she herself smoked it. Or how about her withholding evidence that could have freed a man from death row. Or how she disproportionately jailed black men during her time as AG. Or how about how she supports aborting a baby up until 9 months.
Not one has been executed by law enforcement under his watch. Too easy. Next.
Blacks were killed under Obama. What’s your point? Next!

Lowest unemployment for blacks in the history of the us pre covid. Most funding ever secured for hbcus. Opportunity zones in low income areas.
Actually he did say that however was not speaking in regards to the neo nazis. His son in law is Jewish. He actually said that some Mexican coming over were rapist and criminals. That sounds pretty true to me.

Let’s talk about Harris. Putting people away for smoking marijuana while she herself smoked it. Or how about her withholding evidence that could have freed a man from death row. Or how she disproportionately jailed black men during her time as AG. Or how about how she supports aborting a baby up until 9 months.
Why are we changing the subject? I honestly want to know why you think as you do? The human penchant for self destruction has intrigued me for decades. Please don't run.
Because you are so good at predictions?
Hey some ya get and some ya don't. Here's one if your wet dream comes true, something to think about, to the extent you can think that is:

If Trump were to get re elected you would be in economic collapse by spring with a frozen banking system, nobody's banking or credit cards would be working and are banks closed. If you thought covid was bad wait until fucking near every business in America collapses as the economy goes into free fall. Who would staff out Trump's new administration?
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This is straight comedy. STRAIGHT comedy. Why don't black people think so? The only black dude voting for Trump is Kanye, and he is self-proclaimed off the meds bruh. lol

9 out of 10 of Trump supporters are white! The other 1 is Kanye! lol -or the Cubans that Russia and Trump have been scaring shitless with socialism in Dade county, lol.
Lol lots of blacks vote for trump. You’ve been under a rock.
Why are we changing the subject? I honestly want to know why you think as you do? The human penchant for self destruction has intrigued me for decades. Please don't run.

Gotta use facts before you speak my good man. You are saying nothing substantial.
Blacks were killed under Obama. What’s your point? Next!

Lowest unemployment for blacks in the history of the us pre covid. Most funding ever secured for hbcus. Opportunity zones in low income areas.
Please check the actual data. The government used to post them. Trump altered that. Hmm? More temporary low wage jobs for all. No actual real job growth. Less funding for government oversight of compliance. More legal ways to not pay benefits. Obama left dump a wave of recovery. Perp rode it to the beach. Gone. And you believed.
Actually he did say that however was not speaking in regards to the neo nazis. His son in law is Jewish. He actually said that some Mexican coming over were rapist and criminals. That sounds pretty true to me.

Let’s talk about Harris. Putting people away for smoking marijuana while she herself smoked it. Or how about her withholding evidence that could have freed a man from death row. Or how she disproportionately jailed black men during her time as AG. Or how about how she supports aborting a baby up until 9 months.
Lets talk about your typical Trumpian formula to skirt questions and attack your opposition with made up shit...? lol