Happy Election Day

FREESPEECH TV.ORG is a gentle intro to reality. If Cumcast and Giggle let it stream. Try something besides the corporate feeding tube online.
Has anyone seen a live news feed of the security dump is hiding behind? Nothing but charts and graphs here. We just bought him a new fence.
It was fun bickering. Happy 2nd election day all. Mail - ins FTW!

Trumpers are so predictable.

Many millions of absentee ballots remain to be counted in PA, WI and MI. Trumpers are behaving exactly like elections analysts predicted. This election is hardly in the bag and given how strongly absentee ballots have been for Biden, it still looks good for him.

Not surprised that Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia went Trump's way. So, let Trumpers party on. At least they won't be killing anybody tonight.

Trumpers are so predictable.

Many millions of absentee ballots remain to be counted in PA, WI and MI. Trumpers are behaving exactly like elections analysts predicted. This election is hardly in the bag and given how strongly absentee ballots have been for Biden, it still looks good for him.

Not surprised that Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia went Trump's way. So, let Trumpers party on. At least they won't be killing anybody tonight.
I hope you are right.

Can't a guy just enjoy a bud he worked so hard for in peace?
I think he's gonna swing back in Georgia, shit blew up in Atlanta-something about a burst pipe-where Obama did the last big endorsement rally, where the biden camp spent a lot of late money...He's gonna climb back in Wisconsin and Michigan too, PA is still a maybe, NV is still a maybe, even Alaska. Lots of paths to 270 for Bidey boy. Many fewer for Donnie T. TONS of EARLY BALLOTS UNCOUNTED. Biden will overperform in same-day and early ballots in the ATL biznitches.

Trumpers are so predictable.

Many millions of absentee ballots remain to be counted in PA, WI and MI. Trumpers are behaving exactly like elections analysts predicted. This election is hardly in the bag and given how strongly absentee ballots have been for Biden, it still looks good for him.

Not surprised that Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia went Trump's way. So, let Trumpers party on. At least they won't be killing anybody tonight.
Didn't trump want to delay the election any way, what's the rush?
“Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said after claiming he was winning several battleground states where votes were still being tallied.

“This is a fraud on the American public,” Trump (also) said (in the same breath).

And his lemmings will see no reason to question these competing statements.
BTW, If you arent following the live updates from the professionals in this business (sorry Dotard) at fivethirtyeight.com, start now. It looks like Biden will squeak by. We may know by today or tomorrow.
“I’m disturbed by the loss of support in the suburbs,” Mitch McConnell says in a press conference. Interesting insight into the McConnell thought process. “We need to win back the suburbs, we need to do better with college-educated voters than [we’ve been] doing lately and we need to do better with women.”

If he hasn't figured out that you can't have your party leader constantly assaulting proper behavior, women, minorities, and the general social order and expect them to not turn their backs, he is not nearly as smart as people give him credit for.
“I’m disturbed by the loss of support in the suburbs,” Mitch McConnell says in a press conference. Interesting insight into the McConnell thought process. “We need to win back the suburbs, we need to do better with college-educated voters than [we’ve been] doing lately and we need to do better with women.”

If he hasn't figured out that you can't have your party leader constantly assaulting proper behavior, women, minorities, and the general social order and expect them to not turn their backs, he is not nearly as smart as people give him credit for.
One way for Mitch's party to "do better" is to get rid of Donald and have him muzzled, imprisoned and forgotten ASAP. They won't help with this, but other than make noises for the base they will do nothing to help Donald. Mitch knows their luck can't last, they need to put lipstick on the pig if they wanna be in it for the long haul. If Donald is conveniently gone and they all have clean hands it will suit them just fine.
One way for Mitch's party to "do better" is to get rid of Donald and have him muzzled, imprisoned and forgotten ASAP. They won't help with this, but other than make noises for the base they will do nothing to help Donald. Mitch knows their luck can't last, they need to put lipstick on the pig if they wanna be in it for the long haul. If Donald is conveniently gone and they all have clean hands it will suit them just fine.
He will be the poster boy for the right. He is the one that FULLY pigeon holed them with white evangelicals, he is the only one that can keep their last remaining stronghold loyal. They will continue to pander to Trump well after he's out of office.

When Nevada falls I believe its official. Mail-ins ftw, like I said.
OK, I have to admit, (think an AA meeting), I have spent the last day trolling a right wing news site. Petty of me I know. BUT DARN IT, IT FELT SO GOOD TO DO.
I'm tempted, but I get banned by mods pretty quick, they are awful snowflakes, here there are admins and free speech. Free speech on those right wing sites is like at a Trump rally, it doesn't take long, especially if you are fucking over a half dozen morons at a time and spouting facts with links!
I'm tempted, but I get banned by mods pretty quick, they are awful snowflakes, here there are admins and free speech. Free speech on those right wing sites is like at a Trump rally, it doesn't take long, especially if you are fucking over a half dozen morons at a time and spouting facts with links!
I know, then it takes up your whole day and changes nothing either. I finally decided a while back I was just going to comment how I liked and I had no obligation to chat it up with whoever took exception to it. Found I was a little more flippant after that also. Like them being proud that Texas stayed red.

"52% to 46%. A reality show host with a huge cult following against an old man hiding in the basement.

Could you imagine if the democrats actually had a charismatic leader?"