Hangover cures?


Well-Known Member
I was really hungover today, and I didnt know what to do. I just kept sleeping and showering... made myself puke. Finally was able to eat something around 6, had some ritz. then was able to eat some meat and now my headache is finally gone. And my body doesnt hurt as much.
What do you guys do?
Oh and btw I would never suggest drinking mad dogs.


Well-Known Member
yeah to be honest im a bit disenchanted with drinking. I am happy that I only puked when I forced myself to, instead of the uncontrollable heaves.


Ursus marijanus
Allow me to say this, Urca. You're at an age where your body will put up with waaay more alcohol than is healthy. Getting shitfaced drunk is the straight road to a bigger problem. please be very careful ... addiction is a life sentence. There are only two sorts of drunks: "active" or "recovering". cn


Well-Known Member
Id rather smoke weed than drink anyway... Im only really down to get drunk once a month cause i hate the feeling afterwards


Ursus marijanus
Id rather smoke weed than drink anyway... Im only really down to get drunk once a month cause i hate the feeling afterwards
Drink less, but once a week? ... a suggestion ...
Oh, and how is the semester shaping up? cn


Well-Known Member
Best hangover cure is more beer. Hair of the dog. The hungover feeling you get is your body withdrawing from alcohol. Best way to get rid of hangovers is to not sober up haha.


bud bootlegger
i've never been a big fan of drinking simply for the fact that i hate being hung over so badly.. probably one of the worst feelings in the world imo..

for me drinking was something to simply get me started, to lubricate the system to get it ready for something harder..

now that i've been clean from most hard drugs for years, i try not to drink very often, and when i do, i try not to get too drunk as it lowers my inhibitions and makes me want to do other drugs ..

as far as cures for a hangover go, i don't think there is really any one thing a person can do to make themselves feel better.. time, like cn already mentioned is probably the best one ime..
also, try to stay hydrated when drinking.. alternate alcoholic drinks with water every so often as alcohol can cause severe dehydration, which leads to that wicked headache the morning after..
also, try to eat some light foods while drinking.. this will also help a bit as well imo..


Well-Known Member
lol i signed a confidentiality thingy...
but basically im having a blast and made some good friends


Active Member
goat-head stew. some nasty sounding shit my homegirl told me about back in the day that SUPPOSEDLY knocks that hangover right out