About to give up completely


Tonight I lowered ec in the system and put in the florakleen also brought shock back upto 4ppm and topfed all plants with it again. After tons of reading i will let the system run untouched this way for 24 hours.

I also mixed my new fresh batch of nutes at .3 EC with rapid root added in.

Upon root inspection of the plants tonight there is roughly dbl the growth of brand new white roots coming out on almost all plants wich is exciting! Tomorrow at 5/530pm i will be draining this system and adding in the fresh batcb of mix. In the last day i have also

Raised lights up to 4.5 ft above girls, lowerd the strength to 50% for recovery and also treated with neem oil for prevention. The twisted ass leaves do seem to be actually doing better tonight then they were last night and the 7 plants that were lagging WAY tf behind the rest are actually growing pretty rapidly now with better leaf color and uniformity than the other 21 plants. Stalks on the bigger plants are all stiff getting greener and greener and a little bigger than the size of a sharpie.

Room temp 78°
RH 65-67%
Boron deficiency on my Habanero Plant .
I treated it as good as I could . Read that too much Calcium and overwatering can cause Boron deficiency and that Boron enables Nitrogen to do it's job.

I am a Newbie on mineral deficiencies .

My Habanero Hot Pepper Plant had the top nodes very dark green .

Since Pepper Plants work best if you chop the plant back to 4th nodes , that is what I did . I chopped the top dark green top few nodes off of the top . Lucky for me my plant has enough nodes for the plant grows like a bush which is good for peppers .

I read today that if you have a Boron deficiency , that it is too late . I think they were refering to young trees that get Boron deficiency at a very young age .
