daddy like that 250 and that cooltube...
Glad you like it...
If you do this cab thing right, you will not need to upgrade equipment until you decide to become a drug dealer... (I'm trying to say forever here

that would fit PERFECT in the AG cab...
That is what I thought too
only concern now is properly cooling the thing.
We can do it... might take a little money at first... but well worth the investment...
not a LOT of room for ducting
no need for a lot of ducting...
would inline fans on either end be enough??
Only if you want to buy them and then upgrade them...
keep in mind i have an exhaust fan in the top of the cab that does a pretty damn good job. drops the temp by about 7-9 degrees on the average
OK so...
The way I see it...
You can hang the cool tube in your cab right? I mean.. it will fit in there right?
OK.. so we drill a hole on the side of the cab, par with the cooltube...
You get to choose left or right depending on your location... but the loose end of the bulb goes downstream...
so we would run a duct from the cooltube... through the cab... onto that 4" fan I showed you... that sits on top of that 4" filter I showed you...
So yeah.. it will not ALL fit in the cab... but you must agree you got a pretty small cab...
It can work Shack...
there will be zero smell... and you can cover the fan/filter with a box or even another cab...(to disguise it visually and noise wise)
A bigger, self contained cab might be better...
but no biggie...
if you have all the right parts, you can switch to a bigger cab anytime...
But if you buy wimpy in line fans and other things that BARELY work now...
If you do anything it's more money...
Remember my tent... EVERYTHING from that tent is in use today...
250 digi w/cooltube
and the $120 4" fan/filter combo...
LIGHT>>>FAN>>> filter>>> room....
Not the best way, but your space is small, it will work...
I'm not sure if it's possible, but I think I'm getting more excited than you here!!!

I can't wait... you build things nicely...
This will be a project for generations of RIU newbs to look up to and follow...

man you can buy a real cooltube like i got or make one out of a Pyrex Bake-Round and a fan...with a lil supplies from home depot or lowes.
They got DIY cooltiebd in the DIY section of the faq
I was afraid someone might say that..
Even I recommended it to people earlier on...
The Bake a round bread cool tubes work... and are better than no-thing at all , I guess...
But the glass is too thick...
The optical properties of that tube were completely ignored as it's suppsed to go in the oven...
I mean they work... but they also block a lot more light than the real cool tube. made specifically to let the light go ...
ANY glass will block some light, but some more and some less... and another huge enemy of glass is dust...
Gotta keep it clean... can't be a slob with glass and expect 100% results...
EVERYTHING has its pros and cons...
But a 250 in a cab with 2 LST'd plants would kick ass...
Harvest every month..
And Shack...
I like ebb/flow...
ebb/flow is user friendly..
The plants are in pots... you can move them to the bathtub and clean everything super nice ...
You can use the pump in the res with a separate hose and pump it all down the drain or onto your garden outside...
You've seen this right?
How do I make an ebb & flow
hydroponic system?
The goal: To demonstrate the construction of an Ebb & Flow hydroponic system.
The system being constructed is small, however the design is the same as larger systems.
Parts list...
Added on: Friday, April 20, 2007 Viewed: 3144 times