Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
So here she is.. with a couple of shots of the more developed branches...:hump:

And here is the original plant #1, still vegging... and next on the list for a 19 gallon ebb/flow pot...:mrgreen:

and here we have 2 more girls.. Indicas this time... also in line for a chance to become a tree... :razz:



Well-Known Member
My computer is so full I can;t even rotate the pic..:roll:

But here is the Zero Veg C99 clone I have in the competition...:hump:


1000W Cup

1. JonnyBtreed
2. Doktorgreenthumb420
3. Bugsrnme
4. Headbandrocker
5. K1Ng5p4d3

600W Cup

1. GypsyBush
2. NewbieG
3. NewHiddenGrower
4. DeweyKox
5. K1Ng5p4d3

400W Cup

1. Ryknow
2. Onthedl0008
3. Gmoneys
4. NeoAnarchist
5. YoungMacdonald
6. Blackedout
7. Doktorgreenthumb420
8. Kubrickzghost


1. Joebaze


Well-Known Member
Prolly veg for another few weeks...

I know she wont get THIS big...

But it's the kind of thing I'm shooting for... ;-)

Its a clone from the last plants so it might be about 10+ weeks old but im not sure exactly, I will have to check back to find out. All it takes is a little bit of trimming and some training along with some time of coarse but any plant can reach that potential with a bit of help.

Heres a few more pics of it for ya. As Mygirls said earlier its like a spider web with all the tying and training this girl has had. She is loving the bondage lifestyle though and she has no complaints.



Well-Known Member
yah i know....... :)

I say in 2 weeks your girls will be humongus ! GL with it man. What you using 600w ?


Well-Known Member

the idea is to eventually have all 4 600s over 4 trees...

I'm dismantling the SoG... for security reasons...

I'm scare of living with 300+ plants... plus garbage bags worth of clones and trimmed branches...

The law is AK is HARSH above 25 plants... so I am just trying to still get 2 pounds a month, but from fewer, bigger plants...

I want to harvest a tree every 2 weeks...

I got some different strains.. so I may do some grafting...

Put some slow growing Indica branches on a Sativa before flowering...

I may actually try that this time...

But I gotta do a little more research...:eyesmoke:

should be fun though.... I'll be stoked if it works.. cause it would take FOREVER AND EVER for my Indicas to grow that size...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dave!

Remember I am still 7 month newb...

Anyone can do this... first try if they want...

Just gotta plan plan plan.. and when you finally execute... it's flawless... or at least not a complete disaster...:lol:

Welcome to RIU...:clap:


Well-Known Member
if i were u and u want to do the same as m Blaze, i'd move that ebb & flow tray from under 1 of your 600s and put 1 or 2 BIG ones under it in 50 lt pots. the tray isn't really deep enough for BIG ones. Thats my opinion, thats what i'd do if i wanted to do a M blaze grow same as his or very similar.

madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm not following you bro...:eyesmoke:

I got her in her own ebb flow set up ina a 19 gallon/71 liter pot

And it floods pretty high...

Am I mis-understanding you?

Each tree is to get their own 600 HPS and individual ebb flow system... like this one...:razz:



Well-Known Member
I never go to show you these shots of the root ball as she came out of the little pot...

I can only imagine what it will be like at harvest time...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Badass man, very badass, those look like some very healthy bushs for sure. I can't wait to start using hydro! Its gonna be great.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro!:clap: I am hoping she will do good...

Wonder if she's gonna fill that pot with roots like the little pot was...:lol:

And hydro , eh?!?!

WoW cool ... have you decided on a system yet?


Well-Known Member
That is one impressive tree!!

Did that originate as one of your mothers or something? Maybe I missed the details...

Care to share the story of her background?


Well-Known Member
That is one impressive tree!!

Did that originate as one of your mothers or something? Maybe I missed the details...

Care to share the story of her background?
Thanks Jesse!

It's back to knowing nothing...:lol:

fucking newbs...:razz:

But yeah.. she was one of my moms...

It's s hardy strain kept alive over the years by some old hippies here in AK...

It's also the strain of my first indoor grow with the AG..:lol:

I think this one will get a little bigger...:lol: I think...:eyesmoke:

I am also researching grafting right now...

I believe it would take forever and a day for one of my Indicas to get that big...

So I want to graft a few Indica branches on my Sativa plants...

If it works... it will be sweet...

We'll see though.... I mean, they put pears in apple trees right?

Right now I'm thinking of going with this method...



Well-Known Member
It should work.

I took 3 years of hort in HS and grafted ALL sorts of stuff together and since they are the same species plant (indica sativa, still cannabis) is should work, right?


Well-Known Member
gypsy my good friend.. i need you to drop some knowledge on some future "weed barons" Callin' all stealth CFL growers some kids in there could use some guidance. i'd offer it up... but yeah.. you know... and you were around during the days of Al B. so i figured you'd be of more help anyway



Well-Known Member
Thanks Jesse!

It's back to knowing nothing...:lol:

fucking newbs...:razz:

But yeah.. she was one of my moms...

It's s hardy strain kept alive over the years by some old hippies here in AK...

It's also the strain of my first indoor grow with the AG..:lol:

I think this one will get a little bigger...:lol: I think...:eyesmoke:

I am also researching grafting right now...

I believe it would take forever and a day for one of my Indicas to get that big...

So I want to graft a few Indica branches on my Sativa plants...

If it works... it will be sweet...

We'll see though.... I mean, they put pears in apple trees right?

Right now I'm thinking of going with this method...

sorry for qouting n not responding to the quote...just cought up on your big grow journal and the one thing i have to say in efforts to prolong and make benificial your endevors over the long haul... you mentioned this on your own also..start with bigger pots...i think your prob using something less than or arround 1/2 gall for those starter plants i would suggest 2 gals of hydroton to start and then up to the 19 gals from that... i have busted the roots on some potted plants before and they have grown very similar to plants that i un potted and repotted...i can tell you that the coco is miles ahead of the soil when it comes to repotting and time for shock...but i suspect you already have that insight as i suspect that dwc hydro and true coco reg watering are very similar in there respects of watering and nute/o2 intruduction