Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

dont make me do it, man cause ill find every old thread about celebrity pop stars and that will be all you see under new posts for the next 72 hours, i have caffeine pills and nothing better to do.

yeah thats a pretty empty threat, i do technically have better things to do, like eat these good and plentys and listen to the huge party across the street.
lmfao only on the internet can people bitch and moan about bumping threads..

take the sticks out of your asses people.
i thought about this thread today and how i never use shampoo to wash my hair, only water.

so i decided to ask my roommate to smell my hair, smelled fine.. and i smoke so thats saying somthing.
No offense Orca, BUT DO YOU EVEN GROW? I know it's toke n talk, but for goodness sake, you show your age with all these threads. Which to me has been demonstrated to be 18? Maybe younger? I think you're better off doing this shit over at the "Seventeen" magazine forums. If such a place exists.
lol getting back to the topic of the thread.... I like my women to have shorter hair then me. I have long thick black hair half way down my back. I don't know why But I find myself most attracted to other women that have shorter hair then me, and its got to be naturally dark or black. Hair color and hair style is one of the first things I will notice on a women.
lol my hair is pretty majestic, i wouldnt want to be with a man with hair like mine, itd be all in the way
I like them shaved bald, it feels better and makes it so they don't take as long to get ready

Haha bald is better than dreads. As long as she's cool I don't care how long/ short her hair is. As long as its not dreads. Woman with dreads have much hair everywhere else.
I like it short or long. I do have a special thing for women with mid-length black hair and bangs, like Uma Thurman in "Pulp Fiction". For some reason I think of that as a very French coiffure. cn
0106121610 (2).jpg lol just took this, obvious i need a hair cut. to see the true length look in the mirror to the left