Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?


Well-Known Member
I think that looks really nice on you Kuroi. Probably easier to do than the curls?

Edit: Long, short, whatever. I never really had a preference for either. Whatever the owner of the hair likes is fine by me. I'm not really a fan of the femullet though.


Well-Known Member
Thankyou ^^ My hair is naturally wavy/curly, more so when it gets wet, but it's difficult to manage like that. My favourite is when I straighten it and braid it before bed then it goes into the straight/wavy end product you more or less see above x My gingerish highlights in my bangs shows when the hair is straight though...

Brick Top

New Member
What might be called the best hair length depends on the individual female. Natalie Portman is absolutely beautiful with short hair, very short hair Heck, she's beautiful when her head is shaved. That just won't work for some women, some need some real length to help bring out or enhance their looks.

In the late 70's I lived with a girl who had hair about half way between the bottom of her 'bottom' and her knees. It looked great on her, but it really got in the way. I was always kneeling on it or something. At times it seemed to be everywhere. But it sure could look sexy spread out over pillows and a bed.


However the girl can rock it. I love long hair but some girls look good with short hair. There is a girl somewhere for every type of "look" or hair length ect.


Weed Modifier
Im asking cause all of the guys that have been interested in me have always loved my hair.... its curly and down to the small of my back.
my sister has had the same experience, and most of my friends agree that their dudes love it when their hair is long.

What is your preference?
i prefer longer hair on a female...but as long as i have something to pull on im good!!! :)

but i also like Brazilian too.... so...hhhmmmm ;)


Well-Known Member
I personally like longer hair on myself. Some women just don't look right with long hair, though. I've shaved my head before, and was told it looked really good (by people who didn't know me. People who did were too shocked to say much.)