Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?


Well-Known Member
since when do guys use shampoo?

my hair is at least a few inches long and i never ever use anything to wash my hair, warm water does fine. if your hair is dry or frizzy and gross, its becuase you're washing it. it's supposed to feel a little oily, the natural oils are the best thing for your hair. its the only thing that makes hair look healthy without using products.


I've always used Shampoo. But, I also have incredibly thick and dense hair.. and it gets oily if I don't wash it. I don't like oily hair.. not only does it look gross but it starts stinking after a few days of not washing it. So, I would have to say that I've always used shampoo.. and I think anyone that doesn't use it, is gross! They make shampoo for a reason.. ;)



Well-Known Member
Maybe she didn't want to bother you since she thought you didn't notice her or maybe she knew you noticed her and it seemed like you weren't interesting in talking to her.

Ahhhh! See, I was thinking that could be a possibility.. damn it. :|

You think I should maybe say hello to her the next time I see her? Couldn't hurt right?


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with you. Finally someone who gets it! I rarely use shampoo. If I do my hair is a puffy mess. I run water through it and massage my scalp. If my hair or skin feels "dry" I use olive oil. Yes, I have olive oil in my shower. My hair is never greasy since I have a naturally light complexion. Also, natural oils on your face is better than any anti-aging product you can ever buy. If I don't have to go anywhere important or if I'm just going to the store, I never put makeup on. I go days and days with out make up and only wash my face at night. Of course if you are naturally oily or have acne you have to wash twice or sometimes 3 times a day. In addition to anti-aging, I do NOT go tanning or sit in the sun. If I want to be tan I buy a bronzer or some sort of lotion that gradually tans my skin. My mother sits out in the sun too much and she looks 10 years older than my dad does but she is actually a year younger.
exactly! your hair looks a tad longer than mine (and a different style of course) but i have really thick "straw like" hair that poofs like crazy when i strip away the natural oils.

the skin makes these oils to keep your hair/skin healthy why stip them away with chemicals? it's not normal

:| I've always used Shampoo. But, I also have incredibly thick and dense hair.. and it gets oily if I don't wash it. I don't like oily hair.. not only does it look gross but it starts stinking after a few days of not washing it. So, I would have to say that I've always used shampoo.. and I think anyone that doesn't use it, is gross! They make shampoo for a reason.. ;)
they make shampoo because they know people will buy it, which = $$$

have you ever read a shampoo label? why would you want to strip your hair with all of that shit?
as long as you massage your scalp and make sure you thoroughly rinse out your hair, it's not going to smell bad.


Well-Known Member
i have to use shampoo... my hair is soo long, and so curly, I wouldnt be able to brush it and style it without shampoo and condition. Plus, in order to tame it I must use several hair products... and you cant leave those in for more than two days before your hair starts fucking up... one time i was extremely lazy, didnt wash my hair for four days, just wore it in a bun... my hair was so dirty and gunky from each days application of hairspray on top of the orginal hair products... it was semi straight... thats just gross.

and, also, I have seborheic dermatitis. its a long explaination, but basically, its a skin condition that affects your scalp, behind your ears, your neck, around your hairline, can spread to your face. It makes your scalp slimy some days, then afterwards you get really bad flaking due to antibodies trying to fight the slime. The slime is natural oil on your head being produced in abundance... so you have to wash it every day, brush your hair really good, or else the problem becomes disgusting.

If you do wash your hair every day, and brush it well, it becomes manageable. Alot of people lose their hair when they get this, if they do nothing to treat it. :-/

oh btw, this is extremely painful some days... its hard to brush your hair and its like pulling up scabs from your scalp... <thats only when its really bad.

shampoo and conditioner allow me to have great looking hair, despite the aforementioned problem. its kinda weird how common my problem is!


Well-Known Member
lol well idk if you saw the pics i posted, but my hair is pretty goddamn long. i should post up what it looks like when i dont do it, its a hoot


New Member
Dude I am telling you short hair women are super sexy and hot. I been called gay or like men for having this requirement for hair but *)!&@ it. I mean you take a ok woman sometimes with medium long hair and cut it short (shoulder or above) and instantly 2 or 3 points higher on my scale.


Almost jizzed on that one. If they have below the shoulder length they get a "fist".


Well-Known Member
some women can pull it off. not me. my hair was that short from the age of 6-13. no longer!!! I looked like a man, my hair was poofy and all over the place, teachers and adults used to mistake me for a boy, was teased unmercifully...
I looked like a dude until I was like 15, when my hair finally grew to a decent length, and i learned how to dress nice and wear makeup. Now im complimented on my hair and makeup all the time...
I'd never go back to short hair, it gave me low self esteem


Well-Known Member

my hair when it has only been shampoo'd. no conditioner, or hairproduct, only been brushed when it was wet


These pictures are from december, my hair isnt pink like that anymore

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
exactly! your hair looks a tad longer than mine (and a different style of course) but i have really thick "straw like" hair that poofs like crazy when i strip away the natural oils.

the skin makes these oils to keep your hair/skin healthy why stip them away with chemicals? it's not normal

they make shampoo because they know people will buy it, which = $$$

have you ever read a shampoo label? why would you want to strip your hair with all of that shit?
as long as you massage your scalp and make sure you thoroughly rinse out your hair, it's not going to smell bad.

It's funny. I can't understand a one damn word on the shampoo bottle labels except "water". I like to use completely natural soaps. I like goats milk soap and anything Tom's of Maine makes.


Active Member
i like both..but girls kinda have to have the right look for short hair..i have seen some short haired girls that blow 95% of these other girls out of the water..but that's just me >.> haha


Well-Known Member
I like long, but prefer short...kinda like Morgans doo.

Just depends, what looks good on one may not on another.

You start the most simple threads....and get so many replies urca lol.