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I probably have known 500 gun owners. That would include friends, relatives, acquaintances and coworkers.

I know 8 people who fired a gun at a human being.

5 were suicides.

One case was two cousins, one accidentally shot the other back in high school days. The deceased wasn't found for two years until he turned up in a wooded area. Unsolved for a couple years. When he was found, the cousin admitted what happened. He wasn't charged, but he wound up in and out of mental institutions mostly because it tore him up mentally.

Another was an attempted suicide by a friends teenage son who now looks like hell after multiple reconstructive surgeries.

The best one was a guy who took it upon himself to shoot a black kid in the leg as he ran away after stealing something from another guys porch.

The shooter was charged and paid 20K in legal fees, had to do years of probation and community service and had to send the kid he shot a monthly check for a decade as a civil settlement.

I know personally of no one who used a gun to defend his home or legally stop criminal activity.

But I realize that's a small sample size so I'll let you guys slug it out and decide how important guns are to your own lives.
Someone broke into my dad's house while I was there. Just some bummy looking chick trying to scrounge up her next bag of meth. I cheerfully confronted her and said "hey what's up, shit I forgot to lock the door!". She looked at me for a few seconds dumbfounded, and played it off like she thought it was a party. My dad has a bunch of firearms and I had access to them, but I didn't feel the need. She didn't notice me trail her back to her detached garage full of broken electronics where some dude with half of his teeth lives. Then next day I told him that her face was very clearly visible on our security footage and that a probation officer would hear of any future problems.

He pulls weeds for my dad now for some of his meth money.
I fully agree with everything you just said. Too many people are idiots, and a lot should not own a gun. Maybe you should have to take an IQ test or something during the background check, lol.

That is simply not how Rights work. When you sign your Rights away, to join the military for example; an IQ of less than 70 is not permitted. You absolutely have a Constitutionally protected Right to Contract and limit your Rights in that regard.
I'm not pointing a loaded weapon at you though like you are at me:

This is a dogwistle for making me do what you say while you point a gun at my head(force of law).

It's sad that you seem so at odds with yourself.
Yer gonna lose the whole ball of wax and ya know it, next year you'll be a second class citizen, white trash.
Dumb pig, How stupid do you have to be to post a pic of your old service pistol?

Pretty fuckin stupid.
What makes you think this is an old service pistol? Just curious. It's amazing how many idiots are out there. Just watch the movie Idiocracy. There are a lot of people on here getting pretty close, and you my friend are at the top of the list, lol.
You ignoring this post on purpose?

Do you not want these dogs to find homes and people to know about how they can foster dogs in need at no cost?

btw, I never said I care one way or another about guns. I am just pointing out that all the heroics people like to pretend they are going to do because they have a gun is bullshit, and a good dog(s) will provide far more protection.

False. I quoted that post and asked to provide documentation that that shelter provides in full, care financially for an adopted animal to the end of its life.

You failed to do so.

I have shelter dogs and guns.

Please explain to me why you think that poor people, who cannot afford the purchase and/or constant care and upkeep for a self defense guard dog should not be able to defend their home and family with a one time sub $300 purchase of gun and ammo?
After my vegging plants were taken from my greenhouse years ago, I considered getting a gun

instead, I just monitored the area and slept out there

I had a few instances of would be robbers. They all ran at the sound of a voice
False. I quoted that post and asked to provide documentation that that shelter provides in full, care financially for an adopted animal to the end of its life.

You failed to do so.

I have shelter dogs and guns.

Please explain to me why you think that poor people, who cannot afford the purchase and/or constant care and upkeep for a self defense guard dog should not be able to defend their home and family with a one time sub $300 purchase of gun and ammo?
That gun is 43 times more likely to kill you or your family
What makes you think this is an old service pistol? Just curious. It's amazing how many idiots are out there. Just watch the movie Idiocracy. There are a lot of people on here getting pretty close, and you my friend are at the top of the list, lol.
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You'd like that wouldn't you, dumb pig.

If anyone doubts this they can hit me up in pm, 110% this guy's a narc.
Gun violence
More than 38,000 Americans were killed with guns last year, according to preliminary statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Both gun suicide and gun homicide have risen in recent years, although America’s rates of gun homicide remain dramatically below what they were in the early 1990s.

Gun suicides make up the majority of gun deaths, more than 20,000 each year. But violent gun injuries represent an even larger toll: more than 60,000 people are shot each year and survive, according to CDC estimates.

In 2015, the most recent year with detailed data on fatal gun deaths, there were more than 36,000 overall firearm deaths, including 22,000 gun suicides and 13,000 gun homicides. That same year, according to The Counted, a Guardian project tracking police killings, more than 1,000 Americans were shot to death by the police.

But surveys show that gun ownership in America is actually highly concentrated. Only 22 to 31% of Americans adults say they personally own a gun.

Rates of personal and household gun ownership appear to have declined over the past decades – roughly two-thirds of Americans today say they live in a gun-free household. By contrast, in the late 1970s, the majority of Americans said they lived in a household with guns.

Most of America’s gun owners have relatively modest collections, with the majority of gun owners having an average of just three guns, and nearly half owning just one or two, according to a 2015 survey by Harvard and Northeastern researchers, which gave the most in-depth estimate of Americans’ current patterns of gun ownerships.

But America’s gun super-owners, have amassed huge collections. Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock. These owners have collections that range from eight to 140 guns, the 2015 study found. Their average collection: 17 guns each.

After the Las Vegas shooting, officials said the killer had 23 guns in his hotel room, and another 19 at home. Some Americans asked, shocked, why one person purchasing so many guns had not set off any red flags.

All handguns without high capacity mags yet the lefts focus is on the all mighty AR-14.

4wd was developed specifically for military and passenger vehicle death is orders of magnitude greater than death via gun.
Noone needs a military assault vehicle.
Oh, I forgot another case although I only knew the victim, not the shooter.

A good buddy of mine had friends with a hunting camp near Emporium, Pa. up the mountains. They were up there hunting deer.

They went to a bar and were drinking. My buddy talked with a local girl in there, flirting around a little, this was back in the late 70's.

A local guy, who considered the girl as his property even though she had broke up with him a year earlier, got mad at my buddy and threatened him. My buddy was a pretty big boy and got up and grabbed the guy and told him to fuck off and get the fuck away from him, so he quickly left the bar.

The guy waited outside the bar and shot my buddy in the side with a hunting rifle. The wound was superficial as he was a lousy shot. The whole thing made the local Pittsburgh news and my buddy became somewhat of a legend.

The shooter went back to prison as he was on parole for shooting someone else a few years earlier.

My buddy's parents found out about it watching the news and freaked out but he was just treated and released from a local hospital up there.

The good old days, when crazy people just shot one guy instead of a whole bunch of people.
That is simply not how Rights work. When you sign your Rights away, to join the military for example; an IQ of less than 70 is not permitted. You absolutely have a Constitutionally protected Right to Contract and limit your Rights in that regard.
It was a joke man. But if the military says your IQ needs to be higher than at least 70 like you say, to hold one of their weapons, maybe my joke should be taken more seriously. Please keep trying to teach me my Constitutional Rights, lol.
A lot of variables there. Plenty of situations where the dog wins.
This is certainly true. I did a lot of hiking in the Sierra Nevadas and siskiyou and no way my gun would get the drop on a cat either. I think we can all agree that a home invader being stopped is important by any means necessary.
It was a joke man. But if the military says your IQ needs to be higher than at least 70 like you say, to hold one of their weapons, maybe my joke should be taken more seriously. Please keep trying to teach me my Constitutional Rights, lol.

Ok, you have a Right to Travel unmolested, but you contract that into a priviledge by endorsing your drivers license.
Hey, how are those 'purples' treating you down there?

Nothing as dumb as a rebel who thinks they won the civil war.

Don't cut yourself sharpening your knife and I could still buy and sell your broke dick at least 30 times.

That enough for you and your ignorant user name and avi, stroker ace?

No, feel free to display senility as you see fit.
All handguns without high capacity mags yet the lefts focus is on the all mighty AR-14.

4wd was developed specifically for military and passenger vehicle death is orders of magnitude greater than death via gun.
Noone needs a military assault vehicle.
Assault rifle 14
You know Crosman makes a co2 pellet revolver that is double action for you to learn on right? You can put it in the safe and keep the magazine in the kitty litter box as well for added security.

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UncleBuck was one of the first to go on my ignore list, and I don't have many on it, lol. I never see anything he says unless I choose to. It's beautiful, haha.
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