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This is certainly true. I did a lot of hiking in the Sierra Nevadas and siskiyou and no way my gun would get the drop on a cat either. I think we can all agree that a home invader being stopped is important by any means necessary.
I would think it’s most important to not increase the chances of killing yourself or your family by a factor of 43 to 1
UncleBuck was one of the first to go on my ignore list, and I don't have many on it, lol. I never see anything he says unless I choose to. It's beautiful, haha.
I ignore 80% of it without using the ignore function. He knows I can see it so he binge posts spam meltdowns sometimes. It's quite funny.
Post an honest dollar amount for your dog food, flea and tick treatments and vet visits for all your dogs per year.
A lot, why are you against people taking good care of their pets? Are you that shitty of a person? Or is it that you are jealous of how well we take care of our dogs?
False. I quoted that post and asked to provide documentation that that shelter provides in full, care financially for an adopted animal to the end of its life.

You failed to do so.

I have shelter dogs and guns.

Please explain to me why you think that poor people, who cannot afford the purchase and/or constant care and upkeep for a self defense guard dog should not be able to defend their home and family with a one time sub $300 purchase of gun and ammo?
You trying to make rent or something?

Unless you went back and edited your posts, you were proven wrong and have since shifted your position to add in 'for life'. A lot of dogs would not be adoptable that you might end up having for life for free, but that is not the point is it.

It is not even that dogs > guns in every situation short of a machine gun toting psychopath (that would end up being a draw since you will die either way if one busts through your door spraying bullets, like in the movies).

No it is about having a socially divisive thread to spam this site with.
Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 6.20.29 AM.png
All handguns without high capacity mags yet the lefts focus is on the all mighty AR-14.

4wd was developed specifically for military and passenger vehicle death is orders of magnitude greater than death via gun.
Noone needs a military assault vehicle.
Great, get an operating licence for your gun, register it and carry liability insurance too, just like a car. A car or a vehicle are necessities of life, you don't need any guns to live or even be free, the press and votes are more important than guns for that.

Guns are gonna be gone, no more cowboy and indian fantasies, time for the little boys to lose the toys, it's just a question of time, and that time is about a year from now.
I can't even begin to count a single list.. i need a Table of Contents, followed by an index and divided into decades and affiliation.
Cold War was a tough time around the world.
Speaking of the devils, didn't think I would see him again.
The Butcher of Khiam is free, that was quick. Back to making sandwiches hopefully, I'll have to stop and have a chat.
He just got sprung from prison, must have a few friends that moved up the totem pole.

:arrow::arrow: Amer Fakhoury: Lebanese ‘killer’ rescued by US on orders of Trump
Guns are gonna be gone, no more cowboy and indian fantasies, time for the little boys to lose the toys, it's just a question of time, and that time is about a year from now.
I think they will ban Hi Cap mags, suppressors, folding stocks, tax ammo. Nibble away at the fringes first, then worry about the hardware.
First, you have to socially stigmatize the III percent Militias away from the lone minutemen they recruit. Fill it with your traitors, let them turn on each other, and stir the soup every now and then. Take out the bad lumps from the broth.

Registration and banning won't work, that would take ten years for the first, and create a new criminal class like the drug wars did.
Buybacks included in there will help a lot because people like that option, but we don't have enough money
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I would think it’s most important to not increase the chances of killing yourself or your family by a factor of 43 to 1

You're more likely to be killed as a result of being a government murder victim than you are of harming yourself with a firearm.

So far voting has ensured that this will remain true.

Prove me wrong.
You're more likely to be killed as a result of being a government murder victim than you are of harming yourself with a firearm.
So far voting has ensured that this will remain true.
I doubt that. Why would you vote to keep the murder rate higher than the suicide rate?
That seems counter productive to your long term goal of keeping second amendment strong.

That is not a strategy to follow. Immigrants at citizenship ceremonies getting guns would be a better long term strategy.
A lot, why are you against people taking good care of their pets? Are you that shitty of a person? Or is it that you are jealous of how well we take care of our dogs?

You trying to make rent or something?

Unless you went back and edited your posts, you were proven wrong and have since shifted your position to add in 'for life'. A lot of dogs would not be adoptable that you might end up having for life for free, but that is not the point is it.

It is not even that dogs > guns in every situation short of a machine gun toting psychopath (that would end up being a draw since you will die either way if one busts through your door spraying bullets, like in the movies).

No it is about having a socially divisive thread to spam this site with.
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Why are you against poor families defending their homes with a cheap firearm and insistent they use a more expensive dog?

This was your position and you failed to defend it when you claimed dogs were cheaper or even free when participating in a thread about the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution in the Politics subforum. Because you failed to defend your position you cry spam. Good job.
Great, get an operating licence for your gun, register it and carry liability insurance too, just like a car. A car or a vehicle are necessities of life, you don't need any guns to live or even be free, the press and votes are more important than guns for that.

Guns are gonna be gone, no more cowboy and indian fantasies, time for the little boys to lose the toys, it's just a question of time, and that time is about a year from now.

To each according to their need then, final answer. I knew you had it in you.
Why are you against poor families defending their homes with a cheap firearm and insistent they use a more expensive dog?

This was your position and you failed to defend it when you claimed dogs were cheaper or even free when participating in a thread about the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution in the Politics subforum. Because you failed to defend your position you cry spam. Good job.
You are just making shit up to keep this shit-stain of a thread going. Congrats it got bumped one last time by me.

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