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You are just making shit up to keep this shit-stain of a thread going. Congrats it got bumped one last time by me.


It's all here just as I stated if you care to start at your first post are re-digest instead of expelling these turds.

Say, do you think healthcare should be a Right?
I doubt that. Why would you vote to keep the murder rate higher than the suicide rate?
That seems counter productive to your long term goal of keeping second amendment strong.

That is not a strategy to follow. Immigrants at citizenship ceremonies getting guns would be a better long term strategy.

I apologize for being subtle.

The voting process is used to implement taking away rights, it isn't used for "granting rights".

Also, I was alluding to the idea that voting is a ritual which doesn't bring freedom, but it can, and does, negate freedom.

No that is statistically false, you dumbass pedophile

I should be more precise. Government has murdered more people than individuals who have used guns in suicide.

Are you gonna turn holocaust denier here for the convenience of your failed argument ?

Too easy, still winning.
I should be more precise. Government has murdered more people than individuals who have used guns in suicide.

Are you gonna turn holocaust denier here for the convenience of your failed argument ?

Too easy, still winning.
You’re the holocaust denier though
Prove it. Bet you cannot. Which means that you too are a proponent Of the Big Lie.
You hate civil gun ownership precisely because it is the bulwark against what happened inn Germany on the 30s. You expose yourself, Vladimir.
You really believe a few little guns will stop that type of scenario in the present day? That kind of political extremism is how we've all been hijacked, and can't get a decent back round check system in place that 90% agree on.
You really believe a few little guns will stop that type of scenario in the present day? That kind of political extremism is how we've all been hijacked, and can't get a decent back round check system in place that 90% agree on.
Don't believe the straw dog argument. In reality, some people just want to make sure they have an option after they have irretrievably destroyed every personal relationship they have with their family and friends and want to ensure that they have some sort of hardware to extend their own malevolence to society as a whole.

That is the 18th Century English translation of "pursuit of happiness".
Don't believe the straw dog argument. In reality, some people just want to make sure they have an option after they have irretrievably destroyed every personal relationship they have with their family and friends and want to ensure that they have some sort of hardware to extend their own malevolence to society as a whole.

That is the 18th Century English translation of "pursuit of happiness".

These gun nuts are clowns. Not sure why, but the ignorance reminds me of an old Woody Allen movie, take the money and run. There's a scene where he hands a bank teller a note demanding money, reading the note she asks, what's a "gub" ? Woody leaning in and correcting her, no that's an "n" I have a gun. She disagrees and calls over the bank's manager for a second opinion, as I recall. I have to find humor in this shit, and realize it's a political front which we are winning on. Gun control is popular and gaining traction across the country.
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