Gun Control

Stricter Gun Control In US

  • Yes, stricter control.

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • No, we love our guns!

    Votes: 106 82.8%

  • Total voters
Whats next, the indians, the french, the english, the spanish, they all held claim to this country at one time. Hey we kicked their asses and now it is ours, the WASP Europeans that are made in Gods Image, ~LOL~. Get over it. If you can't make your country a better place to live, don't come to ours and call dibs. You're just lucky I'm not president or I'd start rounding you all up and deport you, right after I brought the troops back from Iraq and put them on the border with shoot to kill orders. I could man all the jobs with Speed freaks and ex-felons, might not be pretty, but it would get the job done. So quit with your "It was mine before it was yours bullshit", eh.
Come off it med'. If we want to live in your country and buy land there's nothing stopping us. Why would we need to go to war to do it?

Besides, the spanish were there first. If you discount the Viking campaign of course.
How is it we can be so far apart on politics in general but agree on this and probably the illegal alien situation also. Mind boggeling, aint it?

I've wondered this very thing myself, Med ... but I've come to the rational conclusion that we are slowly winning you over. :hump:

Come off it med'. If we want to live in your country and buy land there's nothing stopping us. Why would we need to go to war to do it?

Besides, the spanish were there first. If you discount the Viking campaign of course.
I gave the spanish their due, But the facts are, we either kicked their asses or outright bought it from them. Hey, don't you have a slight immigration problem yourselves? Haven't I heard you sniveling about the muslims taking over your country? I don't think you have a dog in this fight. Clean up your immigration problem and we'll talk. At least the general consensus of our Mexican immigrants is not to want to kill the infadels. It is a fact that the poorer nations are sending their masses to overrun the richer nations, legally or otherwise. In our case it is otherwise. The big boys benefit from the cheap labor, so it's not an easy fix, besides, how do you run off 20 million intrenched illegals. I have at least 3 familys living on my block and one is a friend that I just got a job after he was randomly fired after 17 years at the same employer. I personally don't have anything against Mexicans, I've always maintained friendships with people of Mexican descent, It's just a runaway invasion that must be brought under control. BTW, you guys lost the war, remember. ~LOL~
Hey Med ... Have you heard the latest? The Brits are allowing the Muslims to set up their own courts to enforce Shria law. All in the name of political correctness, of course. Can you imagine a country with two court systems and two sets of laws? The Brits will have it before long.

Vi', that's bullshit and you know it... misinformation piss scattering through the wind. You must get a lot of it in your country too, the pc brigade trying to dictate what we should be thinking.

No med', the English withdrew. India had far richer prizes, like the solid gold Taj Mahal doors. Takes a lot of men to carry all that gold back.

I mean think about the choice we had. Keep fighting you guys and expend vast amounts on a war that in all likelyhood would never end, or move on to richer, easier pickings.
May 01, 2007

Sharia courts already operating in Britain

This presents the British authorities with an opportunity to reassert the fact that all in Britain must abide by British law: they could move decisively to shut down these courts, and to criminalize Sharia in Britain. Will they do any of that? Probably not.
"Now Muslims Get Their Own Laws In Britain," by Paul Jeeves in the Daily Express, with thanks to all who sent this in:
MUSLIM radicals have established their own draconian court systems in Britain. Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system.
Last night religious leaders and politicians expressed outrage that Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in our society.
Critics insisted that the Govern­ment is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined.
The Daily Express can reveal that one of the controversial courts has been set up in the home town of the 7/7 London bombings ringleader.
Mohammed Siddique Khan was responsible for the Edgware Road Circle Line explosion which killed six people and injured 120. Our investigation has found that the Sharia court system has been set up in the heart of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and that it is a model for others across the country which are operating outside the British legal process.
The Dewsbury court is called the Sharee Council – another term for Sharia – and operates as a Muslim judiciary making decisions by which attendees must abide.
In many countries, hard-line interpretations of the Islamic law allow people to be stoned to death, beheaded or have their limbs amputated.
Non-Muslims are excluded from the secretive court which is registered as a charity to receive British tax benefits.
Although the court has no official legal standing, scales of justice adorn a sign outside a former pub building which has been converted by the Islamic Institute of Great Britain.
Posted by Robert at May 1, 2007 06:24 AM

I'm usually fairly up on current affairs. I've just this second mentioned your post to my gf and she's like "I know, yeah."

WTF? Good job I've relocated to the Netherlands, lol.

What's next, their own provences?

I'm usually fairly up on current affairs. I've just this second mentioned your post to my gf and she's like "I know, yeah."

WTF? Good job I've relocated to the Netherlands, lol.

What's next, their own provences?

Try California. Its beautiful this time of year and we have legal med use. Not only that, Skunk, but if the Muslims try to start their own court system here, we can ward them off with our personal firearms. :hump:


PS: I learned of the Shiria courts in your country while watching the Glenn Beck show on Monday night. :)
Needed in the US or not?

I'm making this a private poll so you can be sure of privacy with your vote. As I live in a country with strict gun control and understand the benefits of this control, my vote will be that stricter gun control is needed in the US... Well, the world really, but the US will do for now.


I'm sure you are a very nice person. That said, I could give a fuck what somebody in the Netherlands thinks of my country's gun control laws.

While gun control might work well elsewhere, only a fool would think it could work here. We have too many guns in circulation already. If you make handguns illegal, the only people who will comply will be the "good citizens." Which will result in only cops and criminals having guns... which happen to be the two groups I need personal defense against. Fuck that.
I'm sure you are a very nice person. That said, I could give a fuck what somebody in the Netherlands thinks of my country's gun control laws.

While gun control might work well elsewhere, only a fool would think it could work here. We have too many guns in circulation already. If you make handguns illegal, the only people who will comply will be the "good citizens." Which will result in only cops and criminals having guns... which happen to be the two groups I need personal defense against. Fuck that.
I'm pretty sure Skunk was joking about moving to Holland, He resides in the wonderful land of the losers of the war of independence, (but won't admit the loss) Great Briton. I guess it used to be great, But now I think it's just Briton, or England. I've invited him to come to the wild west and go shooting with me, you know cans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Mohicans, Africans, LOL, I'll probably catch flack for this post, Kinda like Imus, hey, it's just an old joke.
I'm sure you are a very nice person. That said, I could give a fuck what somebody in the Netherlands thinks of my country's gun control laws.

While gun control might work well elsewhere, only a fool would think it could work here. We have too many guns in circulation already. If you make handguns illegal, the only people who will comply will be the "good citizens." Which will result in only cops and criminals having guns... which happen to be the two groups I need personal defense against. Fuck that.

Did you read through the whole thread or did you end it at my post? If you'd read just a bit further you'd find that I have already argued against your points quite a few times already. yawn.

How cool, a Gun machine, We need to send one of those to England so skunky can get on board. To be realistic. Thats how easy it is for criminals to get guns, and you want to take our guns away from us law abiding citizens, no way Jose! So when the criminal sticks a knife or a gun in your ribs, you just say Please don't hurt me, here's the key to my safe and my new corvette, please dont scratch the paint and don't overspend my credit cards as I hate the overage penalties, BTW have a nice fucking day! I don't fucking think so. Point a gun at me, you better shoot because the first chance I get I'm goin for my hidden Gat and blowin your ass off!!
How cool, a Gun machine, We need to send one of those to England so skunky can get on board. To be realistic. Thats how easy it is for criminals to get guns, and you want to take our guns away from us law abiding citizens, no way Jose! So when the criminal sticks a knife or a gun in your ribs, you just say Please don't hurt me, here's the key to my safe and my new corvette, please dont scratch the paint and don't overspend my credit cards as I hate the overage penalties, BTW have a nice fucking day! I don't fucking think so. Point a gun at me, you better shoot because the first chance I get I'm goin for my hidden Gat and blowin your ass off!!

LOL med', you had me literally laughing out loud there, still am now a little only it's muted so my gf doesn't think I'm going crazy.

To be honest though med' if a criminal stuck a gun in your back/ribs you'd freeze with fear. Real life is far different to the films.
LOL med', you had me literally laughing out loud there, still am now a little only it's muted so my gf doesn't think I'm going crazy.

To be honest though med' if a criminal stuck a gun in your back/ribs you'd freeze with fear. Real life is far different to the films.
I'm sure you're right about the fear thingy, but if he leaves me mobile and doesn't find my hidden gun. he's not gettin away with my new corvette, It'll have at least 6 holes in it as he tries to drive off, and all of those will be in the area where his head and body are., I just hate the Idea of having blood in my new vette, but at least I'll still have the thing and the insurance will probably fix the damage under either my homeowners ins. or my comprehensive car Ins., Plus I'll have my fucking revenge. If the asshole isn't dead by the time I get to the car, I'll finish him off and say he was getting ready to shoot me,, then I'll call the cops and My lawyer and prepare to go to jail for the night. I've been shot at, but not up close and personal, I'm sure it's a whole new experience. BTW, I've always been an expert marksman, and always hit what I aim at.
You'd shoot a guy for stealing your car? Couldn't you just let him go and claim THAT money on the insurance?

Insure your car for more than it's worth 'get it stolen' and make a little profit. Buy a bigger, better car.

Surely intentionally killing somebody for stealing your car is asking for bad karma? In fact there should be laws against it, if he's driving away and you shoot him (they'll investigate your marksman skills) in the back of the head i think you'd be doing a little longer than 1 night in jail.
I'm sure you're right about the fear thingy, but if he leaves me mobile and doesn't find my hidden gun. he's not gettin away with my new corvette, It'll have at least 6 holes in it as he tries to drive off, and all of those will be in the area where his head and body are., I just hate the Idea of having blood in my new vette, but at least I'll still have the thing and the insurance will probably fix the damage under either my homeowners ins. or my comprehensive car Ins., Plus I'll have my fucking revenge. If the asshole isn't dead by the time I get to the car, I'll finish him off and say he was getting ready to shoot me,, then I'll call the cops and My lawyer and prepare to go to jail for the night. I've been shot at, but not up close and personal, I'm sure it's a whole new experience. BTW, I've always been an expert marksman, and always hit what I aim at.

i'm pretty sure you would end up in jail if you shot a fleeing criminal. he's in your car driving away and you shoot him? did he discharge any rounds? does the evidence lean in your favor?

come on now, keep it real.
You'd shoot a guy for stealing your car? Couldn't you just let him go and claim THAT money on the insurance?

Insure your car for more than it's worth 'get it stolen' and make a little profit. Buy a bigger, better car.

Surely intentionally killing somebody for stealing your car is asking for bad karma? In fact there should be laws against it, if he's driving away and you shoot him (they'll investigate your marksman skills) in the back of the head i think you'd be doing a little longer than 1 night in jail.

and then there is the insurance thing. i wish my car would get stolen.