Gun control is coming

Yeah I think @Budley Doright was right on the money with banning internet/mail order sales on these things. It wouldn't be that hard for a Russian troll to direct a little psycho in the making to a no fuss online gun seller who knows that kid will get exactly what he needs.

Most people hunt were they live. Shotguns are not going anywhere in America. Ever, for real it is not going to happen. Anything else being said is just used to piss off and end conversations with people that care about their guns.
California has recently banned all lead hunting ammunition and out of state ammunition. I love where I live, we're going to make it so fucking hard to do anything with guns and gun culture it will make them want to commit a hate crime, then we can take their guns for good.

Wow. You sure told him a thing or two.
Humans are over populated when are you going to start calling for our regulated slaughter?

The earth can support roughly 11.5 to 13 billion people. Presently, we have 7.7 billion.

1st observation: nice job changing the topic rather than admit you wrongly stereotyped hunters and were completely ignorant of the facts like a Trumpian asshole.

2nd observation: kudos for making a complete ass of yourself in back to back posts. That's a skill typically dominated by Rob Roy and those of his ilk.
California has recently banned all lead hunting ammunition and out of state ammunition. I love where I live, we're going to make it so fucking hard to do anything with guns and gun culture it will make them want to commit a hate crime, then we can take their guns for good.
So you can still use and buy lead to kill people then. I dont live in Cali but can you show me where it’s legislated that no out of state amo is allowed? You really need to concentrate on things that will actually accomplish something but instead your making a case for people to reject any type of actual helpful legislation. The banning of lead for hunting is a good thing due to the environmental damage and all hunters should embrace that, I have. But with your thought process hunters live to spray toxic shit over the land FFS. I gotta ask, and be honest if you can, do you think hunters are responsible for the illegal use and mass shootings occurring now? Or is it due to fucked up or criminalized people with untethered access to assault weapons and handguns? Also what actually have you done to stop any of this? I have signed 3 national petitions to ban all handgun sales in Canada over the last 4 years, mentor young hunters every year on youth hunting days and generally promote ethical use, seems you rant. But I’m a hunter so I just want to go out and murder animals, drink beer and pollute the land. Yup your helping your cause tremendously lol.
Says who?

It's an average of many different studies done over the years.

Most of the lower estimates have of course already been disproved, so they are moot.

There are 20 studies that put it at 8 billion or less, but since we're already there and still throwing away more than we actually eat/use, it's clear those studies are wrong.

There are 14 studies that put it at 16 billion.

There are 7 that put it at 64 billion.

I chose a conservative average between the 8 billion and 16 billion studies.

Read about it here:
The earth can support roughly 11.5 to 13 billion people. Presently, we have 7.7 billion.

1st observation: nice job changing the topic rather than admit you wrongly stereotyped hunters and were completely ignorant of the facts like a Trumpian asshole.

2nd observation: kudos for making a complete ass of yourself in back to back posts. That's a skill typically dominated by Rob Roy and those of his ilk.

So your argument is that the Earth can support eleven billion people, but only a few million deer, lulz. Also, when does an over whelming majority become not a stereo type? For every responsible hunter I could show you one hundred beer drinking, belt bursting, gas guzzling, side of the road shitting, littering assholes.
So you can still use and buy lead to kill people then. I dont live in Cali but can you show me where it’s legislated that no out of state amo is allowed? You really need to concentrate on things that will actually accomplish something but instead your making a case for people to reject any type of actual helpful legislation. The banning of lead for hunting is a good thing due to the environmental damage and all hunters should embrace that, I have. But with your thought process hunters live to spray toxic shit over the land FFS. I gotta ask, and be honest if you can, do you think hunters are responsible for the illegal use and mass shootings occurring now? Or is it due to fucked up or criminalized people with untethered access to assault weapons and handguns? Also what actually have you done to stop any of this? I have signed 3 national petitions to ban all handgun sales in Canada over the last 4 years, mentor young hunters every year on youth hunting days and generally promote ethical use, seems you rant. But I’m a hunter so I just want to go out and murder animals, drink beer and pollute the land. Yup your helping your cause tremendously lol.

Our society has been inundated with assault rifles under the guise of hunting rifles. So yes, I do blame hunters for supporting groups like the NRA and not calling for stricter gun laws in the first place. Like @Fogdog has been saying for a while, if responsible gun owners don't do something about gun violence, we will, and you're not going to like what we do.
Our society has been inundated with assault rifles under the guise of hunting rifles. So yes, I do blame hunters for supporting groups like the NRA and not calling for stricter gun laws in the first place. Like @Fogdog has been saying for a while, if responsible gun owners don't do something about gun violence, we will, and you're not going to like what we do.
Will it make you happy if we mandated the buyer to show 2 forms of identification at purchase? The crazies are least likely to have two forms of valid identification.
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Our society has been inundated with assault rifles under the guise of hunting rifles. So yes, I do blame hunters for supporting groups like the NRA and not calling for stricter gun laws in the first place. Like @Fogdog has been saying for a while, if responsible gun owners don't do something about gun violence, we will, and you're not going to like what we do.
My point is you won’t do shit with your all or nothing fight, kind of like what is/has been accomplished. By threatening gun owners/hunters by saying shit like we won’t like it is really not helping your cause. I don’t support what the NRA stands for either, but by your reasoning all gun owners do, they don’t support what I think should be responsible gun ownership. But if it came between you and all hunters are assholes and the NRA and me keeping my guns I’d probably think about supporting them instead of the support I give to logical thought out gun control groups. I truly believe hunters and the programs we have here to become a hunter/gun owner are working. Now we need to tackle the illegal/criminal issues and the social issues that are actually causing the deaths of innocents. My point is your distinction between legal law abiding gun owners and NRA second amendment nuts is clouded. 97% of US citizens want assault rifles banned and more controls, can’t be all non gun owners now can they?
So your argument is that the Earth can support eleven billion people, but only a few million deer, lulz. Also, when does an over whelming majority become not a stereo type? For every responsible hunter I could show you one hundred beer drinking, belt bursting, gas guzzling, side of the road shitting, littering assholes.
Now your just full of crap re 1-100 hunters not being ethical FFS, you have lost all credibility in your argument so no sense wasting time.
My point is you won’t do shit with your all or nothing fight, kind of like what is/has been accomplished. By threatening gun owners/hunters by saying shit like we won’t like it is really not helping your cause. I don’t support what the NRA stands for either, but by your reasoning all gun owners do, they don’t support what I think should be responsible gun ownership. But if it came between you and all hunters are assholes and the NRA and me keeping my guns I’d probably think about supporting them instead of the support I give to logical thought out gun control groups. I truly believe hunters and the programs we have here to become a hunter/gun owner are working. Now we need to tackle the illegal/criminal issues and the social issues that are actually causing the deaths of innocents. My point is your distinction between legal law abiding gun owners and NRA second amendment nuts is clouded. 97% of US citizens want assault rifles banned and more controls, can’t be all non gun owners now can they?
Why do you hunters
need guns when you could use pick up trucks or even scissors and paper clips? Isn’t that the argument gun mentalists use when there’s a mass shooting, “ oh they’d find a way, look at all the knife crime in the uk, you can’t walk the streets without being eviscerated”.
Find another hobby which makes your penis look big, monster trucks should do it.