Gun control is coming

We need it tbh, our gun laws are as nuts as me, who is mentally ill enough that the VA gives me %100 disability p&t, ue (permanent and total, unemployable) but I can walk into a gun shop and walk out with a weapon and ammo in under an hour.
not trying to be nosey, but i'm curious about the your qualifying condition mental, or is it physical and you just consider yourself crazy?
being disabled shouldn't be a bar to gun ownership, being mentally disabled, should be...
We need it tbh, our gun laws are as nuts as me, who is mentally ill enough that the VA gives me %100 disability p&t, ue (permanent and total, unemployable) but I can walk into a gun shop and walk out with a weapon and ammo in under an hour.

Sorry to hear about your mental illness. I've known a few vets that have issues from taking part in warfare.

Without forcible use of guns though how will the V.A. get it's money to then give you money?

Are you saying the general population should have some sort of gun regulations imposed on them because of your situation?

Who will impose it and how will they enforce it?
not trying to be nosey, but i'm curious about the your qualifying condition mental, or is it physical and you just consider yourself crazy?
being disabled shouldn't be a bar to gun ownership, being mentally disabled, should be...
I have borderline personality disorder and bipolar 2, on top of c-ptsd, physically I’m about as healthy as can be, mentally they probably shouldn’t have let me in the army to begin with
Sorry to hear about your mental illness. I've known a few vets that have issues from taking part in warfare.

Without forcible use of guns though how will the V.A. get it's money to then give you money?

Are you saying the general population should have some sort of gun regulations imposed on them because of your situation?

Who will impose it and how will they enforce it?
confiscation would be the only way to solve americas gun violence problem. But it’s not even remotely practical and would cause a whole lot of death to even attempt. But restricting what can be purchased is a good idea, you don’t have a human right to weapons of war. Nobody needs a magazine fed semi automatic rifle or a pistol with an 18 round magazine. Schools don’t deserve to be shot up for some ridiculous notion of freedom.
confiscation would be the only way to solve americas gun violence problem. But it’s not even remotely practical and would cause a whole lot of death to even attempt. But restricting what can be purchased is a good idea, you don’t have a human right to weapons of war. Nobody needs a magazine fed semi automatic rifle or a pistol with an 18 round magazine. Schools don’t deserve to be shot up for some ridiculous notion of freedom.

Government schools are funded in a confiscatory way.

If you don't share that idea and simply want to be left out of that, won't men with guns eventually come and force you out of your house and kill you if you resist? Are you saying those men with guns aren't human or have no human right to do that?
he was without that right to begin with.

No. Rights which are being prevented from being exercised aren't nonexistent.

For example -

You know I own a bicycle and ask me if you can use it for the day. I agree. While you are trying to get the bike, a large bear claiming to be government comes, throws you clear of the bike, drags you into the woods and shits on you. (that's what bears do in the woods).

You would have the right to go and get a gun and shoot the shitty bear and ride off into the sunset. That's a shitty analogy for arming against bears but I've had a long day and that's all I got.
Every human has the same rights. Problem is many governments across the world limit people's rights by taking away their freedom to exercise
Remember when Obama was going to take everyone's guns? It was hilarious watching people panic buying, stocking up on ammunition, and generating massive profits for the gun manufacturers. All fueled by the NRA which is nothing more than the marketing division for gun manufacturers. In the end no guns were taken away.

Grifters were even writing books about it in hopes of profiting off of the false fear people had.

"The gun rights debate isn’t just about firearms. It’s about protecting a fundamental right that is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. It’s about politicians who lie, manipulate, and outright break existing laws to get what they want. It’s about President Obama wanting a bigger federal government to control you. Not just your guns—you."
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Regnery Publishing; Illustrated edition (September 3, 2013)

The truth about Obama taking away people's guns:

In his first month in office, Obama overturned a 20-year ban on loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges. Licensed gun owners from any state can now carry concealed, loaded weapons on federal land.

Ten months later, as part of an omnibus spending bill, Obama reversed a decade-long ban on transporting firearms by train. Amtrak travelers can now carry unloaded, locked weapons in their checked baggage.

These actions, and others, are what earned Obama an "F" from the Brady Center for Gun Violence in 2010 for "extraordinary silence and passivity" on gun control. But Obama saw the moves differently.

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In the 700+ mass shootings in the U.S. for 2022, how many of them involved the government against citizens? How many of the 800+ in 2021, or the almost 700 in 2020? Let's be totally transparent and even include events like January 6th, where the government would be most likely to shoot more than 4 citizens.
When 138 police officers are injured in the line of duty at a single location, surely that would result in a mass shooting event, no? If there was ever a time the government was going to shoot citizens, being that almost none of the citizens present at J6 would have had guns themselves, and citizens there were trying to subvert government control, would that not be the text book case where a government mass shooting event would happen?
Maybe I'm being too narrow minded, so maybe we should expand and look at including any of the G7 countries. Some of those countries have really strict gun laws for citizens, and that's the concern, right?
Nonsense. She participated in seditious violence. Had her fellow insurgents caught legislators, is there any doubt that they would have done them harm?

i just noticed...the weak ass fucks can't even tie a real is that shit^ ?
fucking magats can't even lynch a motherfucker right.
i just noticed...the weak ass fucks can't even tie a real is that shit^ ?
fucking magats can't even lynch a motherfucker right.
Carpentry is pretty cut-rate, too.
But the intent was communicated just fine.

Like when a drunk says Bish you know he isn’t talking about his buddy Bishop.

That noose looks like they used a beer can as a former. Rope doesn’t even go through.
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LOL, you think I'm the crazy one because I don't expect the police to fight back with equal force like it's a college bar brawl? You call that crazy, I call that common sense.

I don't want to get off topic though, this is about gun control. I'm still waiting to see how many mass shooting events that the governments of the G7 have done against citizens. I want to understand why some are so afraid of government, and showing me examples would do that.
I suggest you may find a different tack fruitful.

Consider the libertarian delusion complex. You’ve experienced libertarian thought being presented by some here. To libertarians, central government is inherently evil.

The great irony is that practicing the libertarian trinity (small central government enforced by low or no taxation, states’ rights, unregulated market) rolls out the red carpet for fascism, which would seem antithetical to libertarianism. The deeper you dig, the more exploitable (by authoritarians) utopianism you encounter. They say they fear intrusive government, while working to plow the ground for it.