Growing secrets from badass growers


Well-Known Member
First take a shit in a hole then throw EXACTLY 13 white widows seeds in. Fill in the hole with old wet newspaper.

In EXACTLY 13 weeks you will have 3,600 lbs of marijuana.

Ok thats my secret I admit it . . .


Active Member
these aren't secrets, just common sense. :clap:
Yep... and if you see any of my pictures, you'll see I follow common sense. I don't have AC running thru my lights because it's 20-50 degrees F here from like Oct thru April, (at this moment: 24* with 8" snow, 1/2" of ice, and another inch of snow on top of that) and I don't need to... but next summer when it gets hot, I probably will.

I was trying to elaborate on his common sense so people who may not have any experience setting up lights and such might be a little more informed about how to set things up in a non jury-rigged manner.

I realize I'm brand new to this site, but I'm not ignorant, and I really hope that isn't setting the tone to how you talk to new people. This site is a wealth of information and I look forward to trying to help people learn through my own experiences, and trying to learn new stuff myself. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yep... and if you see any of my pictures, you'll see I follow common sense. I don't have AC running thru my lights because it's 20-50 degrees F here from like Oct thru April, (at this moment: 24* with 8" snow, 1/2" of ice, and another inch of snow on top of that) and I don't need to... but next summer when it gets hot, I probably will.

I was trying to elaborate on his common sense so people who may not have any experience setting up lights and such might be a little more informed about how to set things up in a non jury-rigged manner.

I realize I'm brand new to this site, but I'm not ignorant, and I really hope that isn't setting the tone to how you talk to new people. This site is a wealth of information and I look forward to trying to help people learn through my own experiences, and trying to learn new stuff myself. :joint:

no one called you ignorant. i have no idea what you are talking about. i was simply stating a fact. :-|


Active Member
no one called you ignorant. i have no idea what you are talking about. i was simply stating a fact. :-|

Okay sorry the :clap: threw me off, like "Hey, you can regurgitate common sense! Hooray for you!" I'll go take a bong hit now. ;)


Well-Known Member
heres one:

during the first couple weeks of flowering search your plants for every possible bud spot and do your best to tie branches down and fold leaves behind eachother to unblock any light. this will allow maximum exposure to all ur budsites. six to eight weeks later all those little sites u helped will be colas
i dont know why everybody is giving this guy shit...

i have to do this constantly with a scrog... thats basically what the screen is all about.


Well-Known Member
i dont know why everybody is giving this guy shit...

i have to do this constantly with a scrog... thats basically what the screen is all about.

He said move the leaves out of the way of the light, not spread for optimal light to leaves at all, stacking them on top of eachother when tying them down in the dark is the impression I got.

didn't he?

You two do that too?


Well-Known Member
nah, i think he was saying to move the big fan leaves out of the way of the little bud sites... in a screen this is completely necessary, you'll have a screen full of leaves if you dont... i want a screen full of buds, so you have to find the sites and get them under the light and into the screen...

you dont have to, but thats how you increase your yield with a screen... or LST - i would do it outside too, i would cut a fan leaf off it was blocking a bud site - i know the leaves are what generate the power, but bud sites that get no light do not benefit from that at all... just look down at the bottom of the plant where its always nice and shady... tiny popcorn nugs


Well-Known Member
well ill be dipped in shit and rolled in bread crumbs.. i have been doing it all wrong.. im gonna go chop off all of my fan leaves right now! they are blocking all my bud sites!!!


Well-Known Member
that was 6 plants - in ebb & flow hydro... could have done with less plants tho - the last pic, i chopped some of the buds before i remembered to take a pic...

moving the fan leaves out of the way of the bud sites is peasant work though, i wouldnt worry about it if i had an acre and a half of 20 ft trees ;-)


Well-Known Member
...hand lotion removbes sticky off your hands. glop some on, smear it around your hands then wipe it off with a dry towel or rag or whatever. takes the sticky right off...
WAIT a minute... you use Hand Lotion to get sticky stuff OFF your hands?! How come whenever I use hand lotion i seem to get sticky stuff ON my hands ?!?!

ooops... that was suppose to be a SECRET !!!



Well-Known Member
two things....

dont ever count your eggs befor they hatch...
and fuck grow stores...home depot and can almost find everything you need to build a perfect room...