Growing secrets from badass growers

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
if the plant is showing pre flowers does that mean its time to bud? the plants are from 9 to 14 inches

Its a stage in Veg called Preflower.

Its a sign of a plant that has reached Sexual Maturity.

So the first sign of Sex is when the plants become Sexually Mature during the Veg stage.

And its known as Preflower.


Chap 1: The Life Cycle of Cannabis

Chap 2: Propagation of Cannabis Part 1

Chap 2: Propagation of Cannabis Part 2

Chap 3: Genetics and Breeding of Cannabis Part 1

How about a rep point?:mrgreen:


Active Member
now that is a good "secret". Actually the word "Tips" would have been more appropriate to start off this thread....I don't know what I was thinking....I was just like .... man wouldn't this make one hell of a badass thread to say it like that instead of "Tips from your local Flowerandry (or whatever the hell you'd call a marijuana growing/selling place). Hey man....I like totally thought of the best name fer a dispensary dude.... The Flowerandry. Oh Fuck I better not say anything coz someone will steal it fer sher. derrrrrrrrrrrrr..............ffffffffff..........tttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............that's me farting.


stays relevant.
two things....

dont ever count your eggs befor they hatch...
and fuck grow stores...home depot and can almost find everything you need to build a perfect room...
I've got to say that I've never found air cooled reflectors, light movers, carbon scrubbers, quality fans at HD or bLowes...

Can't knock grow stores, when it comes to grow rooms- they know better than the staff at home depot, and have better quality products that a lot of what home depot might sell...

Plus name one home depot that carries hydroton or growcubes, ya know?


New Member
Mr.Growtech has a point i really have only found CFL and a few HPS bulbs at home depot or lowes oh and wood.


Well-Known Member
Its a stage in Veg called Preflower.

Its a sign of a plant that has reached Sexual Maturity.

So the first sign of Sex is when the plants become Sexually Mature during the Veg stage.

And its known as Preflower.


Chap 1: The Life Cycle of Cannabis

Chap 2: Propagation of Cannabis Part 1

Chap 2: Propagation of Cannabis Part 2

Chap 3: Genetics and Breeding of Cannabis Part 1

How about a rep point?:mrgreen:
Asking for rep is silly. What do you think rep points are good for anyway? You can't cash them in for free goodies or anything and it's not going to make you cooler or smarter or more attractive to women (or men, or trannies or whatever you're into.) It's also not going to make people take your advice more seriously or make it more right.

Anyway that guy asked if it means it's time to flower and the answer is a simple "if you want to". He doesn't have to. Yea you were right about it being preflower and mature but you missed the point I think, then put the links so he didn't need to read a book worth of stuff to find the answer in it. But that was cool that you gave the links and are contributing.

Sorry for nitpicking, the whole rep system irks me sometimes. People are so eager to earn worthless reps they are giving advice that's totally wrong or on topics they don't understand. (not referring to you at all, just in general.) It is nice when people try to help, but noob after noob after noob are going nuts for reps and I think it's costly and negative to the board as a whole.

Can I get only negative reps from everyone on this please? I think it would be cool to be in the red with -1000 reps.


Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Asking for rep is silly. What do you think rep points are good for anyway? You can't cash them in for free goodies or anything and it's not going to make you cooler or smarter or more attractive to women (or men, or trannies or whatever you're into.) It's also not going to make people take your advice more seriously or make it more right.

Anyway that guy asked if it means it's time to flower and the answer is a simple "if you want to". He doesn't have to. Yea you were right about it being preflower and mature but you missed the point I think, then put the links so he didn't need to read a book worth of stuff to find the answer in it. But that was cool that you gave the links and are contributing.

Sorry for nitpicking, the whole rep system irks me sometimes. People are so eager to earn worthless reps they are giving advice that's totally wrong or on topics they don't understand. (not referring to you at all, just in general.) It is nice when people try to help, but noob after noob after noob are going nuts for reps and I think it's costly and negative to the board as a whole.

Can I get only negative reps from everyone on this please? I think it would be cool to be in the red with -1000 reps.

I'll be sure to not give you one then:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Asking for rep is silly. What do you think rep points are good for anyway? You can't cash them in for free goodies or anything and it's not going to make you cooler or smarter or more attractive to women (or men, or trannies or whatever you're into.) It's also not going to make people take your advice more seriously or make it more right.

Anyway that guy asked if it means it's time to flower and the answer is a simple "if you want to". He doesn't have to. Yea you were right about it being preflower and mature but you missed the point I think, then put the links so he didn't need to read a book worth of stuff to find the answer in it. But that was cool that you gave the links and are contributing.

Sorry for nitpicking, the whole rep system irks me sometimes. People are so eager to earn worthless reps they are giving advice that's totally wrong or on topics they don't understand. (not referring to you at all, just in general.) It is nice when people try to help, but noob after noob after noob are going nuts for reps and I think it's costly and negative to the board as a whole.

Can I get only negative reps from everyone on this please? I think it would be cool to be in the red with -1000 reps.

thanks man..thats what i needed...i think ill letem gro a little more....

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Asking for rep is silly. What do you think rep points are good for anyway? You can't cash them in for free goodies or anything and it's not going to make you cooler or smarter or more attractive to women (or men, or trannies or whatever you're into.) It's also not going to make people take your advice more seriously or make it more right.

Anyway that guy asked if it means it's time to flower and the answer is a simple "if you want to". He doesn't have to. Yea you were right about it being preflower and mature but you missed the point I think, then put the links so he didn't need to read a book worth of stuff to find the answer in it. But that was cool that you gave the links and are contributing.

Sorry for nitpicking, the whole rep system irks me sometimes. People are so eager to earn worthless reps they are giving advice that's totally wrong or on topics they don't understand. (not referring to you at all, just in general.) It is nice when people try to help, but noob after noob after noob are going nuts for reps and I think it's costly and negative to the board as a whole.

Can I get only negative reps from everyone on this please? I think it would be cool to be in the red with -1000 reps..

In response to above

thanks man..thats what i needed...i think ill letem gro a little more....

Yea really Mr high-thread count want's to be our personal monitor.:roll:

Back to the subject of secrets, how is sugar weed made? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has already been said, but I couldnt be bothered reading through 20 pages of flaming.

I see a lot of growers on RIU growing weed from seed, some then being disappointed with the results. I would have thought that it was common practice amongst growers but perhaps it is not so here is my grow tip.

Buy fem seeds and veg them all to about 1.5 feet. From there you should be able to see the ones that are struggling and the ones that are veracious. Take 1 clone from each noting which plant they come from then switch to flower.

Veg each clone into a mother while the parents are in bud.

At the end of your budding, note the one that gave you the most bud, if youre lucky there might be two of them. Some will struggle with budding, fan leaves will die early etc, they might stretch, or stunt, youre looking for the best of what you have.

Then after noting which gave you the best results, mark the clone of that one as your permanent mother or take a room full of clones from that mother and switch it with the rest, continuing only with that line of plants and budding out the rest to be never used again. It will give you the same results every harvest.

Getting your genetics right is half the battle for big bud. The first plants I had were from a clone from Afghanica No.1 strain that had been floating around here for ages. It had been cloned and recloned a zillion times before I received a clone of it, but because it had good genes it just kept popping big bud.

This is one way, no doubt others have other ways of doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
The way I described above obviously takes a lot longer than just buying seeds and vegging and flowering but once you get those genetics sorted, growing from clones will save you weeks in time everytime you run a cycle.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has already been said, but I couldnt be bothered reading through 20 pages of flaming.

I see a lot of growers on RIU growing weed from seed, some then being disappointed with the results. I would have thought that it was common practice amongst growers but perhaps it is not so here is my grow tip.

Buy fem seeds and veg them all to about 1.5 feet. From there you should be able to see the ones that are struggling and the ones that are veracious. Take 1 clone from each noting which plant they come from then switch to flower.

Veg each clone into a mother while the parents are in bud.

At the end of your budding, note the one that gave you the most bud, if youre lucky there might be two of them. Some will struggle with budding, fan leaves will die early etc, they might stretch, or stunt, youre looking for the best of what you have.

Then after noting which gave you the best results, mark the clone of that one as your permanent mother or take a room full of clones from that mother and switch it with the rest, continuing only with that line of plants and budding out the rest to be never used again. It will give you the same results every harvest.

Getting your genetics right is half the battle for big bud. The first plants I had were from a clone from Afghanica No.1 strain that had been floating around here for ages. It had been cloned and recloned a zillion times, but because it had good genes it just kept popping big bud.

This is one way, no doubt others have other ways of doing the same thing.
Dude good shit, close to secret, more like first hand experience of seeing a successful grow, good job