Growing in the Woods

average grow

Active Member
I am getting ready to transplant my seedlings. Its my first time growing and im concerned that my spot wont have enough direct sunlight due to trees above. It's an open canopy forest and the sun is out for around 13 hours a day. Am i going to be okay? Should I chop some surrounding trees down for better sun? Please Help!!!


Well-Known Member
plants should receive at least 6hours of direct sunlight. if ur gurls get 13hrs of direct or even double digits salutations to u my friend.^__^

South Texas

Well-Known Member
25 hours per day is better than 24 hours.... So, as much as possible. Our Ladies carries the same rule of thumb that tomatoes have "If there is a tree in the horizon, you have too much shade". Some indoor growers uses them T-15 lites, and gets happy over an Oz. per plants. There is a lot to be said for partial, indirect sunlight, but do what you can to get as much full sun as possible. If having to chose between morning or evening sun, go with the morning sun. I don't know why this is true, I think transpiration stunts the growth more in the evening than the morning sun. The Sun will be moving north a little each day until the solance- the longest day, so keep this in mind when you place them. I'd rather get more sun now, than later, when the indirect sun will be stronger. Capise? Cut the SHIT out of then trees.