Apr 11
Wondering if I didn't misdiagnose that "Light Burn". I'm seeing some minor, but persistent, clawing on Oranges #1 and #3, and all girls except Orange #2 have some upward curling along the edges of the leaves. Mango #2 is showing light yellowish-green coloration along the edges of her newer leaves.
I wondered if Nitrogen levels were too high, that's a lot of people's first suggestions with clawing, but the clawing is only happening slightly on the 2 Oranges, none on the Mangoes, growth is not slowed at all on any, in fact I'd say it's still fairly vigorous, and slowed growth is a tell-tale sign of Nitrogen toxicity, along with it affecting more of the leaves than just a few. I've seen almost a word-for-word description matching Calcium and Magnesium deficiency though, so I think that's what I'm (still, increasingly) dealing with as the girls get bigger. I may need a surfactant, because at 5ml/gal of CalMag, and pre-buffering the coir with %150 doses, I don't think I need to increase my Cal-Mag supplementation. Many other coco-growers have said they use this dosage throughout the grow. GH Flora-Trio nutes are still at 1-1-1 tsp/gal and are leveling off at around 800ppm, pH is around 6.2 (raised from the 5.~ that it ends up at after mixing Cal-Mag+Flora-Trio)
After reading up, I plan to decrease water given at each feeding, without decreasing the feedings/day or the hourly schedule. I've been getting larger amounts of run-off than needed to keep the coir at %90-100 moisture. Schedule is still 20/4 light cycle, and watering 4x/day; at Lights-On, 6 hours later, again another 6 hours later, and finally 4 hours later, which is 4 hours before Lights-Off, making it 8 hours until the next feeding at the next Lights-On.
During Flowering I'll have to switch to 3x/day watering, as to not interrupt the dark-cycle of the plants. 3x/day at Lights-On, 6 hours later at "mid-day", and 6 hours later at Lights-Off.
I've raised the lights up to around 22-24in, and spread them apart some. Changed the mounting to secure them a bit more as well.
Humidity is starting to become an issue. If the tent is closed, it almost immediately shoots up to around %61. With the door wide open and a fan pulling air out, it hovers around %55. Going to pick up a dehumidifier from Amazon soon-like. Very soon-like.
Temps have been good at between 70 and 74F.
Saw some dimpling/flat spots along the fan leaves of Oranges #1 &3 as well. Not sure about this texture issue. Will picture these issues, advice is welcome.
Still thinking they are outgrowing their current homes and need the up-potting soon. Started buffering a large batch of coir late night on the 10th and am doing the second buffer late night on the 11th (technically the 12th). Plan to up-pot to 3gal late-night on the 12th after a few rounds of fertigating the buffered mix.

Plenty of growth daily, but looking closer there are problems to be found....

yellowish centers on Mangoes

Dimpling/Flat spots, scattered around some fan leaves on Blackened Oranges

Rusty colored spots forming on some leaves, seems not to discriminate and affects Mangoes and Oranges both. Not all, but mostly on lower fans

Edges of leaves are curling slightly upward. Leaves themselves aren't taco-ing yet, just the slight curl. Mostly toward upper canopy.
I also had some red stems going on, that's gotten much better though since upping CalMag from 3 to 5ml/gal.
None of it has me too worried, but I would like them to look as healthy as possible and treat any symptoms before they're any more problematic. I just don't know how to treat it for what I believe it to be -- Calcium/Magnesium deficient. 5ml/gal of supplementation should be plenty, and these weeks (4 and 5) are scheduled for 1 tsp/gal of GH Flora-Trio in many grows I've seen. Until I can get some Armor-Si and some Diamond Nectar, I don't know how to make them uptake nutrients any more efficiently. Advice is appreciated, but I know I'm more likely to find it posting in the Help forums...