Mars Hydro PrimeDay Giveaway Grow Journal

Took a photo earlier this morning before lights went out to show how hard these girls be reaching up.


Gotta love that view. Hoping they're done stretching though cause the light is all the way at the top now. It seems like sugar leaves are on their way so that's a good sign.

Hope everyone is enjoying their October so far!
Picture update bomb!

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Took different photos than usual this time since they're getting into the action! Besides the Blueberry Beta, all the tops are the main branch. The BB was topped so I just grabbed a nearby one.

Edit* Also the Sour D Gamma went into flower a bit later cause I was gonna give it away, then it never left and joined the tent a week later.

Also, follow up auto photos since RIU does only 10 photos per post.
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Full plant photos since they're a bit smaller.


Gorilla Cookies

HulkBerry (I think she is a bit heat sensitive as it runs hotter in my tent and she wanted to be cold)

Lemon Auto

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Quick update for the week!

Noticed some pretty heavy foxtailing, and the Sour Diesel B was getting pretty stretchy too..whoopsie!

I should've invested the time to ScrOG everyone down and level out the canopy, but lesson learned for next grows. Plus at this height, my corner plants kinda got the short stick with the lighting itself.



To save height, I ended up zip tying the base to the roof tent pole supports. Worked really nicely honestly and I think will help curb my problem....for now. I'm leaving that one in the back as is cause fuck it why not. It was the one I tried to give away and gave the least attention too. I'll just use it as a personal learning tool to see it's reaction and effects as it grows.

Been snapping at that SD B too and it's been pretty cool to watch.

This photo was taken before the ones above it, showing their height.

This shot shows the 4 main snaps I've made so far, one I am still supporting a bit and twisting it to give a better angle.

Overall, been a super fun grow and I didn't expect any of them to be this big! Gonna try and make next grows a bit more refined and organized looking though now that I'm feeling better about the grow itself.

Bonus auto grow pic!

Autos feel so different compared to photos. For reference though, I've only grown two photos so far, but still. It's interesting to see them perform all the cycles pretty much at once.
I let them grow as they wanted to for the most part just to get a feel for them. Glad I have 4 lights to adjust the heights cause they're all over the place!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend! Love and peace!

Been super busy last couple weeks of October, so been lazy with documentation.

Not a lot to talk about other than the progression in flower. Today is week 7 since the flip.

Here are some pictures! Little write up below.




Sour Diesels: I thought they were foxtailing, but I think it's their general bud structure. Or it's just more sensitive genes and they're all just a little stressed. Either way, that stretchy sativa DNA coming through strong. Smells like that good ol' skunk gas.

Blueberries: One of them ended up in the prime spot and it's the only one I topped and the first plant I've topped. The nugs on this one are much fatter than it's corner stuck sister. Both smell like fresh bluebies though!

Criticals: In veg, they were doing amazing with great branching, but I feel like I did them dirty in flower with them being on the sides and getting light blocked by other plants. They have this sharp kush stank too them.

Overall, I have learned a ton on this second grow. I can see how energy is dispersed throughout the plant depending on the types of training. I've always been nervous to top a plant, but after seeing these results I will probably top plants one or twice in the future, then control them with a ScrOG. Regardless, it's been a fun grow trying to control and keep track of all these plants!

Auto tent update! It's been 54 days since the autos popped out the ground and they're doing great! Definitely can see the different genetics from plant to plant.

This is the view of the autos from my right side while looking at the front of the photoperiod tent.

Then from the front of the tent.


The HulkBerry (back right corner) BLEW UP while I was out of town for 2 days and had my wife water. I guess she just likes other females more cause I was about to call the plant my smallest.

Been some fun grows and I'm excited to get to harvest already!! But I'm guessing it won't be till early/mid December from how the development of the nugs are looking.

If you have any advice or comments, feel free to post! Peace and love!