Grove Bags. Why the hype?

What do you think about Grove Bags?

  • Legit - They work.

  • A Con - Marketing BS.

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Grove bags work and are not just hype. Ive tried both jar and grove bag method. Grove bag wins imho. I vote to try it they are cheaper then buying jars as well like others have mentioned
I tried Grove Bags on a whim, and I gotta say……..they are so much easier than mason jars. On another note…..if you jar it up at 60% rh , make sure that you check the humidity level in that room… could burp it and let moisture into the jar, if your ambient rh was higher than the contents of the jar…….
... On another note…..if you jar it up at 60% rh , make sure that you check the humidity level in that room… could burp it and let moisture into the jar, if your ambient rh was higher than the contents of the jar…….
This comes into my mind every time I hear about 'burping' jars (or bags).
This is what some people do not understand about “burping” the humidity needs to be higher in the room than the humidity in the jar…. If you don’t know both of these , you could be taking bud that was properly dried and adding moisture to it each time you burp…. I have been using Grove bags for three harvests and I am amazed that after 6 months the buds are still aromatic and amazing….. btw I am done with amber mason jars and burping . I dry my flowers to 55% for almost a month before placing them in grove bags… personal opinion is that this is perfect. Not everyone will agree.
This is what some people do not understand about “burping” the humidity needs to be lower in the room than the humidity in the jar…. If you don’t know both of these , you could be taking bud that was properly dried and adding moisture to it each time you burp…. I have been using Grove bags for three harvests and I am amazed that after 6 months the buds are still aromatic and amazing….. btw I am done with amber mason jars and burping . I dry my flowers to 55% for almost a month before placing them in grove bags… personal opinion is that this is perfect. Not everyone will agree.
This is what some people do not understand about “burping” the humidity needs to be higher in the room than the humidity in the jar….
You have that backwards.

If the RH% outside the jar is higher than inside the jar, opening the jar will not help to lower the RH%.
The jar's RH% would increase.

Conversely, if the RH% outside the jar is less than inside the jar, opening the jar would help to lower the RH% inside the jar when exposed to the outside air with lower RH%.
The jar's RH% would decrease.
i grabbed a few from the hydro store last time i popped in. the guy who worked there said he assumed it was hype bs but one of the employees bagged up a half oz and forgot it in there for almost a year and said it was still perfectly fresh with superb smell and taste when they found it.
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Hydro shop has them cheaper and its local. I will try a couple for my freebie handouts because sometimes i give away bud that could use a little more cure time. Beats waiting for my jar to return home.
I was reading their website and they assert that curing in their bags breaks down magnesium. Lost me there. Nobel physics prize bags there lol.
I use them now. They work. The trick is to get the buds stabilized in jars, first, and then transfer them into the bags. You need to heat seal the bags, too, and then not mess with them for several months.
Second the heat seal note. Did a slight control this harvest and did same strain, two bags. One sealed, one not. Sealed bag had better aroma and overall bud structure.
This is what some people do not understand about “burping” the humidity needs to be higher in the room than the humidity in the jar….

Burping has NOTHING to do with moisture.

Cannabis gets its goodies from lipid oxidation. The plant must respire (oxidize lipids) to produce its flavor and effect.

Grove bags are a scam in that I could take them to court for claiming to have invented the double layer mylar bag. High end commercial producers have been using 2 ply polyethylene since it was invented. Glass jars have been sabotage tactics like most other online grow info. Sorry kids it was a business move. Keeping yall chasing your tales.
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I got the same buds in a 2qt jar and a 1/2oz Grove bag. WiIl check it in a few days to see how RH compares. Jar has a Boveda 62 in it. Room humidity is about 40%. Buds been curing since the 18th of Oct before the test.
Burping has NOTHING to do with moisture.

Cannabis gets its goodies from lipid oxidation. The plant must respire (oxidize) to produce its flavor and effect.

Grove bags are a scam and I could take them to court for claiming to have invented the double layer mylar bag. Commercial producers have been using 2 ply polyethylene since it was invented.

The only scam is the pricing. Grove Bags “innovation” is finding the right layers of Mylar to sustain a particular humidity level by limiting evaporation and oxidation. They actually do this pretty well.