GreenGenez 4×8 VEGANIC Raised Bed

It's been approximately 1 week since emergence and judging on how the (2) Gorilla Glue Autos look, im going to transplant the rest of the seedlings in the bed today.

I have had a shit load of fungus gnats since I fired up the lights and began maintaining Temps at 80F.
Little cocksuckers thrive and breed at 75F up to 95F.
Foolishly I didn't prepare the hull much layer properly and had a outbreak. There's neem meal, in the substrate as an amendment and a layer of diomateous earth on top of it, then I hydrated everything with BTi.
So my solution to this was to daily apply BTi with a wand sprayer to the mulch layer. I also ordered predatory mites and released them 4 days ago nematodes were part of the watering of BTi. Yellow hanging fly tape and a UV 2000w zapper I hung. Yellow sticky cards are in the mail on the way. I'm happy to say now, the problem is very much under control and I'm not worried anymore.

Well, i have one concern and that's the chocolope seedling. She isn't developing as quickly as the rest and is 1 day older than her companion Gelato. She also isn't drying out her soil quick enough. Probably just a runt but the gnats are a possible cause. I'll keep her anyways and hope for the best. Otherwise she will get culled out. I have no room for inferior genetics in my garden.
Not much is going, still happy with my integrated pest management solution. The constant reoccurring POP of the 2000v UV zapper is comforting and the gnats count on the fly strip is building, that too is comforting. Whether before or after the adult has bred, they're fucking dead. And their offspring has that very same fate. Just gotta stay diligent and this too will pass.
GG autos are doing good, no burn or nothing yet.
All photo plants are fine as well. Just waiting for their roots to get thru the 4" mulch layer and into the substrate where the foods at!! However the main goal of inoculation with the Trichoderma via direct contact with the roots has been made.
I'll mix up some bokashi leechate and organic acids for everyone and juice each one up at planting site.
I'm debating purchasing a automated nutrient doser to add into the irrigation line. Now instead of irrigating I will be fertigating. I plan to use organic humic/fulvic acids and amino acids with the doser, mabey some soluble kelp extract. Not sure tho how these will affect my blusoak lines and whether maintenance will be required to preserve the porosity of the blusoak. Last thing I want is clogged drip lines.

Soil is staying consistent between 65 and 69mbar.

That's all for now.
If anyone has any experience with nutrient dosers I'd appreciate any input.
Well,..... I went ahead and ordered a nutrient doser and a electric solenoid irrigation timer. It's a manual timer with dials so I can set it to activate independently from the blumat irrigation system.

Now I'll just have to re-fabricate my 2gallon accumulator manifold. Oh the fun!! I love to tinker!
Interesting setup you have going there. I'm talking about the coco bed and blumats.

I've been looking into capillary mats and fabric pots of coco. I've been using blumats for years. I've never used the drip tape though. That's fairly new isn't it?
Interesting setup you have going there. I'm talking about the coco bed and blumats.

I've been looking into capillary mats and fabric pots of coco. I've been using blumats for years. I've never used the drip tape though. That's fairly new isn't it?
Thanks, I've been using blumats for quite a while now and I love them, I was blowing money on Amazon as usual and I saw the blusoak and had to have it. Shit is so much more simplified with the drip tape, and especially with a raised bed. Before I was running a 5" and a 9" to each 30gal fabric pot and it became a major chore just to dial in each pot. Now I have blusoak inside and outside in my other fabric beds. I won't grow without it.

Check out sustainable village, they have the capillary mat your looking for and the surface blumat to regulate it. They'll even custom make a desired size for your table. They're growers just like us and really down to earth people. Customer service is top notch and they go the extra mile.
I finally got around to dry fitting everything together. My original plan was to build a by-pass manifold, but all the ball valves, check valves and solenoids required for a high-flow system was too damn monotonous. And costly, considering I already spent more than I wanted to for this little addition.
The intended use here is a nutrient delivery system that is completely independent from the blumat system. It's scheduled intervals will be controlled by an electric solenoid that's preset.